Skirrid Night Hill Race
AS 4.0km/350m (2.5 miles/1150ft)
Thursday 11th May 2023
9pm. £5, juniors £1
Event HQ: National Trust Car Park: SO328164
w3w: dashes.planting.repeating
I’m lead to believe there is no charge after 6pm.
Start / finish: Adjacent to Car park.
Age limit: Over 14 on the night.
Records (new route):
Note, if entering a junior runner: The race consists of two climbs, the first of which few adults will be able to run up. The 2nd climb, probably none of them. This means that it is highly likely juniors could be out for over an hour, at night, in the rain, with a failing torch. Is your offspring prepared for this ?
The parent/guardian must be present to complete and sign entry form, if U18.
Prizes: Hamper for 1st Male/Female. No idea what’ll be in it. Also, random beer for random places.
Compulsory Kit: (carried or worn)
· Good off-road shoes. Do not attempt to let your ‘junior’ entrant run in road shoes. It can be very slippery if wet. Adults must also have good off-road shoes.
· Windproof top. Note: This does not mean a ‘long sleeved thermal base layer’, with a running vest over the top, it means a genuinely wind proof top, designed for the purpose. The race Organiser may insist that juniors wear this when they start, and don’t just carry it.
· Torch, ideally worn on the head. Chest torches are inherently dangerous if you fall forwards on to a hard surface. I would strongly advise against them. Neither can you see around bends wearing them. Yes, there are some steep down hill bends to see around ! Make sure the batteries are new/fully charged.
Results: There will not be results on the night. If you want a time, your race number must be visible when you finish.
Toilets/First Aid: There will not be an ‘official’ first aid provider present, although I can resolve most issues. Note however, that you will have to sit quietly, bleeding to death in the corner, until I have finished recording times. It’s not all about you. There are no toilets.
The Course: Up the lane, into the woods. The path snakes uphill on a footpath, crossing several new forestry roads, to arrive at a gate in a wall. Through the gate, turn left and continue for about a mile, skirting the western flanks of the Skirrid. This path winds its way through the woods, gently uphill in its 2nd half, before a short descent leads around to a sharp right turn and what becomes a very steep ‘hands on knees’ climb up to the summit Trig. This steep climb is the only bit of the course shared with the winter route. Then, a lovely fast descent down the ridge, into the top of the woods. Taken at any degree of commitment there are some slightly scary stone steps to descend which shortly bring you back to the gate in the wall. Turn left through the gate, and descend the footpath down through the woods, to the track and the Finish.
Course markings: There will be enough to get you up to the gate in the wall, and the left turn into the woods. There will not then be any markings until the right turn, off this path, up to the steep summit climb. The Trig point marshal will direct you down the gentle ridge towards the start/finish. The ridge is not marked. There will be one arrow that takes you off the ridge (although the path is obvious) and to the top of the steps. The route from the gate is a reverse of the way out, but will be marked with reflective arrows. Don’t fall over on the descent.
Retirals: If you start the race, but wish to retire at any point, you MUST report directly to the Race Organiser at the Finish, on the night, no matter how inconvenient to you. Unless dead.