TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel

The name Jesus Christ and its number 2368 in Greek,

has an incredible ability to transform into a multitude

of geometries based on the cube and the cross.

Each cube fits perfectly within the Holy of Holies (20 x 20 x 20)

Keep reading to see many more of these never-before-seen constructions

of the name Jesus Christ and the way in which it acts as a master matrix

for many of the most important names in the Bible.


The Cruciform Fractal: The Master Matrix of Biblical Mathematics

Fractals are funny looking things to the average human. They can look very alien or futuristic. They appear to us this way because they obey very strict mathematical procedures that often produce unexpected results. The Cruciform Fractal probably illustrates this behavior of fractals better than any other. How it does this is through uniform unilateral geometry.

The Jesus Cube (below) displays what mathematicians call rotational symmetry, i.e. it is the same every way you look at it. This sameness, quite obviously, is cruciform or 'cross-shaped.'

The name Jesus Christ has an alphanumeric sum in standard Greek gematria of 2368, which forms into a cube of crosses.

A careful analysis of its various features reveals a plenitude of connections to some of the most important names and numbers in the Bible:

The way this configuration was discovered displays an important element in its meaning. It came about because I wondered what eight Ha-Aretz's would look like.

What's a Ha-Aretz?

It's the seventh word of Bible in the original Hebrew and it means 'The Earth.'

[In Hebrew the definitive article 'The' is always part of the word]

The Earth = 296


I was wondering what eight earths would look like in three dimensions, because the earth is part of series that leads up to the name Jesus Christ, the most important name in the Bible and the history of the world.

8 x 37 = 296

8 x 296 = 2368

So I started playing with my brand new 5,000 cubic magnets that I just got in the mail and I put them together like this:

To see more on how cubes fit in with the first and last chapters of the Bible read Alpha & Omega

What is this oddity? Technically, in geometry, it is called a Gnomon and this is a 3D gnomon. It represents the next iteration of a cube.

Strangely 296 represents two iterations of a cube. If this cube was filled in it would have 512 units.

8 x 8 x 8 = 512

Jesus = 888

It's been my experience that studying these sort of oddities can lead to the biggest of discoveries. As some in science are fond of saying: 'Nature hides its greatest secrets in strange places.' By looking at the number 37, 296 and 2368 one can see the beginning of an exponential geometric series which come together to equal the sum of the first verse.

Each iteration in this series doubles the number of layers of the walls: 1, 2 , 4....

When it comes to the mathematics of the Bible, the first verse is the most important verse in the Bible. Because we have discovered so much evidence of exceedingly sophisticated design in the mathematics of the first verse, it acts like a litmus test for all other aspects of biblical mathematics. So when a series like this adds up to the sum of the first verse, it shows a logical connection to all the elements already discovered in the first verse. In other words, what this series is saying (screaming actually) is that author and mind behind all the math of Genesis 1:1, personally identifies with the name Jesus Christ.

When I made a model of the 2368 gnomon and showed it to someone, they said it looked like a cornerstone.

2368 cube magnets in the form of the corner of a cube.

So what the Jesus Cube really is, is an empty cube turned inside out.

You can see this inside-out cube in the Temple Configuration. I call it that because the interior void is 6 x 6 x 6 or the number 216, an important secondary number in biblical mathematics.

The Holy of Holies = 216


The number for The Earth-296 and Jesus Christ-2368 share this ability because they can be represented as hollowed out cubes.

16³ - 12³ = Jesus Christ

4096 - 1728 = 2368

(16 x 16 x 16) - (12 x 12 x 12) = 2368

The dimensions of this geometry is in no way random, but fits perfectly within the framework of the body of biblical mathematics. Here the outermost cube is a visual approximation of the Golden Ratio. Its interior hollow empty space is a perfect box for the cube of the New Jerusalem, as seen and described by John in the book of Revelation. What this fantastic city is, we do not yet know. What we can say with certainty is this:

It's design is based on the number TWELVE.

Revelation 21:12

And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates,

and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon,

which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

Revelation 21:14

And the wall of the city had twelve foundations,

and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Revelation 21:16

And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth:

and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs.

The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

The verse numbers of these three verses point us to the cube of the name Jesus Christ.

Verse 12

Verse 14

Verse 16

The hollow cube of Jesus Christ has a double wall and these three sequential references to the city appear in this hollow cube.

Outer Wall = 16³

Inner Wall = 14³

Interior = 12³

This cube is meant to represent the Davidic lineage of Jesus Christ. The inner cube of 14 x 14 x 14 is a reference to the Hebrew gematria of the name David-14, the prototype of the Godly King and the prophetic forebear of the true king Jesus Christ.

This configuration is another perfect fit for the Holy of Holies of Solomon's Temple.

Many if not most of the geometries in this name form a perfect space for the number 1728 or 12 x 12 x 12—the New Jerusalem. Because so many of these new cubic geometries provide perfect cavitation (3D space) for the cube of the New Jerusalem it would seem that the two—Jesus Christ and the New Jerusalem—are mathematically married. The name and number of Jesus Christ 2368 acts as the outer walls of the New Jerusalem.

To see some truly stupendous math found in the name Jesus, read BIG MATH.

Jesus Cubes

What sets the English language apart from all other languages today is, that it is, the universal international language. It is used in science, commerce and is thee required language fluency for all international airline pilots and air traffic controllers. This came about due to the world wide spread geography of the English colonies and the emergence of the United States as an economic and military superpower.

If you haven't traveled abroad lately you may not know this, but practically everyone speaks a little English.

English is the lingua franca of the day and one of the greatest lingua franca's of history was the Greek language, the language in which the New Testament was disseminated. There is an eerie similarity between the dominance of the Greek language and that of English. Both came forth from Western economic and military superpowers and both were superseded by a cousin nation. The Greek empire of Alexander the Great was replaced by the nearby Romans but the language of the empire remained Greek. The United States replaced the British Empire as the dominant economic military power of the day with the same language.

What all this means is that English is an important historically and quite possibly religiously—Christian religiously.

When I decided to include English in the repository of sacred languages, it was for those reasons and moreover the math. You can argue with me about the first, but you will lose the argument about the next, the math. You can also read about my 'conversion' to a very limited form of English gematria in Basic Proof = Jesus. Basically, I'm only interested in the name Jesus in English, because of how it connects so many dots in the math of the Bible.

English Ordinal

It is this Jesus-74 that is the building brick of the 3D figurative geometry of the Bible. This Jesus cube building brick is the first possible geometry of its kind. In order to produce a cube with crosses on all sides, you must have an odd ordered cube that will produce a central vertical and horizontal cross. Secondly, there must empty spaces on either side in order to delineate the cross. The fifth cube (125) is the first cube of any such cube.

This is the same cube that is produced by multiplying the name Jesus Christ to the 37th power as seen here BIG MATH.

These Jesus-74 building blocks also feature prominently in the mathematics of the protoverse, Genesis 1:1, and the first and last chapters of the Bible in the Alpha & Omega cube.

But it is in the name Jesus Christ in the original Greek, that the Jesus-74 cubes really truly flourish.

And that is a miracle of history.

By arranging thirty-two of these Jesus-74 building blocks we can construct the above artifact, that corresponds perfectly with the Greek gematria of the name Jesus Christ-2368. If that was all there was to it, it would be more than enough for me to sit up and take notice. But with God, you will see, more than enough is usually just the beginning.

With God more than enough

is just the beginning.

I have for many years studied the mathematics of the Bible in the original biblical languages. I have studied the work of many other researchers into this esoteric subject and have found a broad agreement among them. In all that time I have never seen a configuration do what these Jesus Cube Configurations can do. In my opinion they stand alone as a class of master molds that are above and beyond all other geometries in biblical mathematics.

Here is a perfect example, not in two dimensions, but three:

The Greek word for Lord (Kurios) forms a double base,

a pedestal upon which many of these complex constructions can sit.

This is due to the fact that Lord-800 is double 400 or 20^2.

There is a unique modular correspondence between the Jesus cube constructs and the Greek gematria for the most important name in the Bible, in that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Any one of the sides of the the greater Jesus Cube Configuration corresponds to the Jesus-portion in the name Jesus Christ.

Crosses can be seen in almost every perspective in this configuration.

There are many other ways in which the name and number for the Lord-800 can fit fit with perfect symmetry in three dimensions. The Sapphire Cross Configuration is made possible by the other master building block.

Cube-Frame-32 x Cross-Cube-74 = Jesus Christ-2368

These configurations appear to not only be integrated with the sacred divine names of the Bible, but they also appear to be referenced in the text itself. In Matthew 12:6, Christ is in the temple and makes a definitive claim of His divinity. The sum of this verse is exactly 3,000 more than the sum of His name 2368. If we fill in all six windows of this cube fully, 500 in each (125 x 4), then we arrive at exactly 3,000 more.

Only the six windows of the greater cube are filled in, the interior is a void of 10 x 10 x 10.

These geometric artifacts are symbolic of the Temple and the Temple that is Jesus Christ. Matthew 12:6 and its integration with this geometry is a reference to that fact.

These building blocks also demonstrably integrate with the mathematics of the first verse, displaying similar patterns seen before in two dimensional figurative geometry. The first five words of the Bible appear to be three dimensional puzzle solved by Jesus-74 and the Greek Jesus-888.

Here we can the 666 pattern that is so prevalent in the mathematics associated with the first verse.

I take the above picture to mean that in the very initial act of creation, the first moment of moments, did then Jesus, the Logos, exist. The manner of that existence is beyond the capacity of science and philosophy to comprehend at this time. We can say with confidence due to these mathematics that are found in abundance in the first verse, that Jesus was spiritually existent at the beginning of time. This is where biblical mathematics shines in how it provides solid mathematical evidence for fundamental Christian theology.

This configuration alone is part of a much larger system based in three dimensions

and the basic form of the cross, which I call the Cruciform Fractal—see below.

The Cube of Glory

The second configuration that makes all this mind-boggling math possible is the cube frame of the fourth cube (64) which is the only cube that splits its sum perfectly in half, 32 + 32 = 64. This makes both the Jesus-74 cube and the cube of Glory-32 a unique set of cubes. This two gentlemen are new additions to the mathematics of the Bible. Individually they would be nothing more than another curious anomaly in the geometry of gematria, but in the greater jesus Cube constructs they become master building blocks that define precise relationship in the sacred of the Bible.

It is called the 'Cube of Glory' because it has the same sum as the word Kabowd or 'Glory' in Hebrew.

Glory = 32


What these means of course is that any construct made with the 3D geometric arrangement made of a 32 or 74 can rightfully be called The Glory of Jesus.


These configuration are too mathematically perfect and too mathematically perfect in too many ways to be constructions of chance. I would argue that not only are these construction beyond the realm of reasonable chance, but that even to non-mathematically inclined their complexity alone beggars belief that they could be a product of chance.

This argument however, does not rest on the complex arrangement of semi-cubes; it rests on the correlating gematria of the sacred names in the New Testament. Those names and their spellings and hence their numbers are established historically beyond any form of doubt. These names and numbers are stone cold facts of history. Mathematics itself is the stone cold fact of truth. Together with the established science of probability these configurations are visual proof of the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth.

Visual proof of the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth

The Savior-1408 cube creates a basic framework within which the the divine names and numbers can fit. These building block constructions always appear made of minor block in the form of a larger alternate block, i.e. building blocks of 32 in the larger form of a Jesus-74 cube or vice verse.

When we add the crosses to the Savior-1408 build we complete a greater Jesus-74 cube and produce the sacred sum:

32 x 74 = 2368

Once again, it is the way this geometry interacts with the most sacred name in the Bible in its original language that makes the argument compelling.

This sort of idea of one thing completing the geometry of another is one of the 'foundation stones' of biblical mathematics and can be found in the two most important verse to biblical mathematics. John 1:1 pedestal Genesis 1:1 in two dimensional figurative geometry like so:

The sum of John 1:1 completes

a larger triangle (T-112) with

the sum of the first verse.

And again the name Lord-800 configures with Jesus Christ with all around rotational symmetry.

This configuration in particular is part of a long train of addition upon addition that connect to the sacred, see below the Jewelry of Jesus Christ.

Waiting on better animation for this one....

As noted before, these complex configurations connect both in and out with the two most important references to cubes in the Bible. The majority of cavitate to the dimensions of the New Jerusalem, that is to say they act like mathematical containers for the 12th cube.

This is further evidenced by turning an empty Jesus Christ cube inside out, a process explored in the mathematics of topology.

This inside out

is this

Here again we produce a void which now fits the 6th cube 216 or 6 x 6 x 6.

The Holy of Holies = 216


This comes from 1Kings 6:20 describing the Temple:

1Kings 6:20

And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length,

and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof:

and he overlaid it with pure gold; and so covered the altar which was of cedar.

What is so amazing about this, is that the exact parameters of the many of the Jesus Cubes. The two above, the Cube of Cubes and the Savior Cube as well as all of the Jewelry of Jesus Christ cubes are 20 x 20 x 20, the dimensions of the Holy of Holies. It is also the sum of the perimeter of the triangle of the first verse of the Bible.

T-73 (2701) the triangle produced by Genesis 1:1

The Jewelry of Jesus Christ

One of the most fascinating aspects of these cubes is how they can hold the names and numbers of other important epithets of God. When I first discovered this, it occurred to me that it functioned almost like jewelry setting, like a wedding ring without its diamonds.

The first, and there are many and many yet undiscovered I'm sure, I call The Ruby of the Lord Jesus Christ Configuration. What is so marvelous about this construction ( and I don't consider myself its constructor, only its discoverer) is just how many different ways the math, the geometry and the gematria work.

To be fair and not trivial, these geometries should have rotational symmetry.

Which is to say that no matter how you rotate it, it always appears the same.

The frame of this piece is built upon, the 1408 Savior Cube, which became the 2368 Cross Cube, which then became the 3168 Sapphire Inset Configuration. Remarkably when we add 200 more to this already encumbered construct, we find perfect rotational symmetry that fits within and appears to highlight all the iterations and additions to the basic Savior Cube-1408.

Why 200?

For one that is the sum of the name the Lord Jesus Christ now in English ordinal. That may be controversial in some quarters, but it is nevertheless a fact. Seen in this light, that fact looks like a scintillating jewel—a mathematical ruby, if you will.

The second reason is how it reflects ancient Greek grammar. Here when we add the English Lord Jesus Christ-200, it transforms the entire sum into the genitive (possessive) case of Greek grammar.

Lord Jesus Christ (Nominative Form) = 3168

Of the Lord Jesus Christ (Genitive Form) = 3368

In other words this cube is fluent in ancient Koine Greek!

The Cube of Godhead

One of neatest arrangements is the Godhead Configuration. Here the word for Godhead is from Colossians 2:9, and it is a perfect fit for the Cross Cube of Jesus Christ. Each of the 74 cubic-bricks, holds a cube of 8 units.

Colossians 2:9

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power


θεοτης = 592

This configuration more than any other shows how this cubic geometry can act as a master matrix holding many of sacred names and words of the Bible in the recesses of architecture.


The Holy Spirit Configuration is not only a miracle in mathematics but also a theological revelation. The New Testament makes it clear that there is a reason and purpose behind the Trinity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is indicated when Christ tells his disciples that he must go so that the Comforter, i.e. the Holy Spirit can come.

John 14:26

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,

whom the Father will send in my name,

he shall teach you all things...

What this seems to mean is that someone, some one person of the Trinity, must always be left to mind the store, so to speak. It also suggests that the incarnate Christ was the house of the Holy Spirit, just as this configuration displays.

Here the dark blue cubes sum to 576 the sum of the Greek word for 'Spirit', or pneuma for which we get words like pneumonia. So again this cube appears to speak Greek as it knows how to delineate the spirit from the holiness. There are 24 positions for the dark blue cubes and in each position there are 24 cubes clustered.

24 x 24 = 576 Spirit πνευμα

There are 42 positions for the remaining light blue cubes, that make up the rest of the name The Holy Spirit. Each one of these clusters has 12 contiguous cubes.

42 x 12 = 504

576 + 504 = 1080 (The Holy Spirit)

Another configuration confirms the geometric connection between these two holy epithets. Seen above and below the number 1080 the of the Greek New Testament's proper formulation for 'The Holy Spirit' can be divided into six blocks, each block 6 x 6 x 5. The final dimension makes it fit within the structure of the name Jesus Christ.

180 per side of the cube, 180 x 6 = 1080

The number 1080 is a highly 'cubic' number. Within its factors there are two related cubes, 3^3 and 6^3 or 27 and 216. This mathematical cubism appears to be related to the cruciform fractal. The entire sum can be represented as a cross.

Another name for the Holy Spirit found in the New Testament, is the 'Comforter' from John 14:26. The sum of this Greek is related by the third cube 27. Here is one of the best examples of fractals in action where we see the same pattern with the same meaning only reiterated in a strange new way:

The Polaris Configuration

The New Jerusalem fits within the two gnomons, altogether which fits within the Holy of Holies.

The Polaris Configuration is probably my favorite construct. Here we see what appears to be two cubes in fusion. The colors were selected to suggest the union of opposites so often seen in the math of the Bible. The mystically minded can imagine this as an endless dance between the two cosmic forces that all of nature reflects.

This isn't just Eastern folklore and superstition (Yin and Yang) it is a founding principle of science and mathematics, though they call it by a different name. In science it is called symmetry and it is so universal that we forget that it's there. When you look in the mirror you can see two sides that make up you one face.

A related configuration employs this polarity concept coupled with the cruciform fractal I call the Temple of Isaiah Configuration.

The animation contains an ever so subtle flaw...

Here the gray superstructure is 2368 Jesus Christ and interior cruciform structure comes to 444, the sum of the word for Temple in Hebrew. The dark and the light cubes each sum to 222 the sum of the 'Voice of God.' In total it creates the sum of Isaiah 1:1.

Isaiah 1:1 = 2812

The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz,

which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem

in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz,

and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Temple = 444


Genesis 1:1 as a 3D fractal of crosses or 37 73's

(Cruciform major-37—Cruciform-minor-73)

The Cruciform Fractal

The geometry of the cruciform fractal is in three dimensions as opposed to the two dimensions of the Cross Fractal. The key to unlocking this three dimensional puzzle was, naturally enough, a 3 & 7 cross in the three dimensions:

This humble little cross is 3 cubes wide, tall and broad.

Altogether they make 7, hence the three-seven cross.

This central 3d axis is the root of the fractal. And it couldn't simpler or should I say 'less complex.' A cross or two perpendicular lines at a 90 degree angle is the first complexity in Euclidean geometry. The meaning of the cross is theological—salvation. Metaphorically however, the basic symbol of a cross has myriad associations. As a symbol in its most basic essence it is the meeting together of two opposing forces—a union of opposites.

A fractal is a simple mathematical procedure that produces unexpected results with self similarity. The wonder of what Benoit Mandlebrot discovered in the nature of fractals, is how simple procedures can produce great complexity that still retains a similar ordering principle.

When we iterate the next two generations of the three-seven cross, it produces the the prime factors of Genesis 1:1, mathematically the most important verse in the Bible.

To some these clusters of crosses may seem strange or possibly even random. But these two molecules of crosses are exactly what fractals look like. Because 37 and 73 are the factors of the first verse, then 37 of the 73's or 73 of the 37's reproduces the first verse in a very complex three dimensional model.

The second generation of 37 is of particular importance since it can scaled up and reproduced with fidelity in the name and number of Jesus Christ 2368.

This is a signature in the three dimensional figurative geometry. The signature is of divine authorship by the individual known to history as Jesus Christ.

This can demonstrated in several ways and configurations. Since the prime factors of the first verse are 37 and 73 it means that 37 of the 73-type configuration add up to the sum of the first verse. As does 73 or the 37-type cross clusters.

Which of course means this:

Anyone of the three axis will sum to 333 leaving a remainder of 2368, Jesus Christ in New Testament Greek.


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"One geometry cannot be more true than another...."

— Robert Pirsig,

Author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance