This article references a discovery seen in the video above from Rob Slattery of

Recently, Rob Slattery of revealed that the first 262 digits of pi, phi and e (the three most important irrational numbers of mathematics and science) all sum to 1192. Such a planetary alignment of number could have profound implications on our understanding of the Divine and his interaction with His creation.

262 digits of π = 1192

262 digits of φ = 1192

262 digits of e = 1192

1192 + 1192 + 1192 = 3576

The sum of all three (a Trinitarian signature) is the same as this theologically important phrase from 1Corinthians 11:24.

This is my body = 3576

τουτο μου εστι το σωμα

1Cor. 11:24

And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Here Christ is speaking of His body, which is the bread of communion.

Is this significant? Or just a coincidence? Can we make sense of it?

The number 262, Rob references as referring to the Ark in Hebrew (הארון) the sacred container that held the 10 Commandments and the holy presence of God.

What does that have to do with pi, phi and e?

Mr. Slattery’s acumen recognized the importance of the three irrational numbers, and has grouped them together, suspecting that the Divine Mind, might ‘speak’, so to speak, through these important decimal expansions. His suspicion was well founded and now well evidenced.

But what sort of meaning or metaphor can the layman take from these advanced mathematical concepts?

Pi represents the geometry of space (a circle)

Phi represents a ratio or a comparison of space.

E is fundamental to universal growth of space in time.

In other words, these three fundamental constants of science, share three aspects of the geometry of space.

What was the Ark of the Covenant?

It was a container.

And what do containers contain?


To the transcendentally infinite mind of God, that might just make sense.

We humans, take space for granted. God does not.

To God, space is not a given.


Because God is the author and maintainer of all space and spaces, including all of Outer Space. He is not subject to space, but rather the opposite. To such a being, space might appear as something of a novelty, a novelty of His own invention, but a novelty nonetheless.

So we have a connection between a container of sacred space and the geometry of space. To those unfamiliar with the philosophy of mathematics, or philosophy in general, or if you don’t have a firm grasp on how important pi, phi and e are to just about everything you see in the physical universe, this connection may seem a little thin.

Pi, phi and e are collectively connected to perhaps the vast majority of the descriptive mathematics of the physical universe.

And it's one big universe.

To a mind the likes of God, a mind that can hold all the information of the entirety of the physical universe, a comparison between the sacred historical physical housing (the Ark of the Covenant) and the physical housing of the entire universe could appear apt.

To such a mind as this, both might appear as merely containers....

What of His body?

Following this train of logic we can connect the dots further to the sum 3576, and to the New Testament phrase, ‘This is my body.” Here again we have to remember, that to God, space is not a given, it is in fact foreign to His natural and original state, a state of timeless eternity outside and beyond space and time.

In other words, to such a being as this, the body of Jesus Christ was also a container. A human container that contained the Holy Spirit of God’s three in one persons.

If we hope to understand these revelations, we must dare to gaze into the infinite. For perhaps, God’s least understood aspect is His infinite nature.

Pi, phi and e are universal mathematical constants. That is, they appear again and again, everywhere in science, and everywhere in the descriptive mathematics of the physical universe. To a mind that engineered the geometry of space itself, these three irrational numbers represent enormous swaths of the descriptive data of the universe. Entire galaxies of information course through their ratios.

To a being, the likes of God, where space is not a given, the three following concepts might be of great similarity:

The Ark of the Covenant = A Holy Container

The Body of Jesus = A Holy Container

The Entire Physical Universe = The Container of All Containers.

It is possible, that the meaning here of this incredible revelation of Mr. Slattery’s, is that God is saying the entire physical universe, from every grain of sand to every star and galaxy of stars, is to God, akin to a body. The world’s myths are filled with such analogies, especially the creation myths where the universe is formed from the body of some enormous creature.

If I am a being with infinite mind, capable of witnessing all there is to see and experience in the physical universe, to such a being, that universe might feel like a body might feel to a human.....

The above image is from a Hungarian Prayer Manuscript, displaying a cloth with a 3:1 twill weave and 'Poker' holes, features that are unique to the Shroud of Turin. This manuscript has been positively dated to 1192, prior to the infamous 1988 C14 dating claim of 1260-1390.

Intriguingly, this number 1192, is an important date in the history (and proof) of the Shroud of Turin. The above image displays what historians believe is the first depiction of the Shroud, with its distinctive three to one, twill weave highlighted. This is important in the evidence for the Shroud, because it places the Shroud prior to the 1988 carbon dating date, a date and test most experts (sindonologist) no longer deem scientifically valid.

Is this number and date (1192) then a subtle reference to the Shroud?

Perhaps, for what is the Shroud of Turin, but a container of the image of God in the flesh.

One could consider this perhaps a Divine play on words:

"This is my body" = The Shroud of Turin

What’s more 1192 is encoded with the Word (logos) here using the Greek ordinal (the ordinal is the numeration based on the order of the alphabet).

Logos = 62


The connection between them is purely mathematical.

Euler’s Totient Function is an important concept in number theory and to the RSA encryption system that is the basis of computer and internet securitization. The function is a count of the integers that are relatively prime to that integer. The sum of the totient function of the first 62 integers comes to 1192.

Logos = 62


Σ 1-62 of Euler’s Totient Function = 1192

The Totient Sum of the first 62 Integers

1 1

2 1

3 2

4 2

5 4

6 2

7 6

8 4

9 6

10 4

11 10

12 4

13 12

14 6

15 8

16 8

17 16

18 6

19 18

20 8

21 12

22 10

23 22

24 8

25 20

26 12

27 18

28 12

29 28

30 8

31 30

32 16

33 20

34 16

35 24

36 12

37 36

38 18

39 24

40 16

41 40

42 12

43 42

44 20

45 24

46 22

47 46

48 16

49 42

50 20

51 32

52 24

53 52

54 18

55 40

56 24

57 36

58 28

59 58

60 16

61 60

62 30

= 1192

Listing Table:

The number 62 is important for a number of reasons. In it we see a union of many names and concepts. The logos connection is actually a triple correlation with the Golden Ratio (phi), because the word that the Greeks used to represent the Golden Ratio (phi) was the very same word John used in his Gospel (logos).

Logos = The Golden Ratio

Λογος = φ

In fact Euler’s Totient Function is also known as Euler’s Phi Function and is represented by the Greek letter phi against n.

φ(n) = Totient Sum

This whole number 62, is also the closest approximation (rounding up) to the inverse or reciprocal of phi in analog form.

1/φ (0.618 ^) = 62

There are multiple Biblical gematria connections as well in ordinal and standard.

Emmanuel = 62


Son = 62


My Son = 62


It is clear here, that there are some meaningful connections in this number and important names in the Bible. What’s fascinating is how they are connected to modern day binary numbers, the number system that encodes the computer software of the modern age.

Digital Sum of Binary Protoverse = 62

Genesis 1:1

(בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


= 62

This last connection is not random by any means. It is part of the grand alphanumeric fractal that begins in Genesis 1:1 and surfaces and resurfaces again and again in the study and revelation of Biblical mathematics. The first verse, what I call the protoverse, is the most important and valuable verse to Biblical mathematics. So to see it in connection to Rob Slattery’s recent discovery is not terribly surprising.

What is, is that the numbers produced from the 262 Pi/Phi/E connection both 1192 and 3576 are multiples of Genesis 1:1 in the Hebrew ordinal.

Genesis 1:1 Ordinal = 298

298 + 298 + 298 + 298 = 1192

298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 + 298 = 3576

These of course form the outline of the ever present Star of David.


298 298 298 298

298 298

298 298 298 298


= 3576

It may also be a reference to the Breastplate of the Highpriest. This was the garment that the ancient highpriest of the temple wore, which bore 12 precious stones. These twelve 298's could be symbols of the twelve stones. My suspicion of this is based on the fact that one of the two stones that the highpriest used for divination (Urim and Thummin) sums to 262.

The Urim = 262


(The Lights)

Exodus 28:30

And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the LORD: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually.

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