Interesting Stuff

Use this page to add links that you find interesting related to computers in society.

  • "You'll find the future wherever people are having the most fun" - Chris Anderson 7 min TED talk on how flutes connect to the development of computers. [thanks to Harsh Patel]

  • 51% of respondents in a recent survey indicated that bad weather affects cloud computing. [Dale Reed, passed on by Dan Garcia]

  • Dance + Technology = iLuminate. Don't miss the comments at 2:55 [Dale Reed, passed on by Tanya Berger-Wolf]

  • Check out this quantum computer video by Google! [Rafael Robles]

  • Flight of the concords, Binary solo [Rafael Robles]

  • Here is a cool clip visualizing various sorting algorithms [Filip Radzikowski]

  • Check out humanoid Boston Dynamics robots. [Dale Reed]

  • This is similar to what we were talking about in class involving high resolution photos. It's a pretty neat game, shows you a random place in the world using panoramic photos, and you have to guess where you are! [Kara Easlick]

  • See this article in Slate about parents who have elected to post nothing about their daughter online, so she can choose her own identity in the future and not have a long trail of digital footprints. [Dale Reed]

  • See the Vsauce Youtube channel, where he takes random questions and does deep research to provide answers. For example: Where Do Deleted Files Go? Like it? See also Vsauce2 and Vsauce3 with talks about video games and other random Tech stuff. [Tricia Dacpano]

  • [Adrian Hernandez] found this funny cartoon that relates to giving precise instructions:

Funny Cartoon