4. The Best

Due: Wed 2/17 at 11:59pm CST

In App Lab create an app to show 5 images of some category (yummiest food, ugliest pet, most beautiful sunset, most sterile architecture, funniest expression, most curious optical illusion, etc.). One image should be presented at a time.

Figure out some way for the user to give a rating for each image, storing the rating in a variable, either as a number or as text. You could use button presses, text entry boxes, radio buttons, or something else. Feel free to explore among the options available!

At the end of the app display the ratings for all 5 images in a way that makes it clear which rating belongs to which image.

Use the Share button to retrieve the link to your App Lab project.

Post the link to your App Lab project using this google form using project title The Best.

Share Link

Rubric: (20 points total)

2pts: Created an Intro/Main Screen

5pts: Five images belonging to some obvious theme get presented one at a time. Images are compellingly interesting and clearly connected to the theme.

8pts: The interface allows rankings to be given for each one, making it clear what aspect of the images is being ranked.

5pts: After all rankings are given the last screen displays all the rankings together, somehow indicating which ranking belongs to which image.

(up to 5pts): Extra credit: An extra screen is shown at the very end that displays only the top-ranked image along with its ranking, where you somehow figure out which image that is. Also display a label indicating that this is the best image.