1 Online Portfolio

Due: Friday, January 15th at 11:59pm (See Step 6 to turn in your assignment!)

Create a Google site which will be used for you to showcase your assignments created throughout this course. See my sample site. See the schedule page for the assignment deadline. We will discuss this in class, though feel free to explore ahead of time.

    1. Use your university gmail account.

    2. Next create a google site that you will be using to post course content for your classmates to see.

    3. (Simply explore, or see this video for how to make a google site.)

    4. You should create the following pages within your Google site:

        1. Home - This default starting page should contain a summary paragraph on background about you, your favorites and least favorites. If you haven't done so already, create a 15-30 second Flipgrid video, and include a link to it from your page. Include at least 3 photos and 3 links as part of the page (in addition to the link to your Flipgrid video).

        2. Assignments - This page should have a separate sub-page for each assignment that you create. Each assignment page must have

            1. A short description of what the assignment is

            2. A screenshot (or picture) of the assignment

            3. A link to the assignment, which your classmates will be able to see, and which the TA could use for grading. Usually this will be a link to the assignment file which you have uploaded previously to your Google drive.

        3. Links - Interesting stories, links and tips that you run across can be posted here.

        4. You may create additional pages, but they must be listed after the above pages.

    5. Once your site is created, make sure you publish it so your classmates can see it and the instructional staff can access it for grading. To publish it, from your home page select the Publish blue button near the upper-right. After doing this once again go up to the Publish blue button near the upper-right, and this time select the drop-down arrow (Publish Options) immediately to the right of it, and select "View published site". Copy your new site address and use this to view your site from within a browser incognito window, to make sure the permissions on all your images are such that they show up properly on your pages.

    6. Once you have completed the above steps fill out this brief online form which asks for your google site address along with a few other questions. We will use this information to add your site to the student sites page, so other students can be inspired by your work and so that the instructional team can grade it.

Grading Rubric:

  • 5 points: Home page has required items

  • 5 points: Assignments page has sub-pages for the first two assignments (though the second assignment has the page only, and the contents will be done in a future week.)

  • 5 points: First assignment page (Portfolio) has Home, Assignments, Links options

  • 5 points: Links page has some interesting content

20 points total.

  • Particularly creative or interesting content can earn up to 5 points of extra credit.

  • If permissions are not set correctly so we have to contact you to fix it after the due date, there will be a 5 point deduction.