Food Happiness

After watching the videos posted for this week, create a Google doc and write a 400-word essay answering the questions shown below.

Did you like Rosling’s presentation from the videos this week? Analyzing big datasets is one of the hottest growing jobs. While not part of the assignment for today, if you are interested in this area you can lookup Data Science and Machine Learning. You can play with Rosling’s data yourself at

Questions to Answer:

  1. Consider your own personal Food Happiness Data. Imagine that you had months of this data for both yourself and all your classmates.

      1. What questions could you answer using this data? Provide at least 3.

      2. What food and/or happiness questions couldn't you answer? Provide at least 3.

  2. Look at your group's Food Happiness data representations pasted on your group's page last class. (If you were absent last class, then just choose one.)

      1. Describe several of the outstanding differences between representations used by different group members.

      2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different representations?

  3. After considering the choices, describe what is the best representation you would recommend that we adopt as an entire class for each of the following, and briefly why you made that choice:

      1. When:

      2. Where:

      3. Happiness level:

Turning it In

Be sure your google doc permissions are set to be readable by anyone at UIC.
Turn in your Google Doc using
this form.