Problem Solving

George Polya wrote a 1945 book: "How to Solve It"

General problem-solving steps are U P I R:

U: Understand the problem

P: make a Plan (an algorithm)

I: Implement your plan

R: Review, revise and reflect

Consider the following problem: You have 7 balls that look identical and are exactly the same size and weight, except one of them weighs slightly more than all the others. You have a balance-beam scale that you can use:

Weighing Scales
  1. Describe two different problem-solving approaches you could use to find the heavier ball, drawing a graphical representation of what you would do. Take a picture of this drawing and include it with your submission. If you are wondering what is meant by a "graphical representation", think about how you would communicate your solution to someone who speaks another language, explaining your solution by drawing on paper.

  2. What is the minimum number of times you could use the scale to find the heavier ball? Explain.

Use this essays google form to post your "Problem Solving" essay which will be graded as follows:

    1. (2 points) The first problem solving strategy is both explained and drawn as a picture

    2. (2 points) The second problem solving strategy is both explained and drawn as a picture

    3. (1 point) A persuasive case is made for the minimum number of times you could use the scale to guarantee finding the heavier ball.

Be prepared to have your work shown and discussed in class.