Thank you ZWNA

Post date: May 16, 2013 1:27:19 AM

May 14, 2013

Ms. Susan Martinez

Zach White Neighborhood Association

Dear Susan:

Thank you so much for taking part in this year’s Great American Cleanup.

This year’s event was very successful as almost 500 tons (960,000 lbs) of trash was collected from 30 sites throughout El Paso, and this was due in great part to the efforts put forth by engaged neighborhood leaders like you. It’s through the hard work and efforts of citizens like you, that made “America’s largest organized cleanup” a tremendous success in El Paso.

Each year, the Great American Cleanup encourages citizens in over 15,000 communities across the country to volunteer their time and energy to participate in recycling, litter cleanups, recycling drives, graffiti removal, community improvement projects, park renewal, and much more. Everyone that took part in this year’s Great American Cleanup – El Paso took the initiative to help brighten our community and in turn, greatly helped to improve the quality of life in our city.

I hope you will take part in next year’s Great American Cleanup event and I welcome your feedback, so we can continue to improve upon the coordination and logistics involved with making this massive city-wide effort a wonderful success. Please feel free to call me at (915) 490-6922 or email me at with your success stories from this year’s cleanup effort, and I highly encourage you to send me photos taken at your community cleanup so we can feature them in social media sites featuring positive community efforts.

Again, thank you so much for your active engagement, hard work, time and efforts.


Romie Ruiz

Environmental Services