2. Make Fake

Due Wed 1/27 at 11:59pm CST

Create a fake news article, fake product advertisement, or fake public service announcement using either Microsoft Word or Google docs. Prior to doing this assignment you should have done the Tools for Writing Papers lab, which includes doing research on how to create a table of contents, footnotes, bibliography (endnotes), and page numbers.

Your document must include the components shown below, using what you have learned from the lab. You might have to be creative in inventing footnotes and bibliography! The document should be cohesive, and the writing should be in your own words, with the target audience being another student in the class. Make it convincing!

Have questions? Can't figure out how to do something? Post your question on Piazza (see link at left) and take advantage of our learning community.

Turning it in:

Turn in your fake news article / fake product advertisement by attaching it as a file to the essays google form, calling the essay topic Make Fake.

Also add it to your online portfolio, as described below and given as an example on my sample site.

  1. Upload the original document to your Google Docs if it isn't already there

  2. Make a separate assignment page for the Make Fake assignment in your online portfolio web site.

  3. On your Make Fake page give a brief description of the assignment and embed the Google document on that page.

Grading Rubric:

2 points: Has a title page
2 points: 1.25" page margins
3 points: Has page numbering in upper-right hand corner except no page number on title page
2 points: Has a Table of Contents with at least 4 entries
2 points: Body of paper has 12 point font size, Times New Roman font type
2 points: Has at least 2 footnotes
2 points: Has at least 3 entries in the bibliography (endnotes)
5 points: Fake News/Product page is created on your portfolio web site, with a screen shot and link to the file.
20 points total

Up to 5 points of extra credit may be given for work that is exceptionally creative or demonstrates effort clearly above and beyond expectations.