Waun Fach Time Trial

11.2km/610m (7miles/2000ft)

Sunday 17th July 2022

8:30am - 11:00am (we need to ensure most runners leave the car park before midday). Mass start 10:00am.

Event HQ: Car Park, The Dragons Back, Pengenffordd, nr Talgarth, LD3 0EP

Parking £2.00. Event free.

Paper Map here

Over 18

You should pay £2 for each car parking here - just post through letter box in car park.

2021 Results (.pdf)

2020 Results (.pdf)

2019 Results (.pdf)


Paul Dodd


07977 912558

2011 Fell Race Video (Paul Dodd)

Time trial - using MapRun

The event this year will be licensed under WFRA. The route follows the 'original' fell race route from the track directly behind the Dragons Back Pub in Pengenfford.

It will be timed using the 'maprun app' for mobile phone. This records your time from start to finish (and each of the 6 checkpoints) automatically. No other timing will be available nor will there be marshals on the hill. On the day it will not be possible to navigate with the smart phone app (but a rough map as shown below will appear on your phone) - bring your own paper map or pick up one from the car park if you arrive between 8:30 and 10:00am. The RO will be heading for the finish point after 10:00am

Don't panic!

For those new to maprun don't panic! Basically you use an app on your phone to track you much like you'd use a garmin type watch. It's very easy to use.... and if you do have problems it's perfectly possible for you/me to create a result for you using a .gpx file you've downloaded from your strava or garmin connect account.

Start at any time between 8:30am and 11am. However, the plan is to have a distanced mass start at 10:00am to give those that like it, a 'race' feel to the event. The RO willl take names of those starting at 10:00am and set you off together.

The car park is used by pub goers and we don't want to jeopardize the future of the event by upsetting the landlord. The RO plans to be at the car park between 8:30am and 10:00am and will then be based at the finish on the hill fort until approx 12:30pm. If you need any assistance with the phone app prior to starting please find the RO in the appropriate spot.

At around 1pm the RO will be at Cwmdu village hall car park and will be happy to talk to you about your time/route, help fix any 'app' issues you encountered and provide a set of results for you to view. Please do not linger at the Dragons Back pub car park after the race unless you want to nip in to have a drink/meal. Another nice place for eating/drinking is the Farmers Arms in Cwmdu - it's a very friendly pub with a nice garden.

Since in effect this is a time trial, it will be perfectly possible for those attending to distance themselves from others as they see fit.

It is assumed that all runners have the necessary 'sound mountain judgement' and know how to keep themselves safe in the mountain environment. You must make sure that you either give your name and car reg to the RO before setting off or make arrangements for an emergency contact who can raise the alert if you are not back by a specified time (just as you would do on a solo walk in the hills in any case).


The MapRun app for this route on the day can not be used to navigate. Once started, just place your mobile phone in bumbag/pocket and it will continue to record your progress and time you between checkpoints and then stop the stopwatch when you get to the finish. Please go into your phone settings and ensure that you have allowed the app to 'run in the background'... or it will go to sleep and not record your run.

Parking for the event is at the 'Dragons Back' pub in Pengenfford - please remember to pay £2 to park - funds are donated to mountain rescue. The event has no connection with the pub, but we do have permission to use their car park.

Before you leave home you need to download an app onto your phone (at home or anywhere were there is wifi or a good 4G mobile signal). Then download the map for the event too. When you get to the car park you start up the app, check it says the right route, then press 'go to start'. Then make your way to the start.

You do not need a mobile signal on the route if you have downloaded the map already at home. Getting your phone to acquire satellites on the route will be fine as there are few trees/buildings to block the signal.

The app automatically starts timing as soon as you pass over the start line and beeps to let you know you’ve started. On your phone there will be a fairly accurate map showing the features around you and the checkpoints you need to visit - you don't need to use this as paper maps will be available if you arrive when the RO is at the car park.

There are 6 checkpoints along the route. As you pass by each, the phone emits a beep and times how long it took you to get there. At the finish the app records your overall time and uploads your result to an overall table of results.

Using the MapRun app means we do not need marshals on the hill to time intermediate points and check runners stick to the route. There is also no need for anyone to time the event, record runners coming in and produce a set of results. This is all done automatically by the app and times are uploaded to an overall set of results which everyone can view. After the run you can see a track of where you went.

The route is not 'technical', being mostly on pleasant paths, and in fact much of the old mountain pathway in and around Waun Fach itself, has now been paved or surfaced in gravel.

This route is in a mountain environment. The route is not suitable for those without the necessary fell running or mountain walking experience. You need to take with you appropriate equipment (clothing, footwear, navigational tools etc) and you need to have the right skills to cope with what could be very difficult conditions. Don't make the silly mistake of assuming that as it's hot and sunny in the car park that it will be equally pleasant on the top of Waun Fach!

If you are in any doubt about the above then make sure you go with someone who does have the right skills.

As well as using your phone to navigate by and to record your outing it is essential that you also have adequate backup plans for navigation and route finding - printed maps and a map and compass.

Find a downloadable map of the route to print off here: Paper Map

You need to do two things before arriving on the day.

1/ Get the app on your phone.

2/ Get the map (route) for Waun Fach set up on your phone:

1/ Downloading the app from your fav place:





or search for Maprun6, by FNE Enterprises

Please make sure you have the most up to date version of the MapRun app installed on your phone.

You’ll need to set up the app with your personal details then download the map at home (don’t try at the venue as there is no mobile signal).

2/ To get the race map onto your phone, first start up the app then click:

Select Event - UK - Wales - South Wales Trails - Waun Fach West

The map will take a few moments to download. You can view the map by clicking 'go to start'.

At the venue just go the app on your phone. When ready for the off in the car park press 'go to start'. Keep away from the start line until you are ready to start racing. Walk/run towards the start line when you're ready for the off. As you cross the start point on the track below the car park, your phone will bleep and you're on your way.All timing starts from the beep.

Doing the run before the event day...or after it... in fact anytime.

If you want to try all this before the day of the race (or anytime after) you can. On your phone after initiating the app and downloading the map as above at home:

This map is exactly the same as the race map, and all results appear in the same place. The RO will be able to extract the results for the day of the race to create a set of results for the day.

Phone issues:

There are many different makes and models of phone. It's not possible go through all of the issues you might encounter with your particular one. However, here are a few general pointers:

    • Make sure your phone is fully charged before you set off

    • Make sure your phone will allow this app to 'run in the background'. This means that when your screen goes off (because you've turned it off or it goes to sleep) the app is still tracking your progress. In settings, go to apps and choose MapRun to see the settings

    • Make sure you have the 'media' volume turned up to max so you can hear the beep.

    • If when you get to a checkpoint your phone does not beep, it may be that your phone has gone to sleep. Just turn the screen on and wait a few seconds and your phone may then register the checkpoint.

    • If your phone does not beep when you get to a checkpoint it might be that your phone's gps is not accurate enough for some reason. If you walk around a bit and back and forth it may then register the checkpoint. Older phones can have this problem sometimes. You can go into settings to check that you have the highest possible gps accuracy - this is often under battery settings as a higher gps accuracy is more demanding of battery power.

    • If your run does not upload to the overall set of results after, it may be because there is no phone signal. Don't worry it should automatically upload when you are in a wifi zone or a place with a good 3g/4g signal lter. If it doesn't then you can try a manual upload. If you still have problems the RO can add you to the results if you send him a gpx file of your route.