4. Multi-Screen Apps

This lab is preparation for the Choose Your Own Adventure assignment.
(That page links to this tutorial guide and this 6 min video.)

The Zoom Room link for each lab is given here: 11 am, 12pm, 1pm

In this lab you will create an app with at least 3 screens, where pressing a button on the starting screen takes you to one of the other two screens.

Watch your lab leader step through an example in App Lab of how to:

    1. Create and name multiple screens

    2. Add images, labels and buttons to a screen

    3. Set the behavior of a button to change the screen

    4. Get the link to share the resulting app

With a lab partner (assigned to you by your lab leader) create an app to give advice on how to relax, depending on the situation a person is in. It should have a starting screen with two buttons (Indoor/outdoor? Exercise/leisure?), where pressing each of those buttons changes the screen to some different screen, for a total of at least 3 different screens.

One of you (not both) should submit this form, providing your lab partner's name as well as the link to your App within App Lab. Keep track somewhere of who your lab partner in case there is any issue of credit later on!


1: App has 3 screens and allows navigating between screens
2: Each screen has images, instructions on what to do, and buttons

3: (Extra Credit) App goes clearly above and beyond the given requirements.