5. Job Matters

The Zoom Room link for each lab is given here: 11 am, 12pm, 1pm

This lab is about storing data into variables when on one screen, and retrieving the information from the variables from another screen.


See this 3'30'' video for a description of what the completed app looks like when run, along with an overview of the code you need to add.


Your TA will assign you a lab partner. With your partner complete the Job Matters app where you need to add code to use variables to store your answers, which are displayed on the final summary screen. One of you should share your screen and do the coding, while your partner gives advice and/or follows along on their own.

The app you've been given has the four screens shown below. On each of the first three screens you need to use variables to store the user's choices. All three choices are then displayed on the last (fourth) screen.

Intro and first question with response in a text box

Second question with response selected from drop-down list

Third question with response indicated by selecting a radio button

Selected responses are all displayed on the last summary slide.

Use this App Lab starting app and make your own version of it by: 1. Selecting the Remix button near the top-left, then 2. Choosing Rename, and lastly 3. Providing a meaningful name that you will remember. These three steps are shown in the images below:

Provide Name

Once you've created your own version by remixing the starting code, switch to Code mode and do the following:

  1. Add yours and your partner's names in the comment at the top of the code

  2. Find all the places in the code where there is a comment along with three asterisks like this: // ***
    The line after is where you need to add one or more lines of code.

  3. Extra credit: You may want to look at documentation, since you will have to figure out how to manipulate radioButtons and sliders by exploring the App Lab documentation and tutorials.


Get the link to your solution using the Share near the top-left of that page:

Submit the link to your App Lab solution using this google form. The title should be Job Matters. Be sure to type in your lab partner's name on the submission form as well as within your code!

Share Link

Grading Rubric:

0: No significant changes were made

1: Variables have been added and at least two answers are displayed correctly on the summary slide

2: Variables have been added and all three answers are displayed correctly on the summary slide

3: Extra credit: Add a fourth question that uses a slider to indicate preference in a work schedule range from Flexible & self-directed on the one hand to Highly Structured on the other. The slide should give a number between 1..7. You may need to explore how sliders work by looking at the App Lab documentation.