The Star of Stars

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The number 22 has long been considered mystical as it is the number of original letters in the Hebrew alphabet. It is an amazing fact then that the first 22 verses of the Bible (Genesis 1:1-22) has exactly 1100 letters. These 1100 letters can be systematically arranged into 10 stars of 37 letters and 10 stars of 73 letters. Since the number ten is triangle (The Tetrakys of Pythagoras) we make these 1100 letters into a Star of David, that is a Star of Stars.

These 20 stars can be sorted by category (a 37 type star and a 73 type star) and placed in the shape of two stars according in their alternating orders. In doing so, we are rearranging the text into a synthetic shape, therefore any amazing mathematics that come out of these shapes could only have come from the mind of God.

Following the pattern of the first verse (37 x 73 = 2701 = Sum of Genesis 1:1) we can see this proto-pattern as a mathematical fractal.

37 = Star Number

73 = Star Number

37 + 73 = 110

110 x 10 = 1100

This fractal plays out in many places in Scripture. Here we can see it as alternating pairs of 37 & 73 numbered stars of the first 22 verses of the Bible. Should you be able to read Hebrew, you will find that when reading these verses in this configuration, there are numerous bits of wordplay and hidden mathematical puns!

For instance, the first star sums to 390 ordinal, which is the sum for the Hebrew word 'Heaven.' Emblazoned across the central row of this star is the word 'The Heavens' (underlined below). And what are stars, but the lights of heaven?!

1st Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:1-2


ר א

ש י ת ב ר א א

ל ה י ם א ת

ה ש מ י ם

ו א ת ה א ר

ץ ו ה א ר ץ ה

י ת


Here we have the 37 types in order, tiling from right to left as one would in writing Hebrew, which is written from right to left. The sum of this triangle of stars is 3,950.

37 type stars = 3,950


392 315

369 392 406

461 394 407 424

In our very first star we see the word in Hebrew, ‘The Heavens’ emblazoned across the center of the star. This is the very first mention of the heavens in the Bible from verse one. The fact that the sum of the entire triangle is 3,950 is important as it is precisely ten times the sum of the heavens in Hebrew and making every star here have an exact average of 395.

The chances that ten three digit numbers would randomly sum to their exact average is extremely low.

The triangle of the 73 type stars sums to 7697, which is semi-prime, meaning that it has only two prime factors.

73 type stars = 7697


843 736

741 881 731

715 865 706 739

43 x 179 = 7697

אדם ו חוה = Adam and Eve = 43

יהושע בן יוסף המשיח = Jesus Son of Joseph the Messiah = 179

In these factors (all of the math here being in the Hebrew ordinal) we see the lineage of Christ, from Adam and Eve to his earthly father Joseph, a clear identification. So it is absolutely perfect that this sum of 7697, should come to the sum of this verse in Hebrews, which concerns the Hebrew lineage of Christ.

Hebrews 7:10

For he (Christ) was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek met him.

Hebrews 7:10 = 7697

This is no coincidence, but rather, design for we see that this verse has 13 words which once again makes a star of David.

The 13 words of Hebrews 7:10 as number


104 55 318 1180

770 751 58

375 1271 1511 70


= 7697

There is of course something else that perfectly matches this configuration and it is the name of Jesus Christ in Greek.

The Name Jesus Christ as a Star






By inverting the triangle of the 73 type stars we can make these two triangles of stars into an enormous Star of David, which is itself a Star of Stars.

The Star of Stars = 11,647

This sum is another semi-prime, so its only prime factors are 19 and 613. These numbers is the 3047th semi-prime which is a perfect fit with our Greek gematria.

19 x 613 = 11,647 = 3047th Semi-prime

O Aστηρ Ιησου Xριστου = The Star of Jesus Christ = 3047

The factors of this number are most telling indeed. The first factor (19) is a number intimately related to our 37, being that it is the hexagon inside the star of 37. Below is a hexagram of 37 units. The red interior comes to 19.

● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ●

This number 19 is also important in that it is the number of the last word of this verse, this time, in the anticipation of the eventual Greek Septuagint.

η Γη = The Earth = 19

The purpose of this reference being in the Greek, is to show that God is Omniscient and has seen ahead into the future, anticipating the Greek.

The second prime factor is clearly a Hebrew reference, for the 613 has very strong references in Hebrew.

יהוה אלהי ישראל = The Lord God of Israel = 613

19 x 613 = 11,647

This name of God is also another star itself.


א ה ו ה

י ה ל

א ר ש י


These types of hexagrams have a particular mathematics all their own. It is best understood when one realizes that a hexagram is constructed by two triangles, one standing upright and the other inverted. This is what the 37/73 pattern of the first verse is hinting at. So this enormous hexagram of the first 22 verses needs to be seen as two synthetic triangles in and of themselves.

The Star of Stars


715 1257 1021 739

1110 1273 1137

461 1237 1143 424


η Σοφια Θεου = The Wisdom of God = 1273

The center of the Star of Stars is 1273, which is a very clear reference in the Greek, in that 37 x 73 is also in Hebrew Wisdom x Wisdom, here we see in the center of the star a reference to the wisdom of God.


1257 1021

1110 1273 1137

461 1237 1143 424

Standing Triangle = 9,453

715 1257 1021 739

1110 1273 1137

1237 1143


The Inverted Triangle = 10,372

9,453 + 10,372 = 19,825

This number then brings us back to our initial proto-pattern of 37 times 73.

61 x 325

אדון = Lord = 61

Κυριε = Lord = 61

O Θεος = God = 61

שלושים ושבע פעמים שבעים ושלוש

Thirty Seven times Seventy Three

= 325 (Ordinal)

το Αινιγμα του Ιησου Χριστου = The Enigma of Jesus Christ = 325 (Ordinal)

The standing triangle here is very much a triangle in two triangular ways. The most important feature of a triangle is its threeness and the three points of this triangle come to 1275. This is of fundamental importance, as it is the sum of the first statement in the Gospel of John.


1257 1021

1110 1273 1137

461 1237 1143 424

Three Corners = 1,275

In the Beginning was the Word = 1275

εν αρχηι ην ο λογος = 1275

What is mathematically compelling here, however, is that both the sum of the entire triangle and the sum of the three corners of the triangle are both figurative triangles in and of themselves.

Corners = 1,275 = 50th Triangle (T50)

Whole Triangle = 9,453 = 137th Triangle (T137)

The chances of this happening randomly are 0.05% an extremely low probability. Moreover the difference between these triangular indexes equals the name of Jesus.

T137 - T50 = 87

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = Jesus = 87

If we subtract the corners of this configuration from the whole we find a number that is a multiple of the name Jesus in both the Hebrew and the Greek.

9,453 – 1,275 = 8,178

The way the gematria plays out, produces matches that only work when we are using both Hebrew and Greek gematria. These sort of cross matches are very common. The only reason they would be programmed to cross match is so that one could not say it was only a Greek math or only a Hebrew math.

Here the Hebrew ordinal Jesus and the Greek both produce compelling matches.

58 x 141 = 8,178

יהושע = Jesus = 58

Χριστιανος = Christian = 141

The Jesus here is a Hebrew Jesus, but the Christian is clearly Greek. There are other words that add up to 141, but none of them are as strong and relevant as the name Christian, particularly in this context.

The second match does the same but flipping Jesus into Greek and the most relevant at that number into Hebrew. Here now introducing the Star of Israel, which is the Star of David, which the Star of Stars is a fractal of.

87 x 94 = 8,178

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = Jesus 87

כוכב ישראל = Star of Israel = 94

The gematria of this term ‘The Star of Stars,’ has secrets all its own. The wording Star of Stars is in keeping with Old Testament traditions, for we see it in the way the Lord described himself many times over as ‘The Lord of Lords,’ and ‘God of Gods’ and Christ as the ‘King of Kings.’

The Hebrew for this phrase comes to 151, which is a match for a phrase from Psalm 119:140, the great eightfold acrostic psalm, this verse being that of the Hebrew letter Tzaddi.

כוכב הכוכבים = The Star of Stars = 151

צרופה אמרתך מאד = Thy Word is very pure = 151 (Ordinal)

It is however in the Greek where we see the real connection. This is very much in keeping with the pattern of the Three-Seven Fractal, where we see an inversion or a reflection of one to another. Here now the inversion being from the Hebrew to the Greek.

O Aστηρ του Δαβιδ = The Star of David = 151

The proto-pattern of the Three-Seven Fractal begins in the first verse and is based upon dual elements. The first is the mathematics of the prime factors of the sum of the first verse. The second is the language of the first verse which highlights an opposition of elements in that of the Heavens and the Earth. This is the spiritual world and the physical world, the noumenal and phenomenal or the great dualism of Descarte.

o ουρανος και η γη = The Heavens and the Earth = 151

We can see the Three-Seven Fractal again in the ordinal to standard rendition of the Greek for this Star of Stars. This time buried in the prime factors of the sum of the phrase in the ordinal and the standard.

η Αστηρ των Αστερων = The Star of Stars = 222 (Ordinal)

η Αστηρ των Αστερων = The Star of Stars = 3285 (Standard)

2 x 3 x 37 = 222

3 x 3 x 5 x 73 = 3285

The Three-Seven Fractal appears again when we add together the ordinal sums of the third and seventh hexagrams, these both being 37-Type.

3rd hexagram = 315

7th hexagram = 406

315 + 406 = 721

This number 721 is interesting for two reasons. One is that its prime factors are ‘The Stars’ times Seven. That is the Hebrew ‘The Stars’ (הכוכבים) x 7) = 721. It is the fact that 721 is sum of the only other Greek word for Star in the Bible, in the word Astron.

3rd Hex. & 7th Hex. = 721

Αστρον = Star(s) = 721

This correlation couldn’t be any more accurate, since this word Astron has a dual meaning in the Greek of a Star or a Group of Stars like that of a constellation. Our Star of Stars is nothing else than a constellation of self similar stars.

When we render this star into the ordinal with its full reading from the book of Acts we see it too is related to the great complex of the Three-Seven Fractal.

το Αστρον του Θεου = The Star of God = 219 (Ordinal)

3 x 73 = 219 (Prime Factorization)

Should we number the letters of the Star of Stars configuration and inspect the 37th and 73rd letters, we find the first to be the letter Heh (H) and the second to be the letter Lamed (L). The sum of these two letters is 35.

ה = 37th Letter = 5

ל = 73rd Letter = 30

5 + 30 = 35

הכוכב = The Star = 35 (Ordinal)

This ‘H’ and ‘L’ could also signify ‘The Lamed’ or translated: The Letter L. In Hebrew the letter is the Lamed, which when spell out comes to 74 and 74 is 37 times two.

למד = Lamed = 74

37 + 37 = 74

It is also the sum of the first word(s) of the Bible, now in the Septuagint Greek Ordinal. The very same two words that start the Gospel of John, here with the Iota subscript written as a postscript.

εν αρχηι = In the Beginning = 74

We find another correlation to the Lamed (L) in the acrostics psalm 119 again. This time in the first verse of the Lamed section. Acrostic literature is where the first letter of every line is a sequential letter of the alphabet. Here in the first of eight Lamed’s we find a powerful correlation to our Star of Stars.

Psalm 119: 89

בשמים נצב דברך יהוה לעולם = Forever thy Word is settled in Heaven = 215

Αστηρ των Αστερων = Star of Stars = 215

This, it would seem, is a hidden reference to the great Star Set that resides at the beginning of the Bible, hidden from view for thousands of years. It is also part of the Three-Seven Fractal, as this verse has 21 letters or 3 times 7 letters.

The 373rd letter of the configuration (Hexagram 8, letter 6) is the letter 'A' or Alef. This letter, when spelled out, comes to 111 which of course 37 x 3.

373rd Letter = א

א = 111

37 x 3 = 111

It would require an entire book, if not a volume of books to catalog all the mathematical correspondences going on in the set of the Star of Stars. So far we have really only looked at the ordinal set. The whole of the set is so complex that it will take years if not decades to fully decode.

It seems just from a initial glance at the set, that it is a rich vein for mathematical mining as it has produced so much from so little already. A comprehensive listing of the twenty stars from the first twenty-two verses of the Bible can be seen below.

Interested persons can feel free to copy and paste the text below for their own study. Note that only center-aligned monospaced fonts will render the stars perfectly. In order to convert the Hebrew letters into numbers, one need only to employ a find and replace program available in most word processing programs. This is the easiest and most reliable way to process the batch.

To further analyze the numbers, it is recommended that the characters be converted into a table and then copy and pasted into a spreadsheet program like Excel for ease of analysis.

Please note some browsers may unaligned these letters by altering the font.

To realign, copy and paste the characters into a monospaced font like Courier.

1st Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:1-2

Ordinal Sum: 390


ר א

ש י ת ב ר א א

ל ה י ם א ת

ה ש מ י ם

ו א ת ה א ר

ץ ו ה א ר ץ ה

י ת


2nd Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:2-4

Ordinal Sum: 740


ה ו

ו ב ה

ו ו ח ש ך ע ל פ נ י

ת ה ו ם ו ר ו ח א

ל ה י ם מ ר ח פ

ת ע ל פ נ י ה

מ י ם ו י א מ ר

א ל ה י ם י ה י א

ו ר ו י ה י א ו ר ו

י ר א

א ל


3rd Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:3-4

Ordinal Sum: 315


ם א

ת ה א ו ר כ י

ט ו ב ו י ב

ד ל א ל ה

י ם ב י ן ה

א ו ר ו ב י ן

ה ח


4th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:4-6

Ordinal Sum: 736


ו י

ק ר א

א ל ה י ם ל א ו ר י

ו ם ו ל ח ש ך ק ר

א ל י ל ה ו י ה

י ע ר ב ו י ה

י ב ק ר י ו ם א

ח ד ו י א מ ר א ל

ה י ם י ה י ר ק י ע

ב ת ו

ך ה


5th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:6-7

Ordinal Sum: 392


ם ו

י ה י מ ב ד י

ל ב י ן מ י

ם ל מ י ם

ו י ע ש א ל

ה י ם א ת ה ר

ק י


6th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:7-8

Ordinal Sum: 843


י ב

ד ל ב

י ך ה מ י ם א ש ר מ

ת ח ת ל ר ק י ע ו

ב י ך ה מ י ם א

ש ר מ ע ל ל ר

ק י ע ו י ה י כ

ך ו י ק ר א א ל ה

י ם ל ר ק י ע ש מ י

ם ו י

ה י


7th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:8-9

Ordinal Sum: 406


ב ו

י ה י ב ק ר י

ו ם ש נ י ו

י א מ ר א

ל ה י ם י ק

ו ו ה מ י ם מ

ת ח


8th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:9-10

Ordinal Sum: 731


ש מ

י ם א

ל מ ק ו ם א ח ד ו ת

ר א ה ה י ב ש ה ו

י ה י כ ן ו י ק

ר א א ל ה י ם

ל י ב ש ה א ר ץ

ו ל מ ק ו ה ה מ י

ם ק ר א י מ י ם ו י

ר א א

ל ה


9th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:10-11

Ordinal Sum: 392


כ י

ט ו ב ו י א מ

ר א ל ה י ם

ת ד ש א ה

א ר ץ ד ש א

ע ש ב מ ז ר י

ע ז


10th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:11--12

Ordinal Sum: 881


ע ץ

פ ר י

ע ש ה פ ר י ל מ י נ

ו א ש ר ז ר ע ו ב

ו ע ל ה א ר ץ ו

י ה י כ ן ו ת

ו צ א ה א ר ץ ד

ש א ע ש ב מ ז ר י

ע ז ר ע ל מ י נ ה ו

ו ע ץ

ע ש


11th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:12-13

Ordinal Sum: 369


ר י

א ש ר ז ר ע ו

ב ו ל מ י נ

ה ו ו י ר

א א ל ה י ם

כ י ט ו ב ו י

ה י


12th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:13-14

Ordinal Sum: 741


ב ו

י ה י

ב ק ר י ו ם ש ל י ש

י ו י א מ ר א ל ה

י ם י ה י מ א ר

ת ב ר ק י ע ה

ש מ י ם ל ה ב ד

י ל ב י ן ה י ו ם

ו ב י ן ה ל י ל ה ו

ה י ו

ל א


13th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:14-15

Ordinal Sum: 424


ו ל

מ ו ע ד י ם ו

ל י מ י ם ו

ש נ י ם ו

ה י ו ל מ א

ו ר ת ב ר ק י

ע ה


14th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:15-16

Ordinal Sum: 739


י ם

ל ה א

י ר ע ל ה א ר ץ ו י

ה י כ ן ו י ע ש א

ל ה י ם א ת ש נ

י ה מ א ו ר ה

ג ד ל י ם א ת ה

מ א ו ר ה ג ד ל ל

מ מ ש ל ת ה י ו ם ו

א ת ה

מ א


15th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:16-17

Ordinal Sum: 407


ה ק

ט ן ל מ מ ש ל

ת ה ל י ל ה

ו א ת ה כ

ו כ ב י ם ו

י ת ן א ת ם א

ל ה


16th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:17-18 (Exactly)

Ordinal Sum: 706


ב ר

ק י ע

ה ש מ י ם ל ה א י ר

ע ל ה א ר ץ ו ל מ

ש ל ב י ו ם ו ב

ל י ל ה ו ל ה

ב ד י ל ב י ן ה

א ו ר ו ב י ן ה ח

ש ך ו י ר א א ל ה י

ם כ י

ט ו


17th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:19-20

Ordinal Sum: 394


י ה

י ע ר ב ו י ה

י ב ק ר י ו

ם ר ב י ע

י ו י א מ ר

א ל ה י ם י ש

ר צ


18th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:20-21

Ordinal Sum: 865


מ י

ם ש ר

ץ נ פ ש ח י ה ו ע ו

ף י ע ו פ ף ע ל ה

א ר ץ ע ל פ נ י

ר ק י ע ה ש מ

י ם ו י ב ר א א

ל ה י ם א ת ה ת נ

י נ ם ה ג ד ל י ם ו

א ת כ

ל נ


19th Hexagram of 37 Letters, Genesis 1:21

Ordinal Sum: 461


ה ח

י ה ה ר מ ש ת

א ש ר ש ר צ

ו ה מ י ם

ל מ י נ ה ם

ו א ת כ ל ע ו

ף כ


20th Hexagram of 73 Letters, Genesis 1:21-22 (Exactly)

Ordinal Sum: 715


ל מ

י נ ה

ו ו י ר א א ל ה י ם

כ י ט ו ב ו י ב ר

ך א ת ם א ל ה י

ם ל א מ ר פ ר

ו ו ר ב ו ו מ ל

א ו א ת ה מ י ם ב

י מ י ם ו ה ע ו ף י

ר ב ב

א ר


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“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe...

the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me."

—Immanuel Kant