3/7 CODE 7/3


The Prophecy of the Three Seven Code

Critically, the most telling aspect of the Three and Seven on the Shroud of Turin is that these two numbers unite all the other numbers and numerical secrets of the Bible. For thousands of years the clearly referenced number symbolism of the Bible has remained a mystery. That mystery is solved in the blood of Jesus Christ, in a modern miracle, on the Shroud of Turin.

It is impossible to imagine a more perfect and profound solution to that great mystery than two numbers written in blood on the burial cloth that is the very proof of Christ's resurrection. The idea that any two numbers could unite all the various number symbolisms of the Bible, is in itself theologically revolutionary.

We can show that from the first verse to the last book of the Bible, a clear and obvious Three Seven Code runs throughout. The most important names and aspects of the Bible and its related theology all bare the imprint of this code. From the name Jesus Christ to the Passion Week with the 3 days Christ lay in the tomb, we see the numbers Three and Seven appear again and again.

More than just a blood code, the numbers Three and Seven are the fundamental mathematical signature of the Divine and the greatest secret of history itself.

A fractal is a mathematical pattern that repeats with self-similarity. The Three Seven Code is a wholey new type of fractal, a repeating alphanumeric pattern that unites number, name and history. This fractal is actually based on numerals and not numbers.

What's the difference?

A numeral is a symbol used to represent a primary or cardinal number such as 1-9. With these nine numerals plus zero all numbers can be represented.

What's ingenious about a 'Numeral Code' is that it can be hidden in many more places than a number code. A number code would be limited to those specific numbers making up the code. A numeral code is much more flexible and could be infinite in aspect, connecting to many numbers in many ways as long as they contained the given numerals in a given number.

For instance, 373 is a number, but it is also a reference to the numerals Three and Seven. By making a numeral code based on Three and Seven it automatically includes the numbers 37 and 73, 33 and 333, 77 and 777. Indeed, since zero is not a number, but an absence of number, we can also include numbers like 370 and 3700, the sum of the 12 tribes of Israel according to the Ezekial rendering.

The second layer of the code produces the numbers 12 and 21, important numbers in their own right and critical to the Bible. These come to us from the first verse (Genesis 1:1 = 37 x 73 = 2701) where the factors of 37 and 73 are the 12th and 21st prime numbers. All of which are digital reflections of each other.

Even to the layman, the number 12 is critically important in the study of the Bible (12 Tribes/12 Disciples). The number 21, 12's digital opposite, is just as important but in a hidden way. We call this aspect of theistic mathematics 'Mirror Logic' where simple digital reflections display underlying metaphysical oppositions.

When one gazes into a mirror the world in the mirror appears reversed. The 'Mirror Logic' of the Bible is the same, quite simply with the digital reversals in numbers like 12 and 21 but far more importantly with the underlying meaning or reference.

The best example is the number 12, which is clearly seen throughout the Bible. Its reflection (21), however, is only seen in careful scholarly study of the text. Here the 12 tribes and 12 disciples are the metaphysical opposite of the most Holy Name of God: 'I AM.' which upon reflection has the numerical value of 21.


The meaning behind all the three’s and sevens is found simply enough in a single letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the only letter which equates to two very important names of God.



This letter is graphically representative of the Christian Trinity, the theology of a God who is Three in One. Curiously, this letter can be seen in imprint over the most revered city in the world. The three valleys of Jerusalem resemble the letter Shin in a remarkable way.

The Shin of Jerusalem

Stranger still, is the fact that one of the most beloved fictional characters of the modern day was employing an ancient Jewish priestly blessing that was representative of the letter Shin.

The puzzle in plain sight

So, in one of the strangest twists in human history, the popular Star Trek character Spock, played by the Jewish actor Leonard Nimoy, is actually displaying to all the world the sign of the Christian Trinity.

The Vulcan Salute

The letter Shin is the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet and therefore has the dual value of 21 and 300. The number 21 you will see repeated again and again in the Three Seven Fractal as it is the product of 3 and 7 (3 x 7 = 21). It is also the sum of the Godname Eheyeh or I AM.

ש = 21 (Ordinal)

אהיה = I AM = 21

It is in the standard numeration of this letter that we have an understanding of what the Three Seven Fractal means in its ubiquitous display all throughout the scripture.

ש = 300 (Standard)

רוח אלהים = The Spirit of God = 300 = ש

This is the only letter in the Hebrew alphabet whose ordinal and standard value equates to an important Godname. It is also the only letter whose ordinal and standard values are both triangular numbers and all of these numbers are multiples of three, the number of the Trinity.

21 = 6th Triangle = ש

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300 = 24th Triangle = ש

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That is to say, that in every instance below where you see a manifestation of the Three Seven Fractal, it is the mathematical signature of the Divine and Holy Spirit of God.

Three Seven Fractal = The Holy Spirit = Divine Inspiration

In the historical gematria of the Bible, there is only one other letter that can represent the number 21 (3 x 7) and that letter is the Greek letter of Phi.

The 21st letter of the Greek alphabet

In the realm of the science and mathematics, phi has a very specific reference. It is the mathematical symbol that represents the Golden Ratio. It is hard to overstate just how important the Golden Ratio is to the history of architecture, geometry and science in general. The pattern of the golden ratio can be seen all throughout nature.


One can see the same graphical pattern of the Shin in the 24th lowercase letter of the Greek alphabet. This letter is quite simply a number 3 on its back. This is the Omega, which is what Jesus Christ called Himself: The Alpha and Omega.


The Omega

The greatest irony in the history of religious iconography is that the Menorah, the icon of the Jewish faith, is actually the symbol of the Trinity of Christianity, three times over.

To the Jewish readers of the world, these revelations should not be viewed as bad news. For they mean that God is indeed Jewish. Those wretched persecutions of Jews over the centuries in no way reflect the true spirit of Christianity, which is love.

To read about all the many other connections between the Menorah and the Three Seven Fractal read:


The passage in Exodus which describes the construction of the Menorah, is actually a mathematical puzzle of the Menorah! The graphic below is just one of its many features.

To see the full account of one of the most beautiful puzzles in all the Bible read:


Internationally the most well known word in Hebrew is Shalom. It is the word that is used to say hello and goodbye. It means peace. It is also the basis of the name of the capital of Israel, the most sacred city in all the world, Jerusalem.

שלום Shalom (Peace)

ירושלם Jerusalem (Yeru-shalem)

The root of this word is Shalam (Strongs #7999) which can have many meanings, but perhaps is best said in the word restitution, which is why it is often translated as pay. The inference to peace may come from the idea that equality has been restored with payment of restitution. This is the very essence of Christianity, with the payment or restitution of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world.

The sum of this fundamental word to the language and history of the Jewish faith is clearly indicative of the Three Seven Fractal and starts with the letter Shin.

שלם Shalam (Restitution) = 370

3³ + 7³ = 370

Luke 1:37

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

= 3^7 + 7^3

Every time you say 'Holy' in Hebrew the last sound you make is the Shin.

Holy, Holy, Holy

קדוש קדוש קדוש

Qodosh, Qodosh, Qodosh

We see the Shin again in the factors of Truth itself. The word for truth in Hebrew is Amet. Its sum is another strong reference to the Shin, for it is the Shin squared.

אמת = Truth (Amet) = 441

21 x 21 = 441

ש x ש = Truth

This allows us to say with all accuracy, that the square root of truth is the Shin.

√441 = 21

√Truth = ש

Incredibly, this understanding of Shalam, of Restitution and Truth, comes together in an exponential way. There is only one verse in all the Bible, that has the sum of 9261 and that verse is Matthew 5:37, the thirty-seventh verse of the chapter.

Matthew 5:37

But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no.’ Anything beyond these is of evil.

(New American Standard)

This verse is talking about the restitution or exchange of truth. You can almost say He was saying here, ‘Let your words be 3 or 3 and 7 or 7.’ If you think that sounds crazy, observe the following fact.

Matthew 5:37 = 9261

3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 9261

21 x 21 x 21 = 9261

ש x ש x ש = Matthew 5:37 = Truth


Jesus Christ was making a reference to the Three Seven Code that runs throughout the Bible. You can see it in the word he selected for ‘Statement’ or ‘Communication’. The word here translated as ‘Statement’ is actually in the Greek, the Logos of John.

Λογος = Statement/ Word = 373

This verse and its related meaning has a hidden riddle in its factors, meaning I am truth, that is, the meaning is a reiteration of the meaning of the verse, I am truth means: this is how to be true.

21 x 441 = Matthew 5:37

I AM x Truth = Matthew 5:37

There is another riddle and reference to the fractal found in the first nine words (3 x 3 = 9) in the ordinal numeration of the verse. The riddle is solved by only counting up to the sum of the yes, yes and no, no part of the verse.

Let your words be yes, yes; no, no.

Εστω δε ο λογος υμων ναι ναι ου ου = 337 (Ordinal)

The ordinal for the words Yes and No here hold a final riddle, that is of course solved in the name of Jesus.

ναι ου = Yes No = 58

58 = Jesus יהושע

3² + 7² = Jesus

This riddle was not for those of the past, rather it is for those of today. The riddle to you is this:

Do you say Yes or do you say No to the name of Jesus?

A recent addition to the code is a discovery made by Leo Tavares which can be seen in full here.

(123 × 3) + 1 = 370 = 37 x 10

(234 × 3) + 1 = 703 = 37 x 19

(345 × 3) + 1 = 1036 = 37 x 28

(456 × 3) + 1 = 1369 = 37 x 37

(567 × 3) + 1 = 1702 = 37 x 46

(678 × 3) + 1 = 2035 = 37 x 55

(789 × 3) + 1 = 2368 = 37 x 64

Another 3/7 fact of serious importance is that the holy name YHWH Elohim, (Yahweh Elohim) what you might call the full Hebrew name of God or Lord God appears exactly 37 times in the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, thanks to Rob Slattery of Biblegematria.com for providing this resource which can be seen here:

37 YHWH Elohims

In fact it appears 37 distinct times in 36 different verses, which is a subtle reference to the primary pattern of the protoverse, i.e. 37/73 as 37 + 36 = 73


The Three Seven Fractal also orders many of the largest features of the Bible. Indeed, many of the most important events in the Bible are part of its hidden pattern. The fractal is defined as a mathematical relationship between the number 3 and the number 7 and the important iterations of those numbers.

The most famous features of the Bible can be seen as a subset of this Three Seven pattern.

God made the world in six days, twice Three, and rested on the Seventh. The Logos has two threes and a seven. The letter triangle of the first verse fits in a matrix of a 3 x 3 square and 7 x 7 square and third 3 x 3 square.

Word = 373 = Logos

Christ was crucified on the Seventh Day and lay in the tomb for Three. There were 3 crosses at the crucifixion. There were seven original stages of the cross (Via Dolorosa) and seven last sayings of Christ on the cross. The two words for cross in Hebrew and Greek have 3 and 7 letters respectively, while the English word for cross has five letters the average of 3 and 7.

37 = The Cross = הצלב

צלב Cross Σταυρος

3 Letters 5 Letters 7 Letters

In what we in theistic mathematics, the 'Tetra Set', which is the four-fold sum of a word. The four sums are the Hebrew and Greek and ordinal and standard of each. The tetra set of the Cross comes 1533. Also notice that the very words in Hebrew and Greek follow the Three-Seven pattern, in the number of their letters.

צלב = Cross (Ordinal) = 32

צלב = Cross (Standard) = 122

Σταυρος = Cross (Ordinal) = 108

Σταυρος = Cross (Standard) = 1271

32 + 122 + 108 + 1271 = 1533

3 x 7 x 73 = 1533

This sum 1533 is the same sum of this most telling verse, where the code is rendered in plain site, once you know your numbers. In the chapter and verse coding of Psalm 118:21 we see Christ (118 ordinal) and 21 (3 x 7) the signature of the Most High. The last word of the verse, in Hebrew, is a word that is an anagram of Jesus (391). This verse is a prophecy of the coming of Christ and the eventual discovery of the Three Seven Code written in blood on the Shroud of Turin.

Psalm 118:21

I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

= 1533 = (3 x 7) x 73

The great flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Moses was on Mount Sinai with God for 40 days. The Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years. Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days. There were 40 days from the Resurrection of Christ to his Ascension. Clearly, 40 is an important number to God.

7² – 3² = 40

70 – 30 = 40

37 + 3 = 40 and 33 + 7 = 40


73 - 33 = 40 and 77 – 37 = 40

(7 - 3) x (7 + 3) = 40

(37 x 7) - (73 x 3) = 40

7th multiple of 37 minus the 3rd multiple of 73 = 40

259 - 219 = 40

37 x 40 = Christ (1480)

Researcher Philip Harvey-Lewis found that the word 'Forty' appears 157 times in the Bible (KJV) in 145 verses. This is highly relevant to the Three Seven Code in two important ways.

157 = 37th Prime Number

157- 145 = 12

37 = 12th prime

See the number 40 in the Bible

The symbolic meaning of 40 in the Bible is ‘Spirit.’ It is this ‘Spirit’ that connects the Three to the Seven. The difference between sums metaphorically means that which runs between them and connects them, i.e. ‘Spirit.’

Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are nothing more than the sum of Three and Seven.

3 + 7 = 10

Four Gospels

The Four Gospels are nothing less than the difference between Seven and Three.

7 - 3 = 4

The Torah

The Torah or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, are considered by the Jews to be the most holy work of all scriptures. Pentateuch means five books. What does five have to do with Three and Seven? The answer is quite elementary, it is the average of Three and Seven.

(3 + 7)/ 2 = 5

The Wounds of Christ

Traditionally, the stigmata, the wounds of Christ on the cross are numbered at five (two hands, two feet and the wound in His side). How does one encode two numbers into one number? Through arithmetic mean, that is the average of both numbers 3 and 7.


Jesus is called the Son of David and David was His ancestor. David is the first anointed King of Israel, chosen by God. The genealogy of Christ in Matthew records his generations in groups of 14 (Mat. 1:17), this was to reflect God's hand in the generations by encoding it through the name and number of David, since David's name is equal to 14. Similarly, there are 14 traditional stages of the cross, the way of sorrows.

דוד = David = 14

7 + 7 = 14


Clearly the number 12 is also an important number in the Bible. We see that in the 12 tribes of Israel. We see it in the 12 disciples and we see it in the 12 gates of the new Jerusalem.

How could twelve possibly be related to the Three Seven Fractal? It seems positively unrelated. But God is a mathematician, the very best mathematician, and mathematicians know that prime numbers are the foundation of all mathematics. What is the twelfth prime? The answer is thirty-seven.

37 = 12th prime

The title of the second portion of the Bible ‘The New Testament’ comes from the book of 1 Corinthians 11:25. Its standard sum is 157, making it the 37th prime.

η Καινη Διαθηκη = The New Testament = 157

157 = 37th Prime

The number 157 and its opposite are the hidden keys to the formula of sum of Jesus the Messiah.

(3 + 7) + (33 + 77) + (37 + 73) + (37th + 73rd Prime) = Jesus the Messiah

(3 + 7) + (33 + 77) + (37 + 73) + (157 + 367) = 754

The variations on the Three Seven pattern display a deep mathematical reflection of each other.

3 + 33 + 37 = 73

7 + 77 + 73 = 157

157 = 37th Prime

Ancient Hebrew has 22 original letters and Greek has 24 letters. These correlate with the Three Seven Fractal through the index of figurative triangles, a triangle being the perfect representation of the TRINITY. The difference between the 3rd and 7th triangle is 22 and the 24th triangle is 300, the Shin which the Spirit of God.

28 - 6 = 22

T7 = 28

T3 = 6

T24 = 300 = The Spirit of God

We have seen how the proper name of Jesus in Hebrew is the sum of Three squared and Seven squared. The improper name of Jesus is something similar.

JESUS, Modern Hebrew = ישו = 316

7³ - 3³ = 316

(343 – 27 = 316)

This is also the sum of the titles of the Four Gospels in Greek ordinal:

4 words (7 - 3 = 4) with 27 letters (3 x 3 x 3).

Ματθαιος, Μαρκος, Λουκας, Ιωαννης = 316

Christ calls himself the Resurrection.

John 11:25

I am the Resurrection

(εγω ειμι η αναστασις) = 1844

37 73 = 1844

The Ark of Noah was a rectangular container, a box if you will, something similar to a cube and so too was the Ark of the Covenant.

תבה = Noah’s Ark = 27 (Ordinal)

33 = 27

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

1Sam. 3:3

The Ark of God

ארון אלהים = 343

343 = 73

7 x 7 x 7 = 343

The words God uses shimmer with sevens.

And God Said = ויאמר אלהים = 343

= 7 x 7 x 7

And the Lord Proclaimed = ויקרא יהוה = 343

= 7 x 7 x 7

Acts 4:10

In the name of Jesus Christ = 343 = 7 x 7 x 7

(Εν τωι ονοματι Ιησου Χριστου)

The books of the New Testament are the container of the New Truth of God and there are 27 of them, Three times Three times Three.

32 x 72 = 441

9 x 49 = 441

441 = אמת = Truth

ש x ש = Truth


(3 + 7) + (33 + 77) + (333 + 777) = 1230

Holy, Holy, Holy

קדוש קדוש קדוש

= 1230

This pattern is often hidden in plain sight. The New Testament records the disciples hauling in 153 fish in their catch. What an odd thing to record. There is only so much room in the Bible and yet that little bit of data is included, with questionable relevance. But when you see it through the lense of the Three Seven Fractal, the inclusion of that information makes every bit of sense.

37th composite number = 54

73rd composite number = 99

54 + 99 = 153

(3 + 7) + (37 + 73) + (12 + 21) = 153

12 = 37th prime

21 = 73rd prime

The prophetic name given to Christ is that of Emmanuel, meaning God is with us. The number of Emmanuel figures strongly in the puzzle of the periodic table. It is also within the subset of the Three Seven Fractal.

Emmanuel (Εμμανουηλ) = 644

(3 + 7) + (37th + 73rd prime) + (37 + 73) = 644

This is a fractal based on the numbers three and seven, but also based in the proto-pattern seen in the first verse. That’s what allows us to do the following the mathematics.

(157 + 367) + (115 + 218) + (37 73) = 2701

(37th + 73rd prime) + (37th + 73rd semiprime) + (37 73) = 2701

37 x 73 = 2701 = Genesis 1:1

There are many combinations of the Three Seven pattern that equate to the sum of the first verse:

(3 + 33 + 373) + (37th Almost 7 prime) + (73rd Almost 3 prime) = 2701

They also tend to interact with the name of Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ = 2368

2368 - (37th Prime + 73rd Prime) = 37- 73

The name Jesus Christ in Greek has 13 letters, this too is a simple cipher of the 3/7 Code based in Genesis and John 1:1.

3 + 7 + 3 = 13

One of the most memorable scenes in the Gospel accounts is when Jesus walks upon the water and Peter attempts the same only falter at the last moment for lack of faith. This famous scene is captured poignantly in the verse Mark 14:31.

Mark 14:31

And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him,

and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

This is the only verse Bible with the sum of 9539 a prime number. It's significance highlights the 3/7 fractal, where important passages appear encoded with advanced mathematical understanding based on 3's and 7's, from the prototype of the first verse. Here the number 9539 is important as it is the sum of all the primes from 37 to 73, the prime factors of Genesis 1:1.

The 37th to 73rd prime number

157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239,241, 251, 257, 263,

269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367,

9539 = Mark 14:31

These Threes and Sevens come together to add up to some of the most powerful names and concepts in all the Scriptures.

(157 + 367) + (115 + 218) + (54 + 99) = 1010

(37th + 73rd prime) + (37th + 73rd semiprime) + (37th + 73rd composite) = 1010

After the Order of Melchizedek = על דברתי מלכי צדק = 1010

Factorials are a fascinating aspect of mathematics. With factorials you multiply subsequent numbers together. A numerical factorial is marked by an exclamation point, e.g., Factorial of 4! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24. The factorials of 3 and 7 show an awesome pattern.

3! + 7! = 5046

Jesus x Jesus = 5046 = Ιησους x יהושע

87 x 58 = 5046

3! - 7! = 5034

The Son of Man + The Son of God = 5034

(ο υιος του ανθρωπου) + (ο υιος του θεου)

10,080 = The Transfiguration

Mark 9:3

And his garment was shining and became very white, like snow,

in a manner by which men on earth are not able to whiten.

(3! + 7!) + (3! - 7!) = 10,080

(5046 + 5034) = 10,080

7! + 7! = 10,080

(5040 + 5040)

(3! + 7!) - (3! - 7!) = 12

12 = 37th prime

The basis of mathematics is number theory. Number theory is based upon Euclid’s Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, the first proof of mathematics. It tells us that all numbers are ordered by the arrangement of prime numbers and every number is a product of a unique set of prime numbers.

All numbers are arranged according to their number of prime factors. When we look at the heirarchy of prime configurations, we find that it is keyed to the number 37.

Jacob’s Ladder: The Stairway to Mathematical Heaven

37th prime = 157

37th semiprime = 115

37th triprime = 164

37th tetraprime = 294

37th pentaprime = 520

37th hexaprime = 1000

37th heptaprime = 2000

37th octaprime = 4000

37th nonaprime = 8000

37th decaprime = 16,000

37th hendecaprime = 32,000

37th dodecaprime = 64,000

37th tridecaprime = 128,000

The numbers Three and Seven simply are the keys to unlocking all the mathematical secrets of the Bible. Observe:

Revelation 1:6

The Glory and the Power

η δοξα και το κρατος

= 1235

37th + 73rd composite numbers = 54 + 99 = 153

37th + 73rd prime numbers = 157 + 367 = 524

37th + 73rd semiprime numbers = 115 + 218 = 333

37th + 73rd triprime numbers = 164 + 292 = 456

153 + 524 + 333 + 456 + (1235) = 2701 = Genesis 1:1

All the words on this list add up to 37

JESUS, Modern Hebrew (ישו)

● I am He (God) Isa. 41:4, (הוא אני)

● The BEING, (God) Septuagint (Ων) Exo. 3:14

● God (אלהא)

● The Glory (הכבוד)

● Word (ρημα) Eph 6:17

● The Cross (הצלב)

● Wisdom (חכמה) Chokmah

● Life (יחידה)

● Life (Zωη)

● Pious, Saint (חסיד)

● Puzzle (מבוכה)

√1369 Image of God εικων Θεου

All the words on this list add up to 73

CHRIST, The Christian, The Nazarite, Modern Hebrew (הנוצרי)

● I am He (God) Isa. 41:4 (הוא אני)

● I am God Almighty, (אני אל שדי)

● The Great God (אל הגדל) Deu. 10:17

● A great and mighty God (הגבר הגדל האל) Deu. 10:17

● Man of God (איש אלהים)

● Wisdom Chokmah (חכמה)

● The Life (חיים ה) Gen. 2:7

● Forever and ever Psalm 48:14

● Light & Darkness (אור) & (חשך)

● The Day + The Night (ה יום + ה ליל)

● The Promises (αι επαγγελιαι) Rom. 9:4

● Law (νομος)

● Puzzle, (מבוכה)

● The Number of Words in the Lord’s Prayer with the Amen

All the words on this list add up to 110 (37 + 73)

● JESUS the CHRIST, Modern Hebrew (הנוצרי ישו)

Jesus Messiah (משיח יהושע)

Word of God (Λογος Θεου)

Father of the Faith –Christ (אב האמונה)

Thy King (מלכך)

The Infinite, (τo απειροv)

The Great, the Mighty God, the LORD (יהוה הגבור הגדול האל) Jer. 32:18

Foundation (מוסד) Isa. 28:16 (Messianic Epithet)

To lay the foundation (ליסוד)

Prophecy (Προφητεια)

Baptism (βαπτισμος)

Soul of Jesus (יהושע נפש)

The Isopsephy (Gematria) η ισοψηφια

The Secret of the Lord is those that fear Him (ליראיו יהוה סוד) Ps. 25:14

All the words on this list add up to 300

The Spirit of God (רוח אלהים) Genesis 1:2

● ש Primary Letter: the Hebrew Shin

● The Great, the Mighty God (האל הגדול הגבור) Jer. 32:18

● Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Rev. 5:5 (יהודה מטה אריה)

● Thy Shepherd (רעיך)

● Atonement (כפר)

● The Menorah (המנרה)

● The Edifying (η οικοδομη)

● The Parable (η παραβολη)

● Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh (χρυσος και λιβανος και Σμυρνα)

● My God, My God why hast Thou Forsaken Me

(Θεε μου θεε μου ινατι με εγκατελιπες)

All the entries on this list add up to 2701

● Genesis 1:1 (הארץ ואת השמים את אלהים ברא בראשית)

● Apostle of Christ (Αποστολος Χριστου) 1Tim 1:1

● The Work of Faith (το εργον της πιστεως) 1The. 1:3

● Eternal Perfection (αιωνιoς τελειωσις)

● Gospel of the Trinity of the Lord (Eυαγγελιον της τριαδας Κυριου)

● Worthy is the Lamb having been slain (Rev. 5:12, NA27)

Αξιον εστιν το αρνιον το εσφαγμενον

● That ye may be the children of light (ινα υιοι φωτος γενησθε) John 12:36

● 37 plus 73 plus “The break of day” Act. 20:11

(τριακοντα και επτα εβδομηκοντα και τρια) + (η αυγε)

● Genesis 8:14 The End of the Flood

After the same Manner/ Likewise (ωσαυτος) This is the only word in the Bible that comes to the sum of the first verse. It means in a similar manner. This is of course the exact meaning of the Three Seven Fractal, based in the mirror primes of 37 and 73 which are in a similar manner.

It is also, I believe, God calling on His faithful to spread the truth of His Word. That is to say, Go and do Likewise. If you are a Christian please share this truth of God.

In another fashion the three and seven can be seen as the Trinity of God and the seven angels of Revelation who reside before the throne of God and are his eternal servitors.

The list below is a compilation of the discoveries pertaining to this fractal up to now. It is expected to grow considerably. If you believe you have discovered something new of the Three-Seven Fractal that deserves to belong on this list, please send your idea along with the evidence and or Biblical references to this email address. Those ideas will be listed here with the discoverer’s name attached.

To see one of the seven major evidences click the links. To see the comprehensive collection continue to scroll down.


The first verse of the Bible is the proto-pattern of the Three Seven Fractal. The features of the first verse mathematically echo throughout the entirety of Scripture. The main feature is the 3/7 of its prime factors and the 3/7 of figurative shape of 28 letters (the 7th triangle) and composed of seven words.


א ר

ת י ש

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

37 x 73 = 2701

Σ: 2,701 Standard

Σ: 298 Ordinal

The cross of the first verse displays this fractal again in the number 231.


א ר

ת י ש

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

Black Letters = 231

33 x 7 = 231

77 x 3 = 231

231 = 21st Triangle

(21 = 3 x 7)

(73 = 21st Prime)

The base of the triangle of the first verse exhibits another strong feature of the Three Seven Fractal.


א ר

ת י ש

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

Base = 703 (Standard)

Base = 73 (Ordinal)

703 = 37th Triangle

The remainder of the standard triangle shows more 37’s.


א ר

ת י ש

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

Red Letters = 1998

1998 = 37 x 54

54 = 37th Composite Number

Another triangular feature of the fractal is discovered when you remove the first word, ‘Berashith’ or ‘In the Beginning.’


א ר

ת י ש

Berashith (In the beginning)

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

Remainder = 1788

298 x 6 = 1788

298 = Genesis 1:1 (Ordinal)

Which means you can make a fractal triangle of the ordinal that is the equivalent to the truncated standard.


א ר

ת י ש

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

ב ב

א ר א ר

ת י ש ת י ש

א א ר ב א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו ץ ר א ה ת א ו

ב ב ב

א ר א ר א ר

ת י ש ת י ש ת י ש

א א ר ב א א ר ב א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל א ם י ה ל א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת ם י מ ש ה ת ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו ץ ר א ה ת א ו ץ ר א ה ת א ו

Six Ordinal First Verses = 1788 (298 x 6)

The corners of the configuration of this nature, are always important features.


א ר

ת י ש

א א ר ב

א ם י ה ל

ם י מ ש ה ת

ץ ר א ה ת א ו

Black Letters = 98

98 = 21st Triprime (Almost 3 Prime)

21 = 3 x 7

98 = (7 x 7) + (7 x 7)

Red Letters = 2603

2603 = 19 x 137

2603 = 740th Semiprime

740 = 20 x 37

The Three Seven Fractal has one constant and that is the first verse. The features of the first verse are its only parameters. The way in the fractal interacts with other parts of the Bible vary in spectacular ways. We have seen that the sum of the first verse is the 73rd triangle, while the last line of the first verse is the 37th triangle. The difference between them is 36th triangle three times over.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 73rd Triangle

And the earth = 703 = 37th Triangle

2701 – 703 = 1998

666 x 3 = 1998

666 = 36th Triangle


The Gospel of John introduces us to the concept of the ‘Word’ or the Logos in the Greek. This fundamental feature of the theology of John corresponds perfectly with the Three Seven Fractal.

ΛΟΓΟΣ = Word/Logos = 373

373 = 74th Prime

37 + 37 = 74

We see this same sum in the preamble to the Lord's Prayer, from Luke 11:2 in the ordinal. Here it conforms to the geometry of gnomon. A gnomon is the difference between two squares. Here the square of seven minus the square of four gives us 33 letters that forms a configuration of 3 lines of 7 rows or 3 lines of 7 columns.

7² - 4² = 33

This prime number 373 has some intriguing properties, in that it is both balance prime and the sum of five consecutive primes the middle of which is itself 73. A balanced prime is one with equal sized prime gaps above and below it, which means it is the average (arithmetic mean) of the primes above and below it.

Sum of Five Consecutive Primes

67 + 71 + 73 + 79 + 83 = 373

The Logos also reflects the Three Seven Fractal in the ordinal to a lesser degree, now employing the definitive article.

Ο Λογος = The Word = 77 (Ordinal)

The Logos of John and the first few words of his gospel show many impossible connections to the first verse. One of the most visible is the completing triangle of its sum. The sum of John 1:1, one of the most beautiful and profound verses in all the Bible, is 3627, when we properly include the hidden letters of the iota subscript.

John 1:1

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

Εν αρχηι ην ο Λογος και ο Λογος ην προς τον Θεον και Θεος ην ο Λογος

= 3627

When we add this sum to that of the first verse we find that we have completed another triangle. Triangular numbers are not common especially in this range. The higher the numbers go the more uncommon triangular numbers become.

This is because triangular numbers represent the sum function in mathematics and as each new sum is just a little larger than the last, the higher you go the rare they are.

The odds of getting a triangular number is easy to calculate. Simply divide the triangular index number by the triangular number itself.

2701 = 73rd Triangle

73/2701 = 2.7%

Adding John 1:1 to Genesis 1:1, two verses that already have a lot in common, we 112th triangle.

112/ 6328 = 1.7%

2.7% x 1.7% = 0.04%

To see the many other sums that do this read The Key of the First Verse below



One of the most important names of God is Eheyeh or I AM, the name which he gave to Moses to tell the Israelites. This name is central to the programming of the Three Seven Fractal and we can see it in the factors of its sum.

אהיה = I AM = 21

3 x 7 = 21

The puzzle of this name is remarkably simple. The number 21 is the 6th triangle. The triangle is the most perfect and simple symbol of the Trinity. The solution to the puzzle can be plainly stated as: ‘I AM TRINITY.’

When we look at the first 21 words of the Bible (Verses 1 and 2) as a triangle of words we see a geometric orchestration in the writing. The final statement of the passage fits neatly as the base of the triangle and several of the words align themselves, as if this was the intended configuration of these words.

The base of this triangle reads:

‘And the Spirit of God moved over the face of the deep.’

The sum of this statement is a very strong correlation to the Three Seven Fractal.

And the Spirit of God moved over the face of the deep = 1369

37 x 37 = 1369


This number is important for many reasons and all of them display the dominion of the Three Seven Fractal. In this context one stands out as it describes the configuration we see above.

θεμελιος Κυριου = The Foundation of the Lord = 1369

This can be seen as the foundation or base of the triangle above. The regular repetition of this fractal is an eternal reference to the Trinity. So it is fitting that 1369 should be the sum of this Trinitarian phrase.

εις Θεος O Kυριος = One God the Lord = 1369

The remainder of the configuration (4878) leads into its correspondence to the first verse of John. Its connection to that first verse is seen when we look at this triangle as ordinal numbers.

The ordinal numeration, as usual is hiding the greatest secrets of the Bible. The perimeter of the triangle has the same sum as John 1:1 in the ordinal, what’s even more astounding is that the base, which is ‘And the Spirit of God moved over the face of the deep’ is now 271, which corresponds again to the exact wording of John 1:1.

John 1:1

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

Εν αρχηι ην ο Λογος και ο Λογος ην προς τον Θεον και Θεος ην ο Λογος

Boldface = 271

Remainder = 334

This brings us back to the remainder of the standard numeration of the triangle or 4878. We find its coding in its prime factorization.

2 x 3 x 3 x 271 = 4878

If we simplify these prime factors into 271 and the remainder, we have our encoding.

2 x 3 x 3 = 18

18 x 271 = 4878

John 1:1

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

Εν αρχηι ην ο Λογος και ο Λογος ην προς τον Θεον και Θεος ην ο Λογος

Boldface = 271

Underlined Text = 18

Or this could be a rebus equation:

(The Trinity) x (6th Triangle) x (And the Word was with God) = 4878

3 x 6 x 271 = 4878

We have one last puzzle piece that reveals the hand of the Eternal One. If we highlight the two cells that represent the word ‘In the Beginning’ (Berashith) and God (Elohim) we see yet another correlation with another first verse of John.

The ordinal sum of these two words is 117 (76 + 41 = 117).

What is fascinating here is that this corresponds to another book of John, 1st John and the first four letters of 1st John.

ο ην απ αρχης = That which was from the Beginning = 117

In the beginning God = 117

יהוה האלהים = The Lord God = 117

In the standard these two words come together as another arm of the Three Seven Fractal.

In the Beginning + God = 999

3 x 3 x 3 x 37 = 999

3 x 333 = 999

3³ x 37 = 999


The most contentious name in human history is that Jesus Christ, now known to the world through the Greek of the New Testament, from where the name ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ come from.



These two names both display coordination with the Three Seven Fractal of the first verse. This coordination displays more than any other fact that the Deity Himself inhabited the personage of Jesus Christ, leaving a mathematical signature in His name and in the very first verse of His Book.


888 = 24 x 37

888 = 733rd Composite Number

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = JESUS = 87 (Ordinal)

87 = 63rd Composite Number

63 = 3 x 7 x 3

The 24 in the prime factors of 888 here, would have been interpreted by Greek speakers of that day as representing the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet, hence the Alpha and Omega, that is the entirety of the alphabet. The number 24 also fractals the name in that it is 8 + 8 + 8 = 24.


1480 = 40 x 37

1480 = 118th Pentaprime (Almost 5 Prime)

118 = ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ = CHRIST (Ordinal)

118 = 87th Composite Number

87 = ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = JESUS = (Ordinal)


2368 = 64 X 37

The very number 2368 also displays the Three Seven Fractal in a fascinating way. By adding together the digits of the number itself we arrive at the number 37 of the primary pattern of the first verse of the Bible.

= 37


14 + 23

/\ /\

5 + 9 + 14

/\ /\ /\

2 + 3 + 6 + 8

2368 = 2017th Composite Number

2017 = Incept Date for this Website

2017 = Anagram = 2701

The modern Hebrew name for Jesus Christ also displays this pattern in the ordinal.

ישו = Jesus = 37

הנוצרי = Christ = 73

הנוצרי = Christ (The Nazarene) = 361 (Standard)

√361 = 19

19 x 19 = 361


● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ●

Red Dots = 19

All Dots = 37

The proper Biblical spelling of the Hebrew name, also displays the Three Seven Fractal.

יהושע המשיח = Jesus the Messiah = 115 (Ordinal)

115 = 37th Semiprime

יהושע המשיח = Jesus the Messiah = 754 (Standard)

754 = 377 + 377

The number 99 is the 73rd composite number, a number with multiple prime factors. Here again we can see the name of Jesus in its proper Hebrew ordinal coordinate with the Three Seven Fractal.

בהשם יהושע = In the Name of Jesus = 99

99 = 73rd Composite Number

The name of the Lord Jesus Christ written in perfect Greek enumerates in the ordinal another facet of the Three Seven Fractal.

το ονομα Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου = The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

= 370

τριακοντα επτα φορες εβδομηκοντα τρια = Thirty-Seven times Seventy-Three

= 370

3³ + 7³ = 370

In the Standard enumeration of this phrase in Greek we see another indication of the Three Seven Fractal.

το ονομα Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου = The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

= 3969 (Standard)

Prime Factorization

3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 3 x 3 = 3969

34 x 72 = 3969

632 = 3969

3 x 7 x 3 = 63

The proper Hebrew name for Jesus in the ordinal truly displays the Three Seven Fractal now as a series of squares.

יהושע = Jesus = 58 (Ordinal)

3² + 7² = 58

The name Jesus Christ comes to English from the Greek Yehsous Christos. In the ordinal numeration this name comes to 205. When we look at the order of polygonal numbers we see the numerical imprint of the name Jesus Christ on the first five sets of 3 & 7 polygons. Figurative polygons or numerical polygons, are geometric shapes that are formed a series of counters or units.

● ●

● ● ●

The Third Triangle

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

The Third Square

By averaging the first five sets of polygons, the triangles to the heptagons, (3 Shaped to 7 Shaped) we see a Trinity of evidence for the Greek name of Jesus Christ, eternally embedded in geometry itself.

Sum of the 5 Polygonal Three-Seven Averages

3rd & 7th Triangles (6+28/2=17)

3rd & 7th Squares (9+49/2=29)

3rd & 7th Pentagons (12+70/2=41)

3rd & 7th Hexagons (15+91/2=53)

3rd & 7th Heptagons (18+112/2=65)

(17 + 29 + 41) = 87 = Jesus

(53 + 65) = 118 = Christ

87 + 118 = 205 = Jesus Christ

This is the same name and number arrangement we see in the first verse of the Bible.


The Hebrew letters that originally represented the number three and seven both exhibit features of the Three Seven Fractal.

ג Gimel (3)

זZain (7)

The 3rd and 7th letters of the Hebrew Alphabet spelled out as words (Gimel and Zain)

גמל = Gimel = 73

זיין = Zain = 77


It is in the Psalms that we truly begin to see the full extent of the Three Seven Fractal and we see it in the most plain and open way. We find the Fractal in the number of the Psalm itself, the most direct and largest denomination of the Psalms themselves.

In the most basic break down of the Three Seven Fractal we find that the 3rd and 7th Psalm come together and produce an absolutely stunning proof of the underlying mathematical structure to the scriptures.

Several puzzles are produced when the two psalms are put together. The most important related to the Fractal is the most direct as well. The number of letters in each psalm proper (without the title) come together to produce a magnificent Three Seven configuration.

Psalm 3 = 248 Letters

Psalm 7 = 529 Letters

248 + 529 = 777

3 x 7 x 37 = 777

The text in Hebrew below are the letters of the 3rd and 7th psalm respectively from the original Masoretic text, to which it can be compared. Copy and paste the text into a word document and perform a word/letter count to check the results.

The 777 Letters of Psalm 3 and 7

עלי קמים רבים צרי מה רבו יהוה

סלה באלהים לו ישועתה אין לנפשי אמרים רבים

ראשי ומרים כבודי בעדי מגן יהוה ואתה

סלה קדשו מהר ויענני אקרא אל יהוה קולי

יסמכני יהוה הקיצותי כי ואישנה שכבתי אני

עלי שתו סביב אשר עם מרבבות לא אירא

שברת רשעים שני לחי את כל איבי כי הכית אלהי הושיעני יהוה קומה

סלה ברכתך על עמך הישועה ליהוה

והצילני מכל רדפי הושיעני חסיתי בך אלהי יהוה

מציל ואין פרק נפשי כאריה פן יטרף

בכפי אם יש עול זאת אם עשיתי אלהי יהוה

ריקם צוררי ואחלצה רע שולמי אם גמלתי

סלה ישכן לעפר וכבודי חיי לארץ וישג וירמס נפשי אויב ירדף

צוית משפט אלי ועורה צוררי בעברות באפך הנשא יהוה קומה

שובה למרום ועליה תסובבך לאמים ועדת

עלי וכתמי כצדקי יהוה שפטני עמים ידין יהוה

צדיק אלהים וכליות לבות ובחן צדיק ותכונן רשעים רע נא יגמר

ישרי לב מושיע על אלהים מגני

בכל יום זעם ואל צדיק שופט אלהים

ויכוננה דרך קשתו ילטוש חרבו ישוב אם לא

יפעל לדלקים חציו מות כלי הכין ולו

שקר וילד עמל והרה יחבל און הנה

יפעל בשחת ויפל ויחפרהו כרה בור

ירד חמסו קדקדו ועל בראשו עמלו ישוב

עליון שם יהוה ואזמרה כצדקו יהוה אודה

It is of further note, that together, these psalms have 196 words, which is 14 squared, where 14 is the sum of the name of David, as well as 7 + 7.


Psalm 37 = 298 words

Genesis 1:1 = 298 ordinal

Psalm 37 + Psalm 73 = 1973 letters

1973 = 298th prime

Genesis 1:1 = 298 ordinal

If the Three Seven Fractal of the Scriptures is true, then we should expect to see it in Psalm 37 and 73, as this would be a clear reflection of the pattern of the first verse and its proto-pattern found in its factors (37 x 73 = 2701).

Should we compare these psalms we find that they are eerily similar in tone and subject matter. Both are a series of contrasts between the wicked and the righteous and we see this contrast in the very numbers of the chapters 37/73 which is that proto-pattern of the first verse. The New American Standard entitles them thusly:

Psalm 37: Security of those that trust in the Lord and insecurity of the wicked

Psalm 73: The end of the wicked contrasted with that of the righteous

The 37th psalm with the title included has exactly 298 words, the same sum of the first verse in the Hebrew ordinal.

Psalm 37 = 298 words

Genesis 1:1 = 298 (Ordinal)

The 73rd psalm has 197 words with its title, the same sum of the number of words of Day One (Genesis 1:1-5) as well as the sum of the name Emmanuel.

Psalm 73 = 197 words

Day One = 197 words

עמנואל Emmanuel = 197

This is further connected to the Three Seven Fractal in that 197 is the sum of all the prime numbers up to and including 37.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 = 197

These two psalms together form a very large puzzle, a puzzle that requires a missing key. The puzzle comes together to form a large triangle, the symbol of the Trinity. In order to make this triangular puzzle, one has to include the four Kethib/Qere corrections to the text.

The ancient scribes when codifying the scripture discovered on occasion a minor copying error in the text. Believing the text to be Holy, they did not eliminate the errors, but rather they noted them and inserted the corrected word following the error. These corrections can still be found in any Hebrew Bible. The words Kethib/Qere mean ‘As written’ and ‘As read.’ Due to this unique peculiarity of the Hebrew scriptures, we find that when we include both the error and the correction, that psalm 37 and 73 come together in a grand puzzle. This puzzle is only completed however when we include the first verse of the Bible, the missing key and the proto-pattern of the Scriptures.

Verse 1 = 28 Letters

Psalm 37 = 1214 Letter

Psalm 73 = 774 Letters

28 + 1214 + 774 = 2016 Letters

2016 = The 63rd Triangle

63 = 3 x 7 x 3

The number 2016 may be important as a date marker in and of itself, as that the was the year of the discovery of the blood code on the Shroud of Turin, on Thanksgiving Day 2016.

Below are the three components of the 37/73 Psalm Puzzle. Copy and paste all three into a word document and perform a word/letter count to check the number.

Verse 1 + Psalm 37 + Psalm 73

בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

עולה בעשי תקנא אל במרעים תתחר אל

יבולון דשא וכירק ימלו מהרה כחציר כי

אמונה ורעה ארץ שכן טוב ועשה ביהוה בטח

לבך משאלת לך ויתן יהוה על והתענג

יעשה והוא עליו ובטח דרכך יהוה על גול

כצהרים ומשפטך צדקך כאור והוציא

מזמות עשה באיש דרכו במצליח תתחר אל לו והתחולל ליהוה דום

להרע אך תתחר אל חמה ועזב מאף הרף

ארץ יירשו המה יהוה וקוי יכרתון מרעים כי

ואיננו מקומו על והתבוננת רשע ואין מעט ועוד

שלום רב על והתענגו ארץ יירשו וענוים

שניו עליו וחרק לצדיק רשע זמם

יומו יבא כי ראה כי לו ישחק אדני

דרך ישרי לטבוח ואביון עני להפיל קשתם ודרכו רשעים פתחו חרב

תשברנה וקשתותם בלבם תבוא חרבם

רבים רשעים מהמון לצדיק מעט טוב

יהוה צדיקים וסומך תשברנה רשעים זרועות כי

תהיה לעולם ונחלתם תמימם ימי יהוה יודע

ישבעו רעבון ובימי רעה בעת יבשו לא

כלו בעשן כלו כרים כיקר יהוה ואיבי יאבדו רשעים כי

ונותן חונן וצדיק ישלם ולא רשע לוה

יכרתו ומקלליו ארץ יירשו מברכיו כי

יחפץ ודרכו כוננו גבר מצעדי מיהוה

ידו סומך יהוה כי יוטל לא יפל כי

לחם מבקש וזרעו נעזב צדיק ראיתי ולא זקנתי גם הייתי נער

לברכה וזרעו ומלוה חונן היום כל

לעולם ושכן טוב ועשה מרע סור

נכרת רשעים וזרע נשמרו לעולם חסידיו את יעזב ולא משפט אהב יהוה כי

עליה לעד וישכנו ארץ יירשו צדיקים

משפט תדבר ולשונו חכמה יהגה צדיק פי

אשריו תמעד לא בלבו אלהיו תורת

להמיתו ומבקש לצדיק רשע צופה

בהשפטו ירשיענו ולא בידו יעזבנו לא יהוה

תראה רשעים בהכרת ארץ לרשת וירוממך דרכו ושמר יהוה אל קוה

רענן כאזרח ומתערה עריץ רשע ראיתי

נמצא ולא ואבקשהו איננו והנה ויעבר

שלום לאיש אחרית כי ישר וראה תם שמר

נכרתה רשעים אחרית יחדו נשמדו ופשעים

צרה בעת מעוזם מיהוה צדיקים ותשועת

בו חסו כי ויושיעם מרשעים יפלטם ויפלטם יהוה ויעזרם

לבב לברי אלהים לישראל טוב אך

אשרי שפכו שפכה כאין רגלי נטיו נטוי כמעט ואני

אראה רשעים שלום בהוללים קנאתי כי

אולם ובריא למותם חרצבות אין כי

ינגעו לא אדם ועם אינמו אנוש בעמל

למו חמס שית יעטף גאוה ענקתמו לכן

לבב משכיות עברו עינמו מחלב יצא

ידברו ממרום עשק ברע וידברו ימיקו

בארץ תהלך ולשונם פיהם בשמים שתו

למו ימצו מלא ומי הלם עמו ישוב ישיב לכן

בעליון דעה ויש אל ידע איכה ואמרו

חיל השגו עולם ושלוי רשעים אלה הנה

כפי בנקיון וארחץ לבבי זכיתי ריק אך

לבקרים ותוכחתי היום כל נגוע ואהי

בגדתי בניך דור הנה כמו אספרה אמרתי אם

בעיני הוא היא עמל זאת לדעת ואחשבה

לאחריתם אבינה אל מקדשי אל אבוא עד

למשואות הפלתם למו תשית בחלקות אך

בלהות מן תמו ספו כרגע לשמה היו איך

תבזה צלמם בעיר אדני מהקיץ כחלום

אשתונן וכליותי לבבי יתחמץ כי

עמך הייתי בהמות אדע ולא בער ואני

ימיני ביד אחזת עמך תמיד ואני

תקחני כבוד ואחר תנחני בעצתך

בארץ חפצתי לא ועמך בשמים לי מי

לעולם אלהים וחלקי לבבי צור ולבבי שארי כלה

ממך זונה כל הצמתה יאבדו רחקיך הנה כי

מלאכותיך כל לספר מחסי יהוה באדני שתי טוב לי אלהים קרבת ואני

The four Kethib/Qere corrections of Psalm 73 are noted by the boldface-underlined type.

This enormous puzzle has yet to be fully analyzed. So far however it has produced many wonders. In the ordinal (the numeration that hides the majority of the secrets of the Bible) we find that the first 12 rows (37 = 12th prime) of the triangle sums to 888, the sum of the name of Jesus in Greek. The very next row has a sum of 87, the sum of the Greek Jesus, now in the ordinal.

The Jesus Triangle of Rows 1-12

Rows 1-12 = 888 = Jesus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ


1 20

22 10 21

1 1 20 2

1 13 10 5 12

13 10 13 21 5 22

18 20 1 5 22 1 6

13 2 20 8 22 22 12 1

14 19 22 12 1 13 10 16 20

11 5 12 6 16 10 21 16 2 1

10 5 20 5 13 20 10 18 8 11 10

10 1 21 4 19 20 10 11 6 6 12 13

The 13th Row of Jesus

5 6 5 10 2 8 9 2 14 6 12 6 2

= 87 = Jesus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Ordinal)

When we eliminate the duplicate words of the Kethib/Qere corrections the two psalms together now have 1973 letters, without their titles.

Psalm 37 & 73 Proper = 1973 Letters

1973 = 298th Prime

Genesis 1:1 = 298 (Ordinal)

Looking at the two psalms in their proper formation without the duplicate corrections, we find that the first 7 verses from Psalm 37 and 73 have exactly 391 letters, the sum of the name of Jesus in Biblical Hebrew.

Verses 1-7 of Psalm 37 & 73 = 391 Letters

יהושע = Jesus = 391

If then we go on to include the eighth verse of each psalm respectively the number of letters comes to 443, the sum of John’s Logos or the Word.

Verses 1-8 of Psalm 37 & 73 = 443 Letters

Ο Λογος = The Word = 443



The 110th Psalm is related to the Three Seven Fractal in two separate ways. The first is that 110 is the sum of the prime factors of the first verse.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 x 73

37 + 73 = 110

The 110th Psalm stands out theologically as well, as it is the most quoted passage of the Old Testament. Psalm 110:1 is quoted 18 times in the New Testament (Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists)

Psalm 110:1

The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The psalm is composed of 63 words, a number repeatedly employed in the Three Seven Fractal, as its prime factors are the same as the Logos of John and the proto-pattern itself and the sum of the Hebrew word for ‘Prophet’.

3 x 7 x 3 = 63

Logos = 373

The Three Seven Fractal is all about the repetition and variation of the numbers Three and Seven. The number 21 is the most basic product of these two numbers (3 x 7 = 21) and is the sum of one of the most important names of God.

21 = Eheyeh = I AM

Since 73 is the 21st Prime and 21 makes a perfect triangle we have every right to configure the 110 psalm into a series of three triangles or a trinity of triangles.

The Trinity of Triangles of Psalm 110


לאדני יהוה

עד לימיני שב

לרגליך הדם איביך אשית

מציון יהוה ישלח עזך מטה

ביום נדבת עמך איביך בקרב רדה

בהדרי חילך

לך משחר מרחם קדש

ינחם ולא יהוה נשבע ילדתיך טל

אדני צדק מלכי דברתי על לעולם כהן אתה

גויות מלא בגוים דין מלכים אפו ביום מחץ ימינך על

The second Three Seven Fractal feature of the 110th Psalm is its number of letters. The letters of the psalm proper (without title) come to 232. This in and of itself is extremely pertinent as this is one of the most well known numbers in Biblical gematria.

The 232 has many correspondences that agree upon its meaning, primarily in that of the Word of the Lord.

דבר יהוה = The Word of the Lord = 232

η γραμματεια του Κυριου = The Gematria of the Lord = 232

Let there be Light יהי אור God’s 1st Words = 232

Revelation 3:7

‘He that hath the Key of David’

Ο εχων την κλειδα του Δαβιδ = 232

The ‘Key of David’ seen here and in many other ways, is a reference to Christ who holds that key and to the numbering system of Biblical gematria. This is that key deciphered. The key to this Psalm’s decipherment is found both in the name of Jesus which is itself fundamental to the Three Seven Fractal.

יהושע = Jesus = 58 (Ordinal)

3² + 7² = 58

Since 58 x 4 is equal to 232 we can make a cube or box of alternating 3 x 3 and 7 x 7 squares.

Psalm 110 as a Cube of Alternating Squares

נ א ם

י ה ו

ה ל א

ד נ י ש ב ל י

מ י נ י ע ד א

ש י ת א י ב י

ך ה ד ם ל ר ג

ל י ך מ ט ה ע

ז ך י ש ל י י

ה ו ה מ צ י ו

ן ר ד

ה ב ק

ר ב א

י ב י ך ע מ ך

נ ד ב ת ב י ו

ם ח י ל ך ב ה

ד ר י ק ד ש מ

ר ח ם מ ש ח ר

ל ך ט ל י ל ד

ת י ך נ ש ב ע

י ה ו

ה ו ל

א י נ

ח ם א ת ה כ ה

ן ל ע ו ל ם ע

ל ד ב ר ת י מ

ל כ י צ ד ק א

ד נ י ע ל י מ

י נ ך מ ח ץ ב

י ו ם א פ ו מ

ל כ י

ם י ד

י ן ב

ג ו י ם מ ל א

ג ו י ו ת מ ח

ץ ר א ש ע ל א

ר ץ ר ב ה מ נ

ח ל ב ד ר ך י

ש ת ה ע ל כ ן

י ר י ם ר א ש

ראש ירים כן על ישתה בדרך מנחל רבה ארץ על ראש מחץ

PSALM 33 & 77 & 110

The 37/73 of the first verse sums to 110, just as 33 and 77 come to 110. Should we then add the words of Psalm 33, 77 and 110 together we find the fractal once more, now in the Logos of John and that number 373.

Λογος = Word/Logos = 373

Listed below in order are Psalm 33, then 77 and 110. To check the count, copy and paste the text into a word document and perform a word count.

PSALM 33 & PSALM 77 & PSALM 110

תהלה נאוה לישרים ביהוה צדיקים רננו

לו זמרו עשור בנבל בכנור ליהוה הודו

בתרועה נגן היטיבו חדש שיר לו שירו

באמונה מעשהו וכל יהוה דבר ישר כי

הארץ מלאה יהוה חסד ומשפט צדקה אהב

צבאם כל פיו וברוח נעשו שמים יהוה בדבר

תהומות באוצרות נתן הים מי כנד כנס

תבל ישבי כל יגורו ממנו הארץ כל מיהוה ייראו

ויעמד צוה הוא ויהי אמר הוא כי

עמים מחשבות הניא גוים עצת הפיר יהוה

ודר לדר לבו מחשבות תעמד לעולם יהוה עצת

לו לנחלה בחר העם אלהיו יהוה אשר הגוי אשרי

האדם בני כל את ראה יהוה הביט משמים

הארץ ישבי כל אל השגיח שבתו ממכון

מעשיהם כל אל המבין לבם יחד היצר

מלט לא חילו וברב לתשועה הסוס שקר

כח ברב ינצל לא גבור חיל ברב נושע המלך אין

לחסדו למיחלים יראיו אל יהוה עין הנה

ברעב ולחיותם נפשם ממות להציל

הוא ומגננו עזרנו ליהוה חכתה נפשנו

בטחנו קדשו בשם כי לבנו ישמח בו כי

לך יחלנו כאשר עלינו יהוה חסדך יהי

אלי והאזין קולי אל אלהים ואצעקה אלהים אל קולי

נפשי הנחם מאנה תפוג ולא נגרה לילה ידי דרשתי אדני צרתי ביום

סלה רוחי ותתעטף אשיחה ואהמיה אלהים אזכרה

אדבר ולא נפעמתי עיני שמרות אחזת

עולמים שנות מקדם ימים חשבתי

רוחי ויחפש אשיחה לבבי עם בלילה נגינתי אזכרה

עוד לרצות יסיף ולא אדני יזנח הלעולמים

ודר לדר אמר גמר חסדו לנצח האפס

סלה רחמיו באף קפץ אם אל חנות השכח

עליון ימין שנות היא חלותי ואמר

פלאך מקדם אזכרה כי יה מעללי אזכור

אשיחה ובעלילותיך פעלך בכל והגיתי

כאלהים גדול אל מי דרכך בקדש אלהים

עזך בעמים הודעת פלא עשה האל אתה

סלה ויוסף יעקב בני עמך בזרוע גאלת

תהמות ירגזו אף יחילו מים ראוך אלהים מים ראוך

יתהלכו חצציך אף שחקים נתנו קול עבות מים זרמו

הארץ ותרעש רגזה תבל ברקים האירו בגלגל רעמך קול

נדעו לא ועקבותיך רבים במים ושבילך דרכך בים

ואהרן משה ביד עמך כצאן נחית

לרגליך הדם איביך אשית עד לימיני שב לאדני יהוה נאם

איביך בקרב רדה מציון יהוה ישלח עזך מטה

ילדתיך טל לך משחר מרחם קדש בהדרי חילך ביום נדבת עמך

צדק מלכי דברתי על לעולם כהן אתה ינחם ולא יהוה נשבע

מלכים אפו ביום מחץ ימינך על אדני

רבה ארץ על ראש מחץ גויות מלא בגוים ידין

ראש ירים כן על ישתה בדרך מנחל

The 1,456 letters of the three psalms can also be configured as yet another Star of Stars, this one composed of twenty-six 37 Type stars or a double 13 Type star of 37 type stars. (T7 = 28, 28 x 2 = 56 double triangle star of David, 56 x 26 = 1456)


The first verse acts as a type of figurative key to many of the puzzles of the Bible. It has been known for some time that the sum of John 1:1 ‘In the beginning was the word…’ completes a larger triangle of the first verse.

Gen. 1:1 = 2701 = 73rd Triangle

Gen. 1:1 + John 1:1 (2701 + 3627) = 6328 = 112th Triangle

This is doubly important since the number 112 is the sum of the ‘Lord God’ in Hebrew. We can see this key fit many more locks. An auspicious triangle to look for would be the 115th as this is the sum of Jesus the Messiah in proper Biblical Hebrew. When we employ the key of the first verse we find something spectacular.

115th Triangle = 6670

6670 – 2701 = 3969

Already we have found something in that 3969 is 63 squared and 63 is the sum of the Hebrew word for Prophet.

63 x 63 = 3969

63 = Prophet = נביא

This sum has another correspondence one that is clearly more important than any other phrase or word or verse that could be found in the Bible.

The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Το Ονομα Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου

= 3969

This means that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ completes the 115th triangle, the triangle of Jesus the Messiah.

We can do this again with this Messianic verse from the psalms, now completing the 100th triangle.

100th Triangle = 5050

2701 + 2349 = 5050

100 = The Savior = O Σωτηρ

Psalm 31:5 = 2349 (Modern Hebrew)

Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.

This is the verse that Christ Himself quotes on the Cross prior to His death.

Another triangle that would certainly be compelling in this sort of puzzle making would have to be the 118th triangle and for several reasons. The number 118 is the ordinal sum of the Greek word ‘Christ’ and has been used in puzzles already. Moreover the 118th triangle is a numerical anagram of 2701 the sum of the first verse.

T73 = 2701

T118 = 7021

Following the logic of the puzzlemaker, this triangle would ideal for this sort puzzle making. However, when we run the numbers there are no verses, names or phrases that rise to the occasion. That is unless, we employ another missing key.

The first phrase of the New Testament, Matthew 1:1: The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, is interesting for many reasons to be sure, but one in particular more than others. The standard translation of the Greek is as written above. But when we look at the actual Greek we find that something is missing.

1st Phrase of the New Testament

Βιβλος Γενεσεως Ιησου Χριστου

The Greek has auspiciously omitted the definitive article (the ‘THE’). It can still be translated as the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, as a gloss for better reading, but its actual reading is: ‘Book of the generation of Jesus Christ.’ Should we add the omitted definitive article (Biblos is neutral so we add the το article) we find our hidden key.

The Book of the generation of Jesus Christ

Το Βιβλος Γενεσεως Ιησου Χριστου

= 4320

4320 + 2701 = 7021

7021 = 118th Triangle

118 = Christ (Χριστος)

To make the 86th triangle, the triangle of God (Elohim = 86) we need only wisdom in Greek.

Wise (σοφος) = 1040

Wise (φρονιμος) = 1040

2701 + 1040 = 3741

3741 = 86th Triangle

To make the Jesus triangle we add this verse from Zechariah.

Zech 14:9

And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.

= 1127

2701 + 1127 = 3828 = 87th Triangle

87 = Jesus (Ιησους)

It is clear then, in the light of this puzzle, just whose name that is that will be one in that day, for it must be the name of Jesus.


The first seven verses of the Gospel of John are some of most famous and beautiful sentences in all the Bible. They are filled with poetry and powerfully profound theology. Incredibly, these seven iconic verses are also the most beautiful mathematical puzzle in the history of the world.

These seven verses have 343 letters, which is Seven Cubed or 7 x 7 x 7. When these letters are systematically rearranged according to the pattern of an Order 7 Perfect Magic Cube, mathematical patterns emerge of a Divine inspiration. We can see the Logos of John, in the number 373 in three prominent ways.

Each square of numbers represents one level of the cube, each number a letter in the first 7 verses of John.

Once of the many amazing features of this mathematical object is the fact the cross-section, literally a cross made on the letter cube produce the number 1204, the original Magic Constant of the original Magic Cube. The mathematics at work here are so complex that this may very well be the very best evidence of God to date.

To read more about all mind-boggling features this cube go to: The Cube of John


Students of Biblical Numerics are beginning to learn that the 37/73 connection of the first verse is more than code, it is a mathematical fractal. We can see this fractal, in passages here and there, and hidden in a very large way. Chapter 53 of Isaiah is one of the most messianic chapters in the entire Bible. Author Chuck Missler even claims that a certain sect of Judaism tried to remove it, as it was too prophetic of the coming Christ.

The idea that the number 666 is Evil is one of the great misunderstandings of popular culture. For a full treatment of the historical meaning of this reference in Revelation see my page on:

ROME 666

It may come as a surprise to both the Fundamentalist Christian and the modern Satanist, that the number 666 is actually one of God's holiest numbers. When you see a Satanist embracing the number 666, know this, the joke is really on them.

When we look through the lense of figurative mathematics, we see the continuing pattern of the Three Seven Fractal. Here, the entire chapter has exactly 666 letters, a number very much associated with the mathematics of the first verse. The number 666 is a triangular number and is the 36th triangular number.

When we look at this verse as a triangle of numbers we see our 37/73 pattern emerge again. An easy check to see if there are really 666 letters in this chapter, is to copy and paste the characters below into a Word document and run a word/letter count.






































The letters in red (Isaiah verse 1) sum to 358 or Messiah (משיח) in Hebrew.

Please note some browsers may unaligned these letters by altering the font.

To realign, copy and paste the characters into a monospaced font like Courier.

Should we trace a perfect cross on this grand triangle, we find this cross sums to exactly 373 in ordinal Hebrew, the same sum of the Logos of John.

ΛΟΓΟΣ = Logos/ Word = 373

The four endpoints of this cross come to 53 the number of the chapter and modern ordinal equivalent of Jesus/Yeshua.

Isaiah 53

ישוע = Yeshua/Jesus = 53

The ordinal sum of this entire chapter comes to 7178 and that itself is a multiple of 37. Studying then the factors of this number we find it couples with the Greek for ‘The Design’ suggesting to us the overarching design of 37 throughout the scriptures.

37 x 194 = 7178

η εννοια = The Design = 194

The Divine signature to this encoding is found with a basic understanding of the geometry of triangles. The formula for the area of a triangle is found by measuring the height and base of the triangle. When we do this here, by summing the central column and base together, we find the author of this work, hidden in the numbers.

Height and base = 623

רוח הקדש = The Holy Spirit = 623

The red highlighted area of this configuration is the very first verse of the chapter.

Isaiah 53:1

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

This is important because the sum of the verse in Hebrew ordinal is 358, the number for the word 'Messiah,' in Hebrew. Here is a riddle solved by gematria: 'To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?' Answer: the Messiah.

משיח = 358 = Messiah

7 Devils of Mary Magdalene

Sometimes we find 'oblique' references to the code. Oblique here meaning, a generalized reference to Three and Seven, and not necessarily having any contextual meaning. The seven devils of Mary Magdalene is a perfect example. The only reference to this event is from Mark 16:9 and what we see there is a generalized geometry of Three/Seven and maybe something more.

All this sudden concentration of the 37th prime seems to be initiated by the simple reference to the number seven in the verse. One could be tempted to look for the 'name' of the devils, whose number would be 1099, but it would be quite speculative.


Mathematical puzzles can be found all through-out the scriptures, but the most powerful are the ones that span an entire book of the Bible. Perhaps the most elegant of these is from the humble book of Obadiah, the shortest book of the Bible and often least considered. Here again we see that God is in absolute control of His Word down through the ages, passing through the hands of countless

scribes and holy convocations.

There are several puzzles in this book, but the primary one is found in the words of its 21 verses. The book has 291 words which is a well known number in Biblical numerics, as it is the last word of the first verse of the Bible 'Earth' the Hebrew Aretz. Less well known is this hint from God in Isaiah.

Isaiah 45:15

Thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Savior.

אתה אל מסתתר אלהי ישראל מושיע

= 291

When we discover numbers such as these hidden in the text it is typically the sign of a puzzle. The puzzle and solution of the Obadiah text, couldn’t be more simple. The 21 verses make a triangle, which when we use the number of words in each verse, makes a prophetic puzzle of the entire book.

Words of the 21 Verses of Obadiah


13 7

5 19 12

7 9 11 18

14 12 18 17 18

11 17 18 21 11 15

Red Interior = 86 = God (אלהים)

Black Perimeter = 205 = Jesus Christ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ)

The meaning here is clear. God is Triune and the Hebrew God was 'Inside' Jesus Christ.

To read more about this and the other puzzles in Obadiah click here: THE ORACLE OF OBADIAH


Some have questioned whether the verses of the Bible are sacred or simply an addition of man. More and more evidence is mounting that even the verse system may be holy. The three synoptic gospels, those gospels that had a common source, known as Q, display a startling pattern in their verses. All three together have exactly 2,900 verses.


The key to this grand puzzle is of course found in the name of Jesus.

The Hebrew name of Jesus (spelled correctly) shows the pattern of the Three Seven Fractal, that runs all throughout the scriptures. By using the pattern of the squares of the three and seven we can make an all too regular grid of the very verses themselves.


The number 22 has long been considered mystical as it is the number of original letters in the Hebrew alphabet. It is an amazing fact then that the first 22 verses of the Bible (Genesis 1:1-22) has exactly 1100 letters. These 1100 letters can be systematically arranged into 10 stars of 37 letters and 10 stars of 73 letters. Since the number ten is triangle (The Tetrakys of Pythagoras) we make these 1100 letters into a Star of David, that is a Star of Stars.

These 20 stars can be sorted by category (a 37 type star and a 73 type star) and placed in the shape of two stars according in their alternating orders. In doing so, we are rearranging the text into a synthetic shape, therefore any amazing mathematics that come out of these shapes could only have come from the mind of God.

Following the pattern of the first verse (37 x 73 = 2701 = Sum of Genesis 1:1) we can see this proto-pattern as a mathematical fractal.

37 = Star Number

73 = Star Number

37 + 73 = 110

110 x 10 = 1100

This fractal plays out in many places in Scripture. Here we can see it as alternating pairs of 37 & 73 numbered stars of the first 22 verses of the Bible. Should you be able to read Hebrew, you will find that when reading these verses in this configuration, there are numerous bits of wordplay and hidden mathematical puns!

For instance, the first star sums to 390 ordinal, which is the sum for the Hebrew word 'Heaven.' Emblazoned across the central row of this star is the word 'The Heavens' (underlined below). And what are stars, but the lights of heaven?!

1st Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:1-2


ר א

ש י ת ב ר א א

ל ה י ם א ת

ה ש מ י ם

ו א ת ה א ר

ץ ו ה א ר ץ ה

י ת


Here we have the 37 types in order, tiling from right to left as one would in writing Hebrew, which is written from right to left. The sum of this triangle of stars is 3,950.

37 type stars = 3,950


392 315

369 392 406

461 394 407 424

In our very first star we see the word in Hebrew, ‘The Heavens’ emblazoned across the center of the star. This is the very first mention of the heavens in the Bible from verse one. The fact that the sum of the entire triangle is 3,950 is important as it is precisely ten times the sum of the heavens in Hebrew and making every star here have an exact average of 395.

The chances that ten three digit numbers would randomly sum to their exact average is extremely low.

The triangle of the 73 type stars sums to 7697, which is semi-prime, meaning that it has only two prime factors.

73 type stars = 7697


843 736

741 881 731

715 865 706 739

43 x 179 = 7697

אדם ו חוה = Adam and Eve = 43

יהושע בן יוסף המשיח = Jesus Son of Joseph the Messiah = 179

In these factors (all of the math here being in the Hebrew ordinal) we see the lineage of Christ, from Adam and Eve to his earthly father Joseph, a clear identification. So it is absolutely perfect that this sum of 7697, should come to the sum of this verse in Hebrews, which concerns the Hebrew lineage of Christ.

Hebrews 7:10

For he (Christ) was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek met him.

Hebrews 7:10 = 7697

This is no coincidence, but rather, design for we see that this verse has 13 words which once again makes a star of David.

The 13 words of Hebrews 7:10 as number


104 55 318 1180

770 751 58

375 1271 1511 70


= 7697

There is of course something else that perfectly matches this configuration and it is the name of Jesus Christ in Greek.

The Name Jesus Christ as a Star






By inverting the triangle of the 73 type stars we can make these two triangles of stars into an enormous Star of David, which is itself a Star of Stars.

The Star of Stars = 11,647

This sum is another semi-prime, so its only prime factors are 19 and 613. These numbers is the 3047th semi-prime which is a perfect fit with our Greek gematria.

19 x 613 = 11,647 = 3047th Semi-prime

O Aστηρ Ιησου Xριστου = The Star of Jesus Christ = 3047

The factors of this number are most telling indeed. The first factor (19) is a number intimately related to our 37, being that it is the hexagon inside the star of 37. Below is a hexagram of 37 units. The red interior comes to 19.

● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ●

This number 19 is also important in that it is the number of the last word of this verse, this time, in the anticipation of the eventual Greek Septuagint.

η Γη = The Earth = 19

The purpose of this reference being in the Greek, is to show that God is Omniscient and has seen ahead into the future, anticipating the Greek.

The second prime factor is clearly a Hebrew reference, for the 613 has very strong references in Hebrew.

יהוה אלהי ישראל = The Lord God of Israel = 613

19 x 613 = 11,647

This name of God is also another star itself.


א ה ו ה

י ה ל

א ר ש י


These types of hexagrams have a particular mathematics all their own. It is best understood when one realizes that a hexagram is constructed by two triangles, one standing upright and the other inverted. This is what the 37/73 pattern of the first verse is hinting at. So this enormous hexagram of the first 22 verses needs to be seen as two synthetic triangles in and of themselves.

The Star of Stars


715 1257 1021 739

1110 1273 1137

461 1237 1143 424


η Σοφια Θεου = The Wisdom of God = 1273

The center of the Star of Stars is 1273, which is a very clear reference in the Greek, in that 37 x 73 is also in Hebrew Wisdom x Wisdom, here we see in the center of the star a reference to the wisdom of God.


1257 1021

1110 1273 1137

461 1237 1143 424

Standing Triangle = 9,453

715 1257 1021 739

1110 1273 1137

1237 1143


The Inverted Triangle = 10,372

9,453 + 10,372 = 19,825

This number then brings us back to our initial proto-pattern of 37 times 73.

61 x 325

אדון = Lord = 61

Κυριε = Lord = 61

O Θεος = God = 61

שלושים ושבע פעמים שבעים ושלוש

Thirty Seven times Seventy Three

= 325 (Ordinal)

το Αινιγμα του Ιησου Χριστου = The Enigma of Jesus Christ = 325 (Ordinal)

The standing triangle here is very much a triangle in two triangular ways. The most important feature of a triangle is its threeness and the three points of this triangle come to 1275. This is of fundamental importance, as it is the sum of the first statement in the Gospel of John.


1257 1021

1110 1273 1137

461 1237 1143 424

Three Corners = 1,275

In the Beginning was the Word = 1275

εν αρχηι ην ο λογος = 1275

What is mathematically compelling here, however, is that both the sum of the entire triangle and the sum of the three corners of the triangle are both figurative triangles in and of themselves.

Corners = 1,275 = 50th Triangle (T50)

Whole Triangle = 9,453 = 137th Triangle (T137)

The chances of this happening randomly are 0.05% an extremely low probability. Moreover the difference between these triangular indexes equals the name of Jesus.

T137 - T50 = 87

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = Jesus = 87

If we subtract the corners of this configuration from the whole we find a number that is a multiple of the name Jesus in both the Hebrew and the Greek.

9,453 – 1,275 = 8,178

The way the gematria plays out, produces matches that only work when we are using both Hebrew and Greek gematria. These sort of cross matches are very common. The only reason they would be programmed to cross match is so that one could not say it was only a Greek math or only a Hebrew math.

Here the Hebrew ordinal Jesus and the Greek both produce compelling matches.

58 x 141 = 8,178

יהושע = Jesus = 58

Χριστιανος = Christian = 141

The Jesus here is a Hebrew Jesus, but the Christian is clearly Greek. There are other words that add up to 141, but none of them are as strong and relevant as the name Christian, particularly in this context.

The second match does the same but flipping Jesus into Greek and the most relevant at that number into Hebrew. Here now introducing the Star of Israel, which is the Star of David, which the Star of Stars is a fractal of.

87 x 94 = 8,178

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = Jesus 87

כוכב ישראל = Star of Israel = 94

The gematria of this term ‘The Star of Stars,’ has secrets all its own. The wording Star of Stars is in keeping with Old Testament traditions, for we see it in the way the Lord described himself many times over as ‘The Lord of Lords,’ and ‘God of Gods’ and Christ as the ‘King of Kings.’

The Hebrew for this phrase comes to 151, which is a match for a phrase from Psalm 119:140, the great eightfold acrostic psalm, this verse being that of the Hebrew letter Tzaddi.

כוכב הכוכבים = The Star of Stars = 151

צרופה אמרתך מאד = Thy Word is very pure = 151 (Ordinal)

It is however in the Greek where we see the real connection. This is very much in keeping with the pattern of the Three-Seven Fractal, where we see an inversion or a reflection of one to another. Here now the inversion being from the Hebrew to the Greek.

O Aστηρ του Δαβιδ = The Star of David = 151

The proto-pattern of the Three-Seven Fractal begins in the first verse and is based upon dual elements. The first is the mathematics of the prime factors of the sum of the first verse. The second is the language of the first verse which highlights an opposition of elements in that of the Heavens and the Earth. This is the spiritual world and the physical world, the noumenal and phenomenal or the great dualism of Descarte.

o ουρανος και η γη = The Heavens and the Earth = 151

We can see the Three-Seven Fractal again in the ordinal to standard rendition of the Greek for this Star of Stars. This time buried in the prime factors of the sum of the phrase in the ordinal and the standard.

η Αστηρ των Αστερων = The Star of Stars = 222 (Ordinal)

η Αστηρ των Αστερων = The Star of Stars = 3285 (Standard)

2 x 3 x 37 = 222

3 x 3 x 5 x 73 = 3285

The Three-Seven Fractal appears again when we add together the ordinal sums of the third and seventh hexagrams, these both being 37-Type.

3rd hexagram = 315

7th hexagram = 406

315 + 406 = 721

This number 721 is interesting for two reasons. One is that its prime factors are ‘The Stars’ times Seven. That is the Hebrew ‘The Stars’ (הכוכבים) x 7) = 721. It is the fact that 721 is sum of the only other Greek word for Star in the Bible, in the word Astron.

3rd Hex. & 7th Hex. = 721

Αστρον = Star(s) = 721

This correlation couldn’t be any more accurate, since this word Astron has a dual meaning in the Greek of a Star or a Group of Stars like that of a constellation. Our Star of Stars is nothing else than a constellation of self similar stars.

When we render this star into the ordinal with its full reading from the book of Acts we see it too is related to the great complex of the Three-Seven Fractal.

το Αστρον του Θεου = The Star of God = 219 (Ordinal)

3 x 73 = 219 (Prime Factorization)

Should we number the letters of the Star of Stars configuration and inspect the 37th and 73rd letters, we find the first to be the letter Heh (H) and the second to be the letter Lamed (L). The sum of these two letters is 35.

ה = 37th Letter = 5

ל = 73rd Letter = 30

5 + 30 = 35

הכוכב = The Star = 35 (Ordinal)

This ‘H’ and ‘L’ could also signify ‘The Lamed’ or translated: The Letter L. In Hebrew the letter is the Lamed, which when spell out comes to 74 and 74 is 37 times two.

למד = Lamed = 74

37 + 37 = 74

It is also the sum of the first word(s) of the Bible, now in the Septuagint Greek Ordinal. The very same two words that start the Gospel of John, here with the Iota subscript written as a postscript.

εν αρχηι = In the Beginning = 74

We find another correlation to the Lamed (L) in the acrostics psalm 119 again. This time in the first verse of the Lamed section. Acrostic literature is where the first letter of every line is a sequential letter of the alphabet. Here in the first of eight Lamed’s we find a powerful correlation to our Star of Stars.

Psalm 119: 89

בשמים נצב דברך יהוה לעולם = Forever thy Word is settled in Heaven = 215

Αστηρ των Αστερων = Star of Stars = 215

This, it would seem, is a hidden reference to the great Star Set that resides at the beginning of the Bible, hidden from view for thousands of years. It is also part of the Three-Seven Fractal, as this verse has 21 letters or 3 times 7 letters.

The 373rd letter of the configuration (Hexagram 8, letter 6) is the letter 'A' or Alef. This letter, when spelled out, comes to 111 which of course 37 x 3.

373rd Letter = א

א = 111

37 x 3 = 111

It would require an entire book, if not a volume of books to catalog all the mathematical correspondences going on in the set of the Star of Stars. So far we have really only looked at the ordinal set. The whole of the set is so complex that it will take years if not decades to fully decode.

It seems just from a initial glance at the set, that it is a rich vein for mathematical mining as it has produced so much from so little already. A comprehensive listing of the twenty stars from the first twenty-two verses of the Bible can be seen below.

Interested persons can feel free to copy and paste the text below for their own study. Note that only center-aligned monospaced fonts will render the stars perfectly. In order to convert the Hebrew letters into numbers, one need only to employ a find and replace program available in most word processing programs. This is the easiest and most reliable way to process the batch.

To further analyze the numbers, it is recommended that the characters be converted into a table and then copy and pasted into a spreadsheet program like Excel for ease of analysis.

Please note some browsers may unaligned these letters by altering the font. To realign, copy and paste the characters into a monospaced font like Courier.

1st Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:1-2

Ordinal Sum: 390


ר א

ש י ת ב ר א א

ל ה י ם א ת

ה ש מ י ם

ו א ת ה א ר

ץ ו ה א ר ץ ה

י ת


2nd Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:2-4

Ordinal Sum: 740


ה ו

ו ב ה

ו ו ח ש ך ע ל פ נ י

ת ה ו ם ו ר ו ח א

ל ה י ם מ ר ח פ

ת ע ל פ נ י ה

מ י ם ו י א מ ר

א ל ה י ם י ה י א

ו ר ו י ה י א ו ר ו

י ר א

א ל


3rd Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:3-4

Ordinal Sum: 315


ם א

ת ה א ו ר כ י

ט ו ב ו י ב

ד ל א ל ה

י ם ב י ן ה

א ו ר ו ב י ן

ה ח


4th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:4-6

Ordinal Sum: 736


ו י

ק ר א

א ל ה י ם ל א ו ר י

ו ם ו ל ח ש ך ק ר

א ל י ל ה ו י ה

י ע ר ב ו י ה

י ב ק ר י ו ם א

ח ד ו י א מ ר א ל

ה י ם י ה י ר ק י ע

ב ת ו

ך ה


5th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:6-7

Ordinal Sum: 392


ם ו

י ה י מ ב ד י

ל ב י ן מ י

ם ל מ י ם

ו י ע ש א ל

ה י ם א ת ה ר

ק י


6th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:7-8

Ordinal Sum: 843


י ב

ד ל ב

י ך ה מ י ם א ש ר מ

ת ח ת ל ר ק י ע ו

ב י ך ה מ י ם א

ש ר מ ע ל ל ר

ק י ע ו י ה י כ

ך ו י ק ר א א ל ה

י ם ל ר ק י ע ש מ י

ם ו י

ה י


7th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:8-9

Ordinal Sum: 406


ב ו

י ה י ב ק ר י

ו ם ש נ י ו

י א מ ר א

ל ה י ם י ק

ו ו ה מ י ם מ

ת ח


8th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:9-10

Ordinal Sum: 731


ש מ

י ם א

ל מ ק ו ם א ח ד ו ת

ר א ה ה י ב ש ה ו

י ה י כ ן ו י ק

ר א א ל ה י ם

ל י ב ש ה א ר ץ

ו ל מ ק ו ה ה מ י

ם ק ר א י מ י ם ו י

ר א א

ל ה


9th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:10-11

Ordinal Sum: 392


כ י

ט ו ב ו י א מ

ר א ל ה י ם

ת ד ש א ה

א ר ץ ד ש א

ע ש ב מ ז ר י

ע ז


10th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:11--12

Ordinal Sum: 881


ע ץ

פ ר י

ע ש ה פ ר י ל מ י נ

ו א ש ר ז ר ע ו ב

ו ע ל ה א ר ץ ו

י ה י כ ן ו ת

ו צ א ה א ר ץ ד

ש א ע ש ב מ ז ר י

ע ז ר ע ל מ י נ ה ו

ו ע ץ

ע ש


11th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:12-13

Ordinal Sum: 369


ר י

א ש ר ז ר ע ו

ב ו ל מ י נ

ה ו ו י ר

א א ל ה י ם

כ י ט ו ב ו י

ה י


12th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:13-14

Ordinal Sum: 741


ב ו

י ה י

ב ק ר י ו ם ש ל י ש

י ו י א מ ר א ל ה

י ם י ה י מ א ר

ת ב ר ק י ע ה

ש מ י ם ל ה ב ד

י ל ב י ן ה י ו ם

ו ב י ן ה ל י ל ה ו

ה י ו

ל א


13th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:14-15

Ordinal Sum: 424


ו ל

מ ו ע ד י ם ו

ל י מ י ם ו

ש נ י ם ו

ה י ו ל מ א

ו ר ת ב ר ק י

ע ה


14th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:15-16

Ordinal Sum: 739


י ם

ל ה א

י ר ע ל ה א ר ץ ו י

ה י כ ן ו י ע ש א

ל ה י ם א ת ש נ

י ה מ א ו ר ה

ג ד ל י ם א ת ה

מ א ו ר ה ג ד ל ל

מ מ ש ל ת ה י ו ם ו

א ת ה

מ א


15th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:16-17

Ordinal Sum: 407


ה ק

ט ן ל מ מ ש ל

ת ה ל י ל ה

ו א ת ה כ

ו כ ב י ם ו

י ת ן א ת ם א

ל ה


16th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:17-18 (Exactly)

Ordinal Sum: 706


ב ר

ק י ע

ה ש מ י ם ל ה א י ר

ע ל ה א ר ץ ו ל מ

ש ל ב י ו ם ו ב

ל י ל ה ו ל ה

ב ד י ל ב י ן ה

א ו ר ו ב י ן ה ח

ש ך ו י ר א א ל ה י

ם כ י

ט ו


17th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:19-20

Ordinal Sum: 394


י ה

י ע ר ב ו י ה

י ב ק ר י ו

ם ר ב י ע

י ו י א מ ר

א ל ה י ם י ש

ר צ


18th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:20-21

Ordinal Sum: 865


מ י

ם ש ר

ץ נ פ ש ח י ה ו ע ו

ף י ע ו פ ף ע ל ה

א ר ץ ע ל פ נ י

ר ק י ע ה ש מ

י ם ו י ב ר א א

ל ה י ם א ת ה ת נ

י נ ם ה ג ד ל י ם ו

א ת כ

ל נ


19th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:21

Ordinal Sum: 461


ה ח

י ה ה ר מ ש ת

א ש ר ש ר צ

ו ה מ י ם

ל מ י נ ה ם

ו א ת כ ל ע ו

ף כ


20th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:21-22 (Exactly)

Ordinal Sum: 715


ל מ

י נ ה

ו ו י ר א א ל ה י ם

כ י ט ו ב ו י ב ר

ך א ת ם א ל ה י

ם ל א מ ר פ ר

ו ו ר ב ו ו מ ל

א ו א ת ה מ י ם ב

י מ י ם ו ה ע ו ף י

ר ב ב

א ר



The first verse acts as a ‘Proto-Pattern’ for the mathematics of the rest of the Bible.

This proto-pattern has several features all based upon the numbers associated with Genesis 1:1. The most fundamental feature is the prime factors of the first verse (37 x 73) other secondary features are its 28 letters and its ordinal sum of 298, but primarily it follows a 3/ 7 track.

These features are also found in the prime and composite index of numbers. Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by only one and itself while composite numbers always have multiple factors. All such numbers are indexed by mathematicians and can themselves be numbered.

Primary Features: 3 - 7 and 37 – 73 and 373 and the squares of 37 or 73 (1369/5329) The repeating numbers of 33 and 77 and 333 and 777 also tend to appear.

Secondary Features: The numbers 28, 298, 2701 are ancillary to the primaries. The number 19 is also a feature as secondary as it is the interior hexagon of a type 37 star. The number 21 and the number 12 are important for their prime features (37 is the 12th prime and 73 is the 21st and 3 x 7 = 21)

Tertiary Features: 10 (3 +7), 54 (37th composite) 99 (73rd composite) 9 (3 x 3) 27 (3 x 3 x 3) 49 (7 x 7) 343 (7 x 7 x 7) and the three digit repunits (111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999) as they are all multiples of 37.

Listed below are other facts concerning the Three Seven Fractal. They are quite numerous and in no way exhaustive. Should you know of any lesser facts that belong on this list please email it to: Themathematicalstandard@gmail.com

• God gave the world 10 Commandments (3 + 7 = 10)

• The two accounts of the Ten Commandments together have 363 words, the sum of ‘The Messiah’.

3 + 7 + 363 = 373 = Logos

All the words on this list add up to 37

JESUS, Modern Hebrew (ישו)

● I am He (God) Isa. 41:4 אני הוא

● The BEING, (God) Septuagint (Ων) Exo. 3:14

● God (אלהא)

● The Glory (הכבוד)

● Word (ρημα) Eph 6:17

● The Cross (הצלב)

● Wisdom (חכמה) Chokmah

● Life (יחידה)

● Life (Zωη)

● Pious, Saint (חסיד)

● Puzzle (מבוכה)

√1369 Image of God εικων Θεου

All the words on this list add up to 73

CHRIST, The Christian, The Nazarite, Modern Hebrew (הנוצרי)

● I am He (God) Isa. 41:4 (אני הוא)

● I am God Almighty, (אני אל שדי)

● The Great God (אל הגדל) Deu. 10:17

● A great and mighty God (הגבר הגדל האל) Deu. 10:17

● Man of God (איש אלהים)

● Wisdom Chokmah (חכמה)

● The Life (חיים ה) Gen. 2:7

● Forever and ever Psalm 48:14

● Light & Darkness (אור) & (חשך)

● The Day + The Night (ה יום + ה ליל)

● The Promises (αι επαγγελιαι) Rom. 9:4

● Law (νομος)

● Puzzle, (מבוכה)

● The Number of Words in the Lord’s Prayer with the Amen

All the words on this list add up to 110 (37 + 73)

● JESUS the CHRIST, Modern Hebrew (ישו הנוצרי)

Jesus Messiah (יהושע משיח)

Word of God (Λογος Θεου)

Father of the Faith –Christ (אב האמונה)

Thy King (מלכך)

The Infinite (τo απειροv)

The Great, the Mighty God, the LORD (האל הגדול הגבור יהוה) Jer. 32:18

Foundation (מוסד) Isa. 28:16 (Messianic Epithet)

To lay the foundation (ליסוד)

Prophecy (Προφητεια)

Baptism (βαπτισμος)

Soul of Jesus (יהושע נפש)

The Isopsephy (Gematria) η ισοψηφια

The Secret of the Lord is those that fear Him (סוד יהוה ליראיו) Ps. 25:14

All the words on this list add up to 300

The Spirit of God (רוח אלהים) Genesis 1:2

● שPrimary Letter: the Hebrew Shin

● The Great, the Mighty God (הגבור הגדול האל) Jer. 32:18

● Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Rev. 5:5 (אריה מטה יהודה)

● Thy Shepherd (רעיך)

● Atonement (כפר)

● The Menorah (המנרה)

● The Edifying (η οικοδομη)

● The Parable (η παραβολη)

● Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh (χρυσος και λιβανος και Σμυρνα)

● My God, My God why hast Thou Forsaken Me

(Θεε μου θεε μου ινατι με εγκατελιπες)

All the entries on this list add up to 2701

● Genesis 1:1 (בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ)

● Apostle of Christ (Αποστολος Χριστου) 1Tim 1:1

● The Work of Faith (το εργον της πιστεως) 1The. 1:3

● Eternal Perfection (αιωνιoς τελειωσις)

● Gospel of the Trinity of the Lord (Eυαγγελιον της τριαδας Κυριου)

● Worthy is the Lamb having been slain (Rev. 5:12, NA27)

Αξιον εστιν το αρνιον το εσφαγμενον

● That ye may be the children of light (ινα υιοι φωτος γενησθε) John 12:36

● 37 plus 73 plus “The break of day” Act. 20:11

(τριακοντα και επτα εβδομηκοντα και τρια) + (η αυγε)

● Genesis 8:14 The End of the Flood

After the same Manner/ Likewise (ωσαυτος) This is the only word in the Bible that comes to the sum of the first verse. It means in a similar manner. This is of course the exact meaning of the Three Seven Fractal, based in the mirror primes of 37 and 73 which are in a similar manner.

This list was compiled by Leo Tavares on how the Three Seven Code reflects throughout Scripture:

10 = 3 + 7

12 = Prime Order of 37

24 = 73 - (37 + 12)

30 = 37 - 7

33 = 12 + 21 (Prime Orders of 37 and 73)

40 = 7^2 - 3^2

49 = Sum of 37 with its Prime Order (37 + 12)

70 = 73 - 3

490 = (3 × 7)^2 + (37 + 12)

1,000 = 37th number that is a product of 6 Primes (a day is as 1,000 years and 6,000 years from the fall of Adam to the 7th millennium)

More of his amazing mathematics can be found here: MATHEMATICAL MONOTHEISM

• There are exactly 21 verses in the Bible that contain the words THREE and SEVEN.

3 x 7 = 21 = I am Trinity

• The 37th Psalm has 297 words while the 12th Psalm has 297 letters and 37 is the 12th Prime.

297 = 3 x 3 x 33 or 3 x 99 (99 = 73rd composite number)

• The first verses of Psalm 37 and 73 together have 49 letters (7 x 7)

• The 3rd verse of the 73rd Psalm has 6 words (3rd Triangle) and 27 letters (3 cubed)

• The 73rd Psalm has 28 verses the same number of letters of the first verse.

• The first 14 verses (7 + 7) of the 73rd Psalm have 367 letters (367 = 73rd Prime)

• The 37th verse of Matthew Chapter 9 = 5329 = 73 x 73

• The 37th verse of the New Testament and the 73rd verse together have 37 words and 189 letters (3 x 3 x 3 x 7)

• The 87th Psalm (87 = Jesus, Greek Ordinal) has 7 verses and is a triangle of letters (190 = 19th triangle)

• Genesis 3:7 = 63rd verse and Genesis 7:3 is the 163rd verse (63 = 3 x 7 x 3.) Both have 13 words (a star) and together make 26 words and 101 letters the 26th prime. Together the verses come to 7161 a number divisible by 3 & 7 and 33 & 77 and 3 x 7 and 77 x 3 or 33 x 7

• Genesis 3:7 and the 73rd verse from the last in Genesis both have 55 letters (the arithmetic mean of 37 and 73) making them 110 or 37 + 73

• Last Psalm has 37 words

• The 54th Psalm with Title has 63 words or 3 x 7 x 3

• The 54th Psalm has 7 verses and 99th Psalm has nine verses or 3 x 3 (54 is 37th composite number and 99 is the 73rd composite number)

• The 54th and 99th psalm together with title have 146 words (73 + 73 = 146)

• The 54th and 99th psalms together have 546 letters (26 x 3 x 7 = 546) and with title have 602 letters of 86 x 7 = 602, where 26 and 86 represent the name Lord God.

• The 21st Psalm (3 x 7 = 21 and 21st Prime = 73) has 399 letters, the prime factors of 399 are 3 x 7 x 19, giving the psalm a perfect letter average for its chapter (399/21 = 19) additionally the 19 is intimately related to the 37/73 fractal in that a type 37 star has an interior hexagon of 19 units. The sum of the entire psalm is 30,027 whose prime factors are 3 x 10,009. The second prime factor is a reference to the three Messianic verses in the Psalm 16:8-10 whose modern Hebrew sum is 10,009 and which has 27 words (3 x 3 x 3) and 99 letters (3 x 33 and 73rd composite number)

• The 12th and 21st psalms (37 = 12th prime & 73 = 21st prime) together have 21 verses (3 x 7 = 21)

• The first verse of the 12th Psalm has 37 letters and the psalm altogether has 74 words (37 + 37 = 74) The Psalm has 297 letters or 3 x 99 (the 73rd composite number) or 3 x 3 x 33.

• The 33rd Psalm has 614 letters, the prime factors of 614 are 2 x 307.

• The 3rd verse of the 33rd Psalm has 7 words and 27 letters (3 x 3 x 3) and its sum is 2202 whose prime factors are 2 x 3 x 367 (367 = 73rd Prime)

• The 58th Psalm has 367 letters proper (367 = 73rd Prime)

• The 91st Psalm has 112 words and 443 letters, where the 112th triangle is made by adding John 1:1 to Genesis 1:1 and the sum of The Word is 443

• The first 12 verses (37 = 12th Prime) of the 33rd Psalm have exactly 343 letters (7 x 7 x 7 = 343)

• The first verse of the 77th Psalm has 9 words (3 x 3) and 37 letters.

• Together the 33rd Psalm and 77th Psalm have 1225 letters forming the 49th (7x 7) triangle. 1225 is the sum of 21 squared (3 x 7 and 21st prime = 73 ) and 28 squared (28 = 7th triangle) as well as being 35 squared (1225 = 35 x 35) and the sum of the first 49 numbers a square of seven.

• The 3rd and 7th verse together come to 5354 which is 73 squared plus 5 squared

• The 3rd verse of the Old Testament and the 7th verse of the New Testament together have 21 words (3 x 7)

• The 37th verse of the Old Testament has 9 words (3 x 3) and 30 letters. The 73rd verse of the New Testament has 21 words (3 x 7) and 107 letters, together they have 30 words and 137 letters. (Gen. 2:6 & Mat. 4:8)

• The 33rd verse and the 77th verse together have 98 letters of 7 x 7 + 7 x 7 (Gen. 2:2 & Gen. 3:21 which has 37 letters)

• The 337th verse and the 733rd verse together have 98 letters or 7 x 7 + 7 x 7 (Gen. 13:18 & Gen. 27:5)

• The 333rd verse and the 777th verse together have 111 letters or 37 x 3 (Gen. 13:14 & Gen. 28:3)

• The 110th Psalm (37 + 73 = 110) the most quoted passage of the Bible, it has seven verse and its first verse has 49 letters with title (7 x 7 = 49) and has 7 words without the title. Altogether the psalm has 63 words (3 x 7 x 3 = 63)

• 373rd verse and the 737th verse together have 111 letters or 37 x 3 (Gen. 15:12 & Gen. 27:9)

• The 3737th verse plus the 7373rd verse (Whose first word is equal to 37) together have 63 letters or 3 x 7 x 3 making a triangle of triangles composed of 3 x 7 (Num. 3:44 & 1Sam. 8:3)

• The difference between the 3333rd verse and the 7777th verse is 755 or (73 squared minus 78 squared or 378 squared minus 377 squared) (Lev. 20:14 & 1Sam 21:4)

• The 3773 th verse and the 7337 rd verse togther have 28 words which is the 7th triangle of the first verse, which has 28 letters. (Num. 4:29 & 1Sam. 6:5)

• 3777th verse and the 7333rd verse have 21 words or 3 x 7 (Num. 4:33 & 1 Sam. 6:1 which has seven words and has the word seven in it whose sum there is 377)

• The 3073rd verse and the 7037th verse have 33 words. (Lev. 13:20 & Judges 12:19)

• The 5329th verse (73 x 73) has 28 words (7th triangle) with 99 letters (3 x 33 or the 73rd composite number) and contains the word Seven whose sum there is 377 (Deu. 15:9)

• The 1369th verse and 5329th verse (37 x 37 & 73 x 73) together have 157 letters and 157 is the 37th prime. (Gen. 45:10 & deu. 15:9)

• The 157th verse and the 367th verse (the 37th and 73rd prime) are both amongst the most important verses in the book of Genesis. (Gen. 6:19 And of every living thing of all flesh…. And Gen. 15:6 ‘And he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness.)

• The 703rd verse and the 2701st verse (the 37th and 73rd triangles) together have 81 letters or 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 (Gen. 26:10 & Gen. 39:36)

• The 24,317th verse (the 2701st prime or 37 x 73) begins with Amen or 99 the 73rd composite number (Matthew 3:28)

• The 68th verse and the 130th verse (337th Prime and 733rd Prime) together have 21 words or 3 x 7 (Gen. 3:12 & Gen. 5:24 which has 37 letters)

• The 2187th verse and the 343rd verse (3^7 and 7^3) together have 73 letters (Exo 24:9 which speaks of the 70 elders of Israel & Gen. 14:6)

• The 21st and 2701st verses together (3 x 7 & 37 x 73) have 115 letters = 37th semiprime (Gen. 1:21 & Exo 39:36)

• The 115th verse (37th semiprime) has 7 words and 27 letters (3 x 3 x 3) and 115 and 218 (37th and 73rd semiprime) are together 333 (115 + 218 = 333)

Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

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"I believe that in the end the truth will conquer."

— John Wycliffe