If you are putting on races with a small budget you can create a set of results for free. Some knowledge of spreadsheets will be needed but only how to type in entries into columns and rows and how to save a spreadsheet as a 'csv file. The results software - 'Racepartner' is very user friendly.
You will need:
1. To record times and bib numbers at finish
2. Software to generate results – 'Racepartner' (Chepstow developed – this is free)
3. Spreadsheet of entry data – either from on-line provider or excel sheet for entries on the day. Or both.
1. Two different methods (which enable you to record bibs and times electronically and very quickly are:
a/ parkrun system: use parkrun volunteer app to create ‘times file’ on smart phone. I suggest you have two independent timers on the finish line - they can confer that they have same number of finishers. Send file by email to computer running results software. Manually record finishing bib numbers on paper – someone looks over shoulder and creates ‘google sheet’ on smart phone. After last finisher, computer running the results software accesses the ‘bib numbers in google sheet (within google drive) and combines ‘times file’ sent by email to create a spreadsheet with column headings: pos, bib, time. This is saved as .csv file.
b/ ‘racetimer’ system: this free software enables user to enter bib numbers and times at finish line at the same time. You must run the software ‘racetimer’ on a laptop. It’s best to attach small numeric keypad. You still need backup of manually recorded bib numbers on paper – this is because if 3 finish at same time, or close together, it’s impossible to record 3 bib numbers. The system allows you to put in missing bib numbers during a ‘slack’ time when few runners are finishing. I suggest the finish funnel is a U shape, with the exit of the finish funnel being alongside the actual finish line. This way the person operating 'racetimer' can confer with the people recording the bib numbers manually - to both check they are on the same number of finishers and also so the person operating 'racetimer' can fill in any missing bib numbers by asking the recorder what they are. After last finisher, you can save the file on a USB stick/pen and transfer to the results computer running ‘racepartner’ software – this is already in the correct format with pos, bib, time (.csv file). 'Racetimer' is not available on the web anymore - you will need to contact me and I can send you a copy - it runs on any laptop.
2. Racepartner. This free software is available from Geoff Cram (who wrote it). You will be able to run it on one computer only. He creates a code so you won't be able to pass it on to others - this is just so he can keep a check on who has it.
The software can be configured to give results in what ever way you want – 10 years age cats or 5 years, teams of 3 or 4 or none at all etc etc. You only need to set up your race requirements (parameters), entry data, times/bibs as in 1/ above.
All Rogueruns and Chepstow Harriers results use this platform. It's very powerful and very flexible.
3. Entry data: Can be from on-line entry portal or typed out at event (EOD) or both. Data needs to in spreadsheet format with column headings: bib, firstname, surname, dob, club. Saved as a .csv file.
You can find out more about the software on it's own website - www.racepartner.co.uk
Below is a screenshot of the 'racetimer' software. This must be run on a small laptop at the finish line. I suggest the finish funnel is a U shape, with the exit of the finish funnel being alongside the actual finish line. This way the person operating racetimer can confer with the people recording the bib numbers manually - to both check they are on the same number of finishers and also so the person operating 'racetimer' can fill in any missing bib numbers by asking the recorder what they are.
Finish funnel protocol: U shape is best - this means timer and bib recorders will be close and can talk about how many have finished and what errors may have occurred. At the end of the finish funnel where the bib recording is happening, runners are not allowed to leave unless they have been recorded - an extra person here to ensure everyone has been recorded is important in busy races with many in the finish funnel. Just like parkrun finishing, another helper to make sure no one steps out of the finish funnel is also a good idea.
Here are 3 screenshots - the first is from 'racetimer', the next is from the parkrun volunteer app for timing and the last is of a google sheet on an android phone (to collect bib numbers electronically).