TAKE the TOUR — THREE/SEVEN-MAP — FAQ — Gematria Reference — Video-Channel
The Modern Miracle
The word miracle has become synonymous with the name Jesus. After all He walked on water, healed with a touch and raised the dead. But there was one last miracle He kept secret for 2,000 years. And you can see it with your own eyes. If you can see a 3 and a 7 on the Shroud of Turin, then you are seeing the last miracle of the Son of God. It is a miracle and a witness for all the world. It is a miracle in His blood. It is a miracle in our midst and it is a miracle of the modern day.
Is it possible? Well do you trust your own eyes? If there is even the slightest chance that there is a code written in the blood of Jesus Christ, then we as a people and a planet, must discern it and decode it, for who could tell what it may portend. All codes are meant to be deciphered. If this is a code, then God Himself wanted us to read it.
At the time of Christ's crucifixion, the symbols for the numbers 3 and 7 did not exist. No one in the world at that time could have recognized them. Only in the 20th Century did scholars of the Shroud begin to recognize the shape as a 3 (noted Sindologist Ian Wilson calls it a 'Three Shape' blood stain). What this means is that the 3 and the 7 are more than a miracle, they are a prophecy in blood. If this is a code, then whoever wrote it, could see the future perfectly.
Yet the very idea of a code written in the blood of Jesus Christ is as outrageous as it is sublime. Outrageous, for what could be more cliché than a code written in blood. In fact a recent and ridiculous bestselling book and blockbuster movie had just such a cliché in it and it too was about Jesus. Writing a secret message in blood is about as bad a cliché, as Lord Lytton’s “It was a dark and stormy night....” And yet in what can be seen as the ultimate ‘Cold Case,’ a new and utterly unforeseen development has occurred in the case of the conspiracy to kill Christ. It is an unexpected twist in the most famous homicide of all time.
And it is written in blood. Outrageous.
Jesus, the founder of the world’s largest religion, the man who claimed to be God in the flesh and the savior of all mankind, managed to hide a code in-his-own-blood, for 2,000 years, hidden from the eyes of all humanity. Hidden from His own Church. Hidden from the scholar and the skeptic alike. Hidden from history. Hidden from all of us. Until now. That is more than miraculous. That is sublime. The Shroud has been studied more intensively by more expert people than any other object in history. Yet no one noticed that there was a code, a code written in blood on it...
But how do we know this is code?
That is of course the question. Suppose for a moment, that the world suddenly received a message from outer space from highly intelligent aliens from the far side of the universe. Clearly such a message would not be in English or any language of the planet earth. The message would have to be composed in some sort of universal language, a language that was the same no matter where you were in the universe.
What is that language?
Mathematics. And at the core of mathematics are prime numbers, numbers only divisible by one and themselves. Those aliens would likely make some reference to prime numbers, knowing they are the basis of the universal language. Scientists know this and Carl Sagan even wrote about it in his book Contact. If we can so easily imagine this for aliens, why would we think any less of God?
Part of the meaning of the blood code is the fact that it is written with numbers and not letters. Anyone from the 1st Century trying to convey a message with numbers would have used instead, letters of the alphabet. In that day the symbols for numbers were letters, a practice known to us as gematria. Yet here we find a code of numbers and in modern Hindu-Arabic numerals.
The immediate meaning of numbers is a general reference to the discipline of mathematics. In other words, the numbers are shouting to us to ‘Look to mathematics.’ And to what mathematics are we to look? The mathematics of God’s very own book, the Bible. Most people may not even know that there are mathematics to the Bible, but there are and they are everywhere and they are always amazing. Most amazing of all is that they provide proof of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Scriptures.
So imagine then someone finding 3's and 7's again and again all throughout the Bible and in its most important places. Now imagine that person finding a 3 and 7 written in the blood of the most famous human in history. It would be like finding Albert Einstein’s famous formula E=mc² carved in stone in some Neanderthal’s cave.
To truly understand the meaning and implications of the code we must take a walk through the story of the rise of science and civilization. Along the way we will encounter a who’s who of the most famous and influential minds in history. We must say hello to a few Greek thinkers, who helped create the foundations of science. We must speak to some of the great philosophers and to the scientists and mathematicians who would ultimately replace them.
And of course we must pay a visit to the various personages of the Judeo-Christian religion, the most dominant force in history. From Moses to Martin Luther, Confucius to Kepler and from King David to Descartes, all of these people have something important to say about the numbers 3 and 7 that appear in blood. As you read on, you will begin to see, that like some universal touchstone, the 3 and 7 on the Shroud of Turin, connect the dots to the very history of the human race.
© Copyright 2020, johnelias@israelmail.com
Credo quia impossibile.
"I believe because it is impossible."
— Tertullian, De Carne Christi