Story Telling

With a partner, create an app which should have two or more on-screen characters that use dialog to tell a story or joke. After speaking the characters should then move. This should be done in "regular" App Lab and not in the Maker App. You do not need to use the CPX for this lab.

For an example, run the following program, shown at left below:

You will need to create your own version, with your own background, characters, and dialog telling a joke or a story. Use the following code as your starting point, as it provides the functions to "say" and "move", illustrated in the diagram at right below:

Grading Rubric:

  1. ( 1 point) App visually has interesting background and characters. At some point characters move. Note that when using the sample code I've given you characters must first speak and then last can move.

  2. ( 1 point) App tells a cohesive story or joke, using the "say" functions I've provided or implementing similar functionality through code of your own.

  3. ( 1 point Extra Credit) Your app goes above-and-beyond in terms of visuals, sound, or interaction.

Turning it in:

Be sure both your name and your partner's name are at the top of your code.
Share your app and copy the resulting URL.
Submit the URL using this Google Form.