Pure Contour 

Hand Holding Rubber Band

9' x 12' 

Graphite on drawing paper 

Frontal view of a shoe 

9 x 12 

graphite on drawinf paper 

Profile of a shoe 

9 x 12 

Graphite on drawing paper 

Aerial view of a shoe 

9 x 12

Graphite on drawing paper 

Artist Statement 

The main idea of my first pure contour drawing is my hand holding a rubber band. We had a prompt of some how holding the rubber band with our fingers then drawing & I decided to wrap it around my pointer & middle fingers.

For this piece I used hb, 2h, & 4b pencils. I used the 2h pencil for light sketching to get the outline of my hand & on the inside of my hand I used it for very light lines like wrinkles. The hb pencil I used for many of the lines in my hand & i used it for the rubber band, making lines not to dark but not light & hairy. Then lastly I used the 4b pencil to outline my hand one final time to make sure the lines were bold & not hairy.

The first step I took in making this artwork was using the 2h pencil, creating the outline of my hand with hairy lines to get an idea of what looked right. Once I had my outline set I used the hb pencils for many of the wrinkles in my hand, & also to draw the rubber band intertwined with my fingers. Then again with the 2h pencil I drew light swirls on my finger tips to act as fingerprints. Finally I used the 4b pencil to erase the hairy outlined hand & made a crisp, dark outlined hand.