Tour of Torpantau Fell Race
AM 12.8k/760m (8 miles/2,500ft)
Not planned for 2024
Saturday March 2023.
11:00 am. £7.00 (£3 for WFRA members).
Entry via Fabian4.
Event HQ
Upper Blaen y Glyn car park
(GR SO 056176) on Pontsticill - Aber Village road.
Over 18.
Full kit and good navigational skills required.
Ben Mitchell 1:02:29 2020
Helen Brown 1:17:37 2015
Organiser: Andrew Blackmore
01633 882558 / 07809 404181
2018 Results (.pdf)
2018 Report
2017 Results(.xls)
2017 Results (.pdf)
The Course
Course Description: The race starts at the top end of the car park and includes 3 checkpoints which must be visited in the correct order, namely:
§ CP1 - Fan y Big summit: GR SO 036206,
§ CP2 - Cribyn summit GR SO 024213 and
§ CP 3 - Stile/ entrance to Blaen y Glyn forest at GR SO 059183. Finish at top end of car park.
Cut off Time: Competitors must reach CP1 (Fan y Big summit) within 50 minutes - failure to do so will result in competitors being compulsorily retired from the race.
CP1 & 2 will be manned and competitors must identify him/herself to the marshal and NOT leave that checkpoint until the marshal has acknowledged that their number has been recorded. CP3 is unmanned but should be marked by red and white hazard tape.
The race map indicates a possible route that competitors may wish to follow. It does not purport to be the most direct/ fastest route as it largely follows the Beacons Way which transverses the plateau. The indicated grassy descent to CP3 is off path and rather steep - competitors should judge this in light of their own capabilities, ground conditions and weather on the day.
Fences & Walls: I shouldn't really have to say this, but for the avoidance of doubt, all fence/ wall crossings must be made via gates or stiles. The crossing/ climbing of any stone wall or fence is prohibited and will result in disqualification.
Dogs: This is sheep country - no dogs.