Animation Screen Wrap-around

With a partner, complete the following program to implement animation motion and screen wrap-around for both the turtle and the seagull.

  1. Open the Maker App

  2. Load the following URL:

The screen x (horizontal) value goes from 0 on the left, to 320 on the right.

The screen y (vertical) value goes from 0 on the top, to 450 at the bottom.

Complete the following:

  1. ( 1 point) In function updatePositions() :

    • In the comments at the top of the program write your and your partner's names

    • Retrieve the seagull position values and store them into seagullX, seagullY

    • Set the position of the seagull using seagullX, seagullY

  2. ( 1 point) Just below onBoardEvent(buttonL, "down", function(event)) create a similar version to handle the right button.

  3. ( 1 point Extra Credit) In function handleScreenWraparound( object) the code is given to handle the horizontal wrap-around. Add the code to implement the vertical wrap-around.

Turning in your Results:

Be sure both your name and your partner's name are at the top of your code.
Share your app and copy the resulting URL.
Submit the URL using this Google Form.