15. Interactive Greeting Card

We've been using App Lab to create applications that have buttons and text fields. Today we will use Game Lab to make an interactive greeting card. Remember that after making such a card you can use the Share button to send it to someone!

You will be in a breakout group so you have other students to talk to and ask/answer questions, however your submission today will be individual. In preparation for today's lab you should have already gone through the following lessons:

Chapter 1: Images and Animations

Lesson 2: Plotting Shapes

Lesson 3: Drawing in Game Lab

Lesson 7: Sprites

Lesson 8: Sprite Properties

Lesson 11: The Draw Loop

Lesson 12: Sprite Movement

Lesson 15: Keyboard Input

Lesson 16: Mouse input


Points are given as follows:

  • 1 point: Three different interactive sprites that respond to keyboard and/or mouse presses.

  • 1 point: Design is coherent, with background and sprites belonging together.

  • 1 point extra credit: Design and interaction help communicate in a compelling way.

Submitting your Work

Get the link to your solution using the Share button near the top-left of that page:

Share Link

Submit the link to your solution as text using this google form, calling the essay topic Greeting Card