Pure Contour Shoe Drawings

For this art project we were instructed to draw the shoes that we were wearing, from three different views. For my shoe I drew one of my crocs. First I started with the side view drawing. When I started I worked on the bottom of my croc and payed attention to all the lines that connected the shoe. After this, I spent a long time focusing on the shape of the top of the croc. Next I drew the birds eye view of my croc. This was the easiest view to draw because the lines were straight forward, and this is the one where I could add the most detail to my drawings. Finally, I drew the front view of my croc. Then I made sure I had purified all my lines, because this was a pure contour drawing. This took longer than I expected because the lines had to be precise for my originals but, I also had to erase my “sketchy” lines. For this drawing I really had to focus on the shape of the front of the croc. Getting the right shape at the right angle was the hardest part. After I finished all my contour drawings I erased the “hairy” or “sketchy” lines and made clean dark lines. Overall, I am very proud of the three views of my croc. If I were to do this project again, I would make my front view a little bit bigger.