AI in Education

The last few class periods we've been looking at examples of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Consider the excerpt shown below from the short story Mimsy were the Borogoves:

The crystal was a sort of magnifying glass, vastly enlarging the things inside the block. Strange things they were, too. Miniature people, for example-

... The tiny people were deftly building a house. Scott wished it would catch fire, so he could see the people put it out.

...Flames licked up from the half-completed structure. The automatons, with a great deal of odd apparatus, extinguished the blaze.

...It didn't take Scott long to catch on. But he was a little worried. The manikins would obey his thoughts.

. . .

… Scott puffed urgently. “Put it out!”

…But nothing happened. Where was that queer fire engine, with revolving arms, that had appeared before? Here it was. It came sailing into the picture and stopped. Scott urged it on.

…This was fun. Like putting on a play, only more real. The little people did what Scott told them, inside of his head. If he made a mistake, they waited till he'd found the right way. They even posed new problems for him-

…The cube, too, was a most instructive toy. It was teaching Scott, with alarming rapidity – and teaching him very entertainingly.

Questions & Scoring:

Remember that the syllabus states Friday essays should be at least 400 words total in length.

  1. (2 points) What were the aspects of the technology that made them an effective aid in learning?

  2. (1 point) What learning experiences you have had personally come closest to this?

  3. (2 points) How could our university education be made more like Scotty and Emma's experience, and how might existing technology play a role in this?

Turning it in

Create a google doc that contains your visualization and your explanation. Use the AI in Education Form to submit the link to your Google doc.