Luke 12:52-53

Luke 12:52 is a very odd sounding verse, especially out of context.

Luke 12:52

For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.

What's so odd about it, is the language here that is being used. Theologians describe this passage as the division of Christ and how His incarnation was the pivotal point of human history. That's simply good theology. But it doesn't explain the language. The language here is precise and particular. It has a rhythm. It has a rhyme.


Why not just say: 'People will be divided over me.'

Look at the following verse, the strangeness continues:

Luke 12:53

The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

That is very precise wording.

The language here can really only be explained by the accompanying math. The sum of verse 52 is a very unusual number, a number unknown in the day that this verse was first written. Indeed it would be over a thousand years before such numbers would be understood.

Luke 12:52 = 6765

6765 = The 20th Fibonacci Number

Is Christ here speaking about the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Ratio? This would explain the language. Two against three is a basic approximation of the Golden Ratio and both Fibonacci numbers in and of themselves.

So is this a riddle?

If so the next verse adds a punctuation mark by honing in on the digits 1, 1, 2, the very beginning of the Fibonacci Series.

Luke 12:53 = 112 x 112

The number of letters in this verse is the fifth cube (125)

The mystery of this verse is further punctuated by the fact that it is the 2368th verse in the New Testament.

2368 = Jesus Christ

That strange feeling you are experiencing when you see such a fact as that, is the supernatural power of Jesus Christ. How could Jesus know that what He was saying, when He was saying it, would eventually become the standardized 2368th verse of the New Testament? Answer: He could not, lest He was the supernatural Being the Bible described him as.

Even more, when we compare these two verse,s we see they are encoded with the very year in which their significance was first discovered.

12,544 - 6765 = 5779

2018-19 = 5779th year of the Jewish Calendar

Discovered on 6/27/2019

And thanks to Dimitry for this further demonstration of the power of these verses.

5779 is 758th prime

758 is 623rd composite

623 is 508th composite

508 is 411th composite

411 is 330th composite

330 is 263rd composite

263 is 56th prime

56 is 39th composite

39 is 26th composite

26 = YHVH

This sum then and its configuration is part of one of the most famous coordinations in Biblical mathematics, in that of John 1:1 completing a larger triangle of T-112, the triangle of the Lord God (112).

This square seems to be begging us to look at the other half. When we do, we see it too is full of references to the first verse of the Bible.

Looking at the above configuration we can see all the features of the two verses in this riddle.

Five in one house divided: 703 x 5

Father against Son

(2701 vs 3627)

Mother against Daughter

(2701 vs 6216)

Mother in Law against Daughter in Law

(703 x 3 vs 703 x 2)

These elements can also reproduce the first figures of the Fibonacci Series:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

1 + 1 = 2 (1 side vs 1 side)

1 + 2 = 3 (2701/3627 vs 6216)

2 + 3 = 5 (5 triangles of 703)

3 + 5 = 8 (8 sections in total)

5 + 8 = 13

The lesser side or T-111 (6216) is a prime example of how the name Jesus-888 integrates with these configurations.

Mr. Slattery of offered his insight with:

When you look at the sequence, position 1 = 112, position 2 = 123 and position 3 = 235.

235 - 123 = 112.

112, then 358 (Messiah).

1+1+2+3+5+8 = 20

F (20) = 6765 = Luke 12:52

It appears then, that only conclusion we can arrive at, is that Christ was smuggling a riddle into the text of the New Testament — as is His right.


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