7. Light, Temp, & Sound Sensors

The Zoom Room link for each lab is given here: 11 am, 12pm, 1pm

Use the Circuit Playground Express (CPX) to create an interactive app using the light & sound sensors.

Modify this program so that it uses the light sensor to play different notes on the CPX speaker. The more light there is, the higher the note pitch should be. The less light there is, the lower the note pitch should be. This means that as you move your hand up, the note goes up, and conversely the lower your hand is, the lower the note pitch should be. Set the pitch range to be from about 261 to 987.

Submit the link to your app lab solution in this google form.


  1. Light sensor changes display the light sensor values and make the pitch change in the range 261 to 987.

  2. Sounds only play when the CPX left button is pressed.

  3. (Extra Credit) The music note button on the screen also has its vertical position on the screen change in relation to the light & pitch sound, moving up and down within the white space at the bottom of the screen.