Time Capsules 


Graphite pencil on art paper 



Graphite pencil on art paper 


The Classroom 

Graphite pencil on art paper 


Artist Statement

The main idea that guided this project was different art skills. For example a still life, I decided to draw my airpod case. A self portrait, obviously drew myself. Then lastly a corner of a room or hallway, I drew the corner of Mr. Dhyrberg's room. 

For all the the pieces I used only graphite pencil on art paper. I didn't use any other materials because they were just sketches that took like 20 mins each so it wasnt really necessary, but also the pencil helped me make shading my artwork. 

Making these pieces I just quickly scratched some lines on most part of it, just making rough lines being loose with everything. Then for some parts I went slower & made the shading. For example the small shading on the airpod case took a little longer then the light lines on the ceiling. I also didn't have to restart anything because I mostly thought about them as sketches so I trying not to be as perfectionate. 

The first thing I did was outline the leaves with the pencil, once I got it how I wanted it & it had close enough details to the leaves itself I outlined the leaves. Once I had the border outlined along with my leaves thats when I used the water color to make the blue which was soon resembled as the sky. I then used hb pencil to draw small hot air balloons within the negative space, then I went over them with pen to make the lines bold & clear. Lastly I added final details & made the border super dark, bold, & thick.