1. Online Portfolio Creation

Welcome to our first lab! In the first few minutes of lab your TA will post a link to today's quiz in the chat. The quiz at the beginning of each class and lab is based off of assigned reading and/or activities for the day.

The Zoom Room link for each lab is given here: 11 am, 12pm, 1pm

  • In a breakout group, go through the steps to create your own Google site, as described in the first assignment: 1. Online Portfolio. Note that at the end of the assignment description is a form that you have to fill out so you can get credit for finishing that assignment, though it doesn't have to be finished during lab today.

  • While you may have multiple people in your breakout group, you need to choose one person as a partner. If there is an odd number in your group, you may have 3-way partners.

  • Check in with your group members / partner as you go, both to ask questions and to offer any insights you might have. Show them what you have so far, and see what they have so far. Be sure to make a note of your lab partner's name and the address of the draft of their online portfolio, because you will need to enter it in the group interaction form for today, that you will fill out near the end of lab.

Today in lab was a start on your online portfolio. You do not need to have it completed by the end of lab!

Online Portfolio is due Friday, January 15th at 11:59pm

Grading Rubric:

0 points: No progress made
1 point: Portfolio was created and has at least two pages
2 points: Portfolio has Home, Assignments, Links. Home page has links and pictures,
Group Interaction form was filled out with lab partner's information.

Up to 1 point of extra credit may be given for work that is clearly above-and-beyond expectations.