5. Music / Motion Game

Use the Circuit Playground Express (CPX) to make an interactive interface that allows a user to interactively play music or control on-screen animation. This could be done using the light sensor, sound sensor, accelerometer, or screen clicks as input, with these inputs affecting sounds that are played or some kind of animation on the screen. The theme of your project should reflect some interest of yours.

(Added 2/24) This should not be an adaptation of the racing game for two smiley-face sprites using the two CPX buttons that you already implemented in Lesson 8 section 13. This should be an idea of your own that you implement.

Turning it in:

First get the link to your solution using the Share near the top-left of that page:

Share Link

Turn in your App Lab program by posting the link to it in the this google form. Also add screen shots of it and a link to it on your online portfolio.

Requirements & Rubric:

  1. (7 points) Use of CPX sensor is integral to the application.

  2. (7 points) Use of CPX sensor affects sounds played, lights that light up, on-screen animation, or music that is played.

  3. (2 points) Instructions in the app are clear.

  4. (2 points) Code is documented clearly, with each variable and function having comments explaining their purpose.

  5. (2 points) Online portfolio has screenshots and explanation.

  6. Up to 5 points of extra credit will be given to exceptional projects.