6. Children's Story

Create a children's story using App Lab. Use the characters and setting given to you through the handout I distributed from the William H. Brown STEM Magnet elementary school students. We will be working with ~40 elementary school students at the following grade levels:
6 second graders and 10 third graders (joint 2nd/3rd class), meeting 12:30-1:30 M-F
24 fifth graders, meeting 10:15-11:15 M-F

You have been assigned a particular student, who will be anxiously waiting to see what you come up with. Your students are assigned below, using your unique key phrase. As soon as possible lookup your student and then fill out this verification form so I know you have the right student. I don't want any student to accidentally get missed!

Please bear in mind the age of the readers of your stories! Make your stories appropriate in terms of your selection of language and visuals. Your instructions must be on the screen. If it helps you to visualize, see below for pictures of a 7-8 year old (2nd-3rd grades) on the left, or an 11 year old (5th grade) on the right.
Photo Credits Left: https://chicago.suntimes.com/coronavirus/2020/4/16/21224028/cps-report-card-public-schools-ctu-teachers-union, Right: http://www.quitmanschools.org/?p=8591

Grading Rubric

  1. (2 points) Your story is posted on your web site along with a screen shot

  2. (2 points) Features the student and at least one other character, using the setting and other information given by the student client

  3. (4 points) Tells a story appropriate to the grade of the student

  4. (2 points) Uses at least three different screens

  5. (3 points) Allows the user to interact somehow with the story

  6. (3 points) Uses dialogue, displayed either as speech bubbles (like in the "Tell a Joke Lab") or displayed as text somewhere on the screen (like in "Choose Your Own Adventure").

  7. (2 points) Instructions are given on-screen

  8. (2 points) Includes sound or music. This could be background music, or could be narration of the dialogue that appears on the screen.

    20 points Total

Up to 10 additional points of extra credit will be given to submissions that are outstanding in terms of effort and creativity.

Turning it In

Share your project by clicking the "Share" button on the top left corner and copying the address of your App. Submit it using this link. I will then post them all and communicate this to the teachers to pass on to their students.


See some children's stories done by previous semester students. Those were all for 2nd grade students, and used a different environment (Scratch), though it still gives you some ideas.

  1. Sabrina https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/176842750/

  2. Omar https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/178916288/

  3. Jackie https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/178753962

  4. Maxwell https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/177105356/

  5. Samir https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/178949713/

  6. Brad https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/178672510/

  1. Sarah https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/179099739/#player

Animation Resources

Animation in App Lab examples have been collected all in one place, along with screenshots, on the Animation in App Lab page, under Topics on the course website.

We first used App Lab sample animation programs in the 2/24 Class notes. They will give an error that you don't have the Circuit Playground connected, but you can choose the option to run them without the Circuit Playground connected.

PUBLIC CS100 Grades