Candy Still Life

For this unit we learned how to draw using shading. Our first project that we did was shading 4 spheres with four different materials. The materials we used were watercolor, colored pencil, charcoal and ink. In order for the shading to come out right you really had to keep layering, because it's really hard to shade going over one time. Another important thing about shading is making sure you have shadows. The shadow shows where the object is placed on something. for example for both of these projects especially the candy still life, there were shadows on our paper when we were drawing the candy. One thing for me that was really challenging about this projects was using charcoal. The texture of the charcoal pencil was really different, and was very dark. To make the charcoal lighter, I had to bled the charcoal. This was also hard for me because I kept smudging my spheres. To solve this problem, I used blue tape the next time I used charcoal and covered the area so it wouldn't smudge my other drawings. One thing I learned about this project was how to draw objects from different points of view and enlarge them. In the end I am kind of proud of my candy still life because I used the shading skills I learned to draw shadows for a 3D object, and I continued to learn more about shading. If I were to change one thing about my project it would be my background. I would just make it one color instead of three different color sections.