Wire Sculpture

Flower in a Vase


3inches by 9inches by 4 inches

The main idea that guides this artwork is simplicity and beauty. I wanted something that resembles everyday life, like a flower and vase. The wire body is made of minimal wire, making sure it was sturdy but not too many connections. The flowers I wanted to be dainty and pretty but also a pop of color. This vase I feel balances between the simple wire vase, and the chaotic, shiny, six flowers. When comparing to the orginial vase, mine I feel is bigger and more expressive. The flowers seem to stretch toward the sky, while the plastic ones dont.

The materials I used were wire cutters, needle nose pliers, and different widths of wires.

The process to create this started with brainstorming. To begin I figured out what I wanted to choose. I had many ideas, a box of tissues, elephant, shoe, and other objects around my house. I realized I wanted something simple but pretty. This is when I found my small plant, with a pink body and green plastic plants. Once I chose this, earlier we started to practice creating fish hook connections. This is when you join two small j's, connect, and tighten with the pliers. When I finally went to sculpting it started off wobbly. The more connections I did the stranger I became at it. Doing the flowers, I used moldable wire by hand.