11. Image Editing Using GIMP

On the Image Editing page the top part of that page describes image editing using Word. The bottom part, that we will be using today, covers image editing using the free image program GIMP.

Pre-lab Prep

Download GIMP from gimp.org/downloads/ and install on your machine.


  1. Find two images that you would like to combine, where you will be cutting from one image to paste onto the other.

  2. Go through the GIMP tutorial steps to do the cutting / pasting to make a new composite image.

  3. Create a google doc that has your two original images as well as the new composite image.

Turning it in:

While you may have partnered with someone else to ask questions about the process, each person must submit their own unique work for this lab. Be sure your document is viewable by anyone at UIC.

Submit your google doc using this Google form.

Grading Rubric:

  1. ( 1 point) Two selected images are interesting or curious in some way

  2. ( 1 point) Cut-out from one of the images is clean

  3. ( 1 point Extra Credit) You implement cutouts from multiple images to make a composite image that is striking, clever, or notable.