Color Design

Colorful Mountain Range

Dimension 18" by 24"

Acrylic on Canvas

The main idea that guided my artwork is color theory and landscapes. I wanted to add a range of colors and incorporate landscape. I decided on mountains, water, and the sun. This further influenced my painting as I have a separate color theme for each piece. The sun was warmer colors, the water was very cool colors, and the mountains were a mix of both. I wasn't going for a realistic portrayal, just a colorful fun way to view this landscape. The colors also dictated whether I outlined them with sharpies or a thinner one.

This work was made from acrylic paints on canvas. The dimensions were 18" by 24". I used the primary colors plus black and white. I used these to mix and create my different shades.

The process behind this artwork started with a brainstorming idea. I wanted to do an animal like an elephant or some sort of landscape. My primary idea was to have trees and more details, yet that evolved the simpler bigger shapes. I felt as I could create a better-finished project. After I chose my final sketch and put it on my canvas, I started to paint. When painting I had to step away from my original plan. I was going to do yellow for the sun, but once realizing the darker shades were green, I put them on on the mountains instead. After I completed painting all the sections it still looked unfinished. This made me do a black outline with the oil sharpies. I did the mountains in thick lines along with the border for definition. I did the sun with a smaller line and the water with none. This was all to try to create depth.