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Jesus Christ to the 37th power

Check out The Jesus Cube for the latest on this subject

To see how cubes fit into the first and last chapters of the Bible read Alpha & Omega

One of the primary contentions of theistic mathematics and the Three Seven Code in particular, is the fundamental connection between the first verse of the Bible and the name Jesus Christ. The prime factors of the Protoverse (Genesis 1:1) is the basis of theistic mathematics. More than any other feature found in the Bible, the first verse informs us as to the nature and extent of all the other codes in the Bible and beyond.

The fact the name Jesus Christ in Greek is also a multiple of 37, already lends credibility to the notion. That the number of the name (2368) is in itself a natural cube of 37's is not bizarre, but mathematically profound and prophetic. At the end of the Bible, in the book of Revelation we have a New Jerusalem, which is described as a perfect cube. In this cube is the temple of the Lord God Almighty and that of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

The cube of the New Jerusalem may have been an allusion to the cube in the name Jesus Christ, a cube that we find in both directions, up and down and a cube of 3's & 7's.. The prime factors of Jesus Christ can be written as:

37 x 64 = 2368

64 = The 4th cube

64 = 4^3

When we visualize this cube filled with 37's, we find many an interesting correlation in its various gematric dimensions.

Each of the 12 edges of the cube sums to 148. This is fundamental, for 148 is the sum of the Passover in Hebrew, one of the most significant moments in the story of the Exodus. The correlation between Christ and the Passover is age-old in its theology. The Passover itself, for all we know, could be the first instance of 'Foreshadowing' in the history of the world.

Another number that appears prominently on the cube of Jesus Christ is 296. This is the 7th number to appear in the Bible, being that it is the sum of the 7th word of the Protoverse. If we multiply the 8 corners of the cube times 37 we see our 296. The interior cube within the cube also shares this sum. Indeed the name Jesus Christ coordinates perfectly with the cube configuration when we see that the interior four numbers of each face of the cube divides the cube into 888 and 1480 (888 = Jesus, 1480 = Christ.)

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The Earth = 296

37 x 8 = 296

Corners of a cube = 8


2 x 2 x 2 x 296 = 2368

But what happens when we go in the opposite direction? What happens when we take the name Jesus Christ to the power of 37? Clearly we are going to get a large number, but will it naturally be a cube? What we find is something astronomically astounding. Since the 64 is also a square as well as a cube we can configure Jesus Christ to the 37th power as a Star of David entirely filled with squares of 37's.

This was expected. What is unexpected is the sum of Jesus Christ to the 37th. To calculate such a sum we require a big calculator. Calculate Jesus Christ to the 37th power HERE. The number listed below is around 71 quadragintillion, which is a number followed by a 123 digits.

Big number.

71 Quadragintillion




One of the fundamental tools of theistic mathematics is the process of digital summation, in which we sum individual digits of a given integer to find a hidden number. This is a basic tool to theistic mathematics because of the sheer amount of digits we encounter and the extraordinarily large numbers in which we find evidence of design. In order to accurately count these digits, we must use a sum calculator, since the chances of human error in such calculations is dangerously high.

Copy and paste the number string below into this Sum Calculator to check the math.




As mentioned above, the Bible ends with an account of a New Jerusalem descending from heaven in the form of a cube. For a second time, we see that by using the numerals seen in blood on the Shroud of Turin (3 & 7) we form a perfect cube. In utter perfection, we see that the digital sum of this 71 quadragintillion number is the equivalent of the Hebrew word for Jerusalem.

5 x 5 x 5

These 125 digits correspond to the 5th cube or 5^3. The number 5 is strongly related to the Three Seven Code for two reasons. One, simply enough, is that 5 is the arithmetic mean of 3 and 7, i.e. 3 + 7 = 10, 10/2 = 5, 5 = the average of 3 & 7. The second reason that the Three Seven Code points directly to the Golden Ratio and the Golden Ratio is firmly predicated on the number 5 in a number of ways. The number 5 can be seen then as both the synthesis and the culmination of the Three Seven Code.

If you study the graphic above carefully you can see that the central number is 3. The numbers here have been laid out systematically row by row. Hence, the center of the central layer represent the absolute center of this number. We see this central number surrounded by a pair of 7's. What this means is that running in either direction from the center of this 'JERUSALEM CUBE' is a Three Seven correlation.

Center of Jerusalem Cube

73 > < 37

<37 37>


The Cube of the New Jerusalem

In the Revelation account of the New Jerusalem one verse in particular stands out, and that is Rev. 21:22, which speaks to the theology of Jesus Christ being the eternal temple of the Lord.

Revelation 21:22

And I saw no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

It is never the 'Devil' that is in the details, it is quite the opposite. It is always God that is in the details. The details of above verse are quite revealing, when we see it through the lense of the Three Seven Code. The number of letters in this verse are the key. When we lay them out according to the coding template of the Protoverse, we find that the Lord God Almighty is the center of this verse and in a simple coding technique.

The center of this Star of David is the same center of the cube and reads 'The Lord God Almighty'. The sum of this verse 7,252 is naturally enough is of course a multiple of 37. We have seen that the verse itself is a Davidic star of letters. Where the sum of the verse is a Davidic square of 37's.

David = 14

Rev. 21:22 = 7,252 = a 14 x 14 square of 37's

This same verse is another square, this time a 7x7 square of Passovers or 148's.

148 = Passover

Magic Cubes

We have seen that the name Jesus Christ is a cube, in two opposite mathematical directions, and that 3's and 7's are appearing everywhere. But this Cube of Jerusalem has one more secret greater than the others. We have seen before that certain Biblical configurations can display an increase in order after transformation. This increase in order is against the law of probability and perhaps even the 2nd law of thermodynamics! These transformations are based on the mathematics of magic squares.

Magic squares are an ancient form of mystical mathematics. From the Luoshu of ancient China to the Jewish Tree of Life, the mathematics of magic squares have an age old association with religion and mystical contemplation. In the realm of theistic mathematics we are learning that they can also be an exegetical decoder. Here are two prime examples from the Scriptures:

Magic Squares in Genesis

The Cube of John

This increase in order is accomplished through a mathematical medium of Magic Squares and Cubes. What happens when we take Jesus Christ to the 37th power and rearrange the digits according to an Order 5 Perfect Cube. Logic tells us that if they were any special arrangement to the 71 quadragrintillion number, that the information would be lost if we were to rearrange it. That is any preplanned information in the number would be lost to chaos.

When we permutate 125 digits and tile them according an Order 5 Perfect Cube, the digits involved will be completely randomized.

"The digits involved will be completely randomized"

Mathematical 'Tiling' is the basic system (or algorithm if you will) by which one places the digits in a configuration. Row to row, left to right or right to left are standard tiling methods. English tiles is letters row to row, from left to right, while Hebrew runs opposite. An Order 5 Perfect cube has a very particular order that can be seen below.

In order to tile the 125 digits, we must find the number 1 and replace it with the first number of our 71 quadragintillion or Jesus Christ to the 37th power. So here the first number 7 of 71 quadragintillion, replaces the 1 on the fourth layer of the perfect cube. Next the 1 of the 71 replaces the 2, again on the fourth layer, and so on through all 125 digits.

It is noteworthy here to point out that the central cell of this configuration is 63 which is 3 x 7 x 3, or multiplication code for the 'Word' or Logos, a primary constituent of the Three Seven Code. Each row and column of these five layers sums to 315. Each layer and each full length column sum to 1575. This central 63 figures strongly in the cube as each layer has 25 cells and 63 x 25 = 1575, the sum of each layer. The total sum of the perfect cube is 7875. Curiously, there is only one verse that corresponds to that number in the BIble and it is 2Cor. 7:3!

Below is the 71 quadragintillion number that is the 37th power of 2368 Jesus Christ, arranged according to the meticulous mathematical order of a perfect cube.

We should see absolutely no increase in order in this configuration, because its elements have been completely and thoroughly rearranged. However, what we find is that the sum of the six sides of this cube come to an almost unbelievable connection to the Hebrew name of Jesus the Messiah or Jesus Christ.

Top of Cube = 120 (Layer 1)

Bottom of Cube = 142 (Layer 5)

Left Side of Cube = 117 (Left Column)

Right Side of Cube = 120 (Right Column)

Front of Cube = 117 (Top Row of each Layer)

Back of Cube = 138 (Bottom Row of each Layer)

120 + 142 + 117 + 120 + 117 + 138 = 754

Another feature that immediately pops out to us about this configuration is the cross of the matrix. Because an Order 5 perfect cube is an odd order cube, we can highlight a perfectly symmetrical cross over its cells. When we do so we find that it is the corollary of the 754 sum now in the Hebrew ordinal. This lay out of a cube is standard to representing magic cubes.

The highlighted gray cells come to 115, the sum of Jesus the Messiah in Hebrew ordinal. 115 is an important number for several reasons, one of which is that it is the 37 semi-prime number and coordinates with the structure of the mathematics of the Protoverse. (See First Verse Code). We see this 115 signature in another large number related to the Protoverse, in an analog of 37x73 here being 37^73.

115 Digits in 37^73

37^73 = 3,011,104,700,937,353,238,603,237,541,531,375,343,444,201,655,270,788,531,783,697,471,044,984,243,073,342,239,158,015,955,057,079,636,461,132,367,224,197

115 = 37th Semi-Prime

In geometry (the mathematics of shape) perhaps the most important aspect of any shape is its perimeter. This is the basic outline of a shape and by it we derive its area. When we analyze such polygonal configurations we must pay heed to their geometry. A cube has multiple fundamental features: It has 6 sides and 8 corners or vertices. It also has 12 edges. Since 12 is a primary Biblical number, especially in the context of the cube of the New Jerusalem we should pay special attention to the sum associated with the 12 edges of this cube.

The 44 gray highlighted cells represent the edges of this cube. Now we must remember that we tiled this cube according to an Order 5 Perfect Cube. Each layer of an Order 5 cube will have a sum of 1575. The edges of the Quadragintillion Cube has a sum of 225 or 15 squared. This is important since 225 x 7 = 1575. It would seem this cube is suggesting to us that every cube has a hidden seventh side which is its center. Moreover, 15 is the sacred name of Yah to the Jews, and the sum of an order 3 magic or the Luoshu.

Another way in which this configuration confirms a correlation between the 2368^37 and the matrix of a Order 5 Perfect Cube is seen when we collapse the five layers together into a regular rectangle. Here then we see that the interior corresponds with the magic constant of the perfect cube (315).

Gray Cells = 315 = Magic Constant of a Order 5 Perfect Cube

This number 315 connects to two Divine claims seen in the Bible. These are in the ordinal numeration, which is why they have been hidden for so long (the ordinal has been ignored by nearly all scholars on this subject).

John 8:58

‘I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.’

Λεγω υμιν πριν αβρααμ γενεσθαι εγω ειμι

= 315

Rev. 1:8

I am the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End

εγω ειμι το α και το ω αρχη και τελος

= 315

How do we make sense of these correlations?

The two quotations provide us an answer both profound and of the purest mathematical metaphysic. The quote from John is one of the most theologically famous claims of Divinity from Christ. Some 'scholars' have stated that Jesus never claimed to be Divine. John 8:58 proves them wrong. The statement here can only be understood in the historical and religious context of the day. Christ here is claiming to be the 'I AM' of Exodus 3:14, the very basis of the Three Seven Code. I AM = 3 x 7. The proof that this was a Divine claim was that the people immediately picked up stones to stone him for blasphemy.

When we connect the dots between the two quotes, we have a metaphysical claim of eternal existence. That is to say, being the beginning and the end, He is beyond time itself. Time and eternity itself, come forth from the Godhead and are not subject to any temporal constraints.

This is what the evidence of theistic mathematics is showing us. Numbers like pi and even 2368^37 are written in mathematical stone. They cannot be altered or manipulated. The equations that determine are absolute. These numbers are eternal. They have always been and they will always be. The fact that God appears to be able to bend them to His will is testament to the power of a mind of an infinitely infinite Being.

The Powers of Genesis

We can do this sort of math in a number of other ways, by inputting alternative version sums for Genesis 1:1.

Genesis 1:1 Standard = 2701

Genesis 1:1 Modern Hebrew = 4631


Genesis 1:1Genesis 1:1

= 15,892 digit number

Jesus58 x 274 = 15,892

274 = Proverbs 18:10 (Ordinal)

Proverbs 18:10

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

This verse is a cryptogram or an alphanumeric puzzle. The answer to the riddle is that the name of the Lord is Jesus, that is 274 Jesus58's.


If we add our two powers together we see another sign of God.



18,792 + 15,892 = 34,684 digit number

754 x 46 = 34,684

754 = Jesus the Messiah

46 = God


Genesis 1:1 Alphabetical Expansion = 5476

Genesis 1:1 Modern Hebrew = 4631


Genesis 1:1Genesis 1:1

= 17,313 digit number

Jesus87 x 199 = 17,313

199 = Phi^11 (φ11) 199.00486


Genesis 1:1 Ordinal Alphabetical Expansion = 814

Genesis 1:1 Standard Alphabetical Expansion = 5476


Genesis 1:1Genesis 1:1

= 15,939 digit number

(3 x 7 x 3) x 253 = 15,939

Which is of course:

= 15,939


Genesis 1:1 Standard = 2701

Lord Jesus Christ = 3168


Genesis 1:1LordJesusChrist

= 10,872 digit number

JesusChrist151 x 72 = 10,872

72 = The 72 Lettered Name of God (The Shemhamphoresh)

151 = English Ordinal Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ English Ordinal = 151

Jesus Christ English Standard = 925



= 2016 digit number

2016 = T63

(The 63rd Triangle)

63 = 3 x 7 x 3
































































Note: the last line adds up 298 which is the sum of Genesis 1:1

The digital sum of this configuration is 8,827. The only verse in the Bible that matches this number is Luke 13:21, in which Christ describes the kingdom of Heaven and compares it to the leaven in the three measures of meal.

Luke 13:21

It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

Genesis 1:1 = 37 x 73 = 2701

Genesis 1:1 (Standard) 913 203 086 401 395 407 296

Genesis 1:1 Number: 913203086401395407296 is a multiple of 37

913,203,086,401,395,407,296 = 26 × 7 × 37 × 131 × 1291 × 4159 × 7879 × 9941

Genesis 1:1 (Ordinal): 76 23 41 23 62 29 44

Genesis 1:1 Number: 76234123622944 is a multiple of 73

6,234,123,622,944 = 25 × 7 × 73 × 1213 × 3,843,419

Genesis 1:1 (Standard) x (Ordinal): (913,203,086,401,395,407,296) x (76,234,123,622,944) is a multiple of itself 2701

(913,203,086,401,395,407,296) x (76,234,123,622,944) = 69,617,236,981,577,988,306,669,222,010,599,424

69,617,236,981,577,988,306,669,222,010,599,424 = 211 × 72 × 37 × 73 × 131 × 1213 × 1291 × 4159 × 7879 × 9941 × 3,843,419

Genesis 1:1 Number: 913203086401395407296 is a multiple of Jesus Christ-2368

2368 × 385,643,195,270,859,547 = 913,203,086,401,395,407,296

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—Thomas De Quincey