TAKE the TOUR THREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference — Video-Channel


Recent discoveries in the Hebrew and Greek have shown positive programming of the first verse, revealed in the spelled out versions of the original lettering. The primary example of this is the Hebrew alphabetical expansion of Genesis 1:1 that produces the sum 5476 or 74 squared, where 74 is the Jesus English ordinal.

Read: Genesis 1:1 = Jesus²

We can also show that the original translation of Genesis 1:1 from the Hebrew into the Greek, in what is known as the Septuagint, reveals a startling fractal in the name and number of the Lord Jesus Christ in Greek.

Ad Infinitum To Infinity

Read The Infinite Equation of the Lord Jesus Christ

When we apply the same procedure as we did in Hebrew that produced the square root of Jesus to the Greek we find it produces the Logos triangle (T62).

Genesis 1:1 = T62

62 = Logos (The WORD)

Genesis 1:1 Septuagint Ordinal Spelled Out In Full Reference

The 10 words in the Greek translation produce a tetraktys, holy to all Pythagoreans

Interestingly, but not necessarily relevant, but the year 1953 was of great significance to three modern technologies, genetics, computers and nuclear weapons. What that might mean, is a matter of speculation.

The classical contention in modern biblical mathematics was that Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 showed similar programming. Here again we see another connection between the two verses. Clearly a miraculous connection through the supernatural inspiration of the Bible.

The Logos (The Word) is a primary component of the Three Seven Code, the alphanumerical fractal that touches the most important elements of scripture.

Logos = 373

Genesis 1:1 = 37x73

Jesus Christ = A Cube of 37’s

This Logos Triangle (T62) reveals a similar pattern when we examine its prime factors:

(3 x 7 x 3) x 31 = 1953

31 = God (אל)

63 (3x7x3) = Prophet (נביא)

Looking at the alphabetical expansion we can see that it forms a square of letters when we make provision for the eventual spaces between the words, a miracle in and of itself.

The Hebrew alphabetical expansion of Genesis 1:1 records the same.

The Greek square is composed 121 cells (11²) whereas the Hebrew is 81 (9²). These two configurations appear to be related via the holy number 40.

121 – 81 = 40

The number 40 is perhaps the most mysterious number in the Bible, but one that is without doubt, the most strongly referenced: 40 years of wandering, 40 days on Mt. Sinai and 40 days of Jesus in the wilderness. From the biblical mathematics perspective, 40 can be seen as mediation or communion between the two holiest numbers of Christianity, THREE and SEVEN.

7 – 3 = 4

70 – 30 = 40

When we inspect this matrix of letters we can see that it too is a component of the programming of the first verse. Here we can see that the Spirit of God (רוח אלהים) T24 or 300 fits neatly inside the T62, the triangle of the Word (Logos). This then would be a rebus puzzle, where graphical position and implied preposition solve a simple riddle.

The riddle here being the metaphysic of the Incarnation, that is, how can a monotheistic God be three in one. Here too the implied riddle is miraculous as it was first conceived well over a thousand years prior to the actual Incarnation.

No singular mathematical factoid of biblical mathematics is more convincing (IMO) of the Trinitarian nature of the Deity than the fact the ‘Spirit of God’ from Genesis 1:2 reveals a triangle made of 300 units.

A common feature to the puzzles of the first verse (yes we have that many examples now) is that when you break down and parse the wording into its grammatical components it produces a flowering of figurative geometries. The primary example being Vernon Jenkins’ T37 within T73.

Due to the number of examples we have been able to produce, we can now say this is a standard pattern found within the mathematics of the first verse. With that in mind we would expect to find similar patterns in the Septuagint translation.

In the Hebrew version, the geometry split with ‘And the Earth,’ the final two words of the verse. However, the Hebrew and Greek languages couldn’t be any more different grammatically. The way the two languages construct their grammar is nearly polar opposite: Hebrew is primordially simple, Greek exactingly complex.

With that in mind, a slight variation in the parsing should not necessarily surprise us. The Greek rendition now splits in various ways surrendering the ‘And’ and opted only for the final two words Thn Ghn ‘The Earth.’

The new split produces a fractalling preponderance of Three’s and Seven's

Here the split creates a Sierpinski triangle of triangles, a feature common to the Three-Seven alphanumeric fractal.

This split is more than just a meditation on Three-Seven math, it is following suit with the other great alphabetical expansion of Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew 5476.

The first eight words produce a powerful square (1764 or 42 x 42) that is simply blistering with correlations.

The final two words again is showing more Three Seven pattern, now in pure geometry. The number 189, produces a pattern of 7 cubes, each cube composed of only 3’s.

Gazing upon the square itself, it is connected to the holy Eheyeh Asher Ehyeh, I AM that I AM, or from the Greek ‘I AM the BEING.’

Where the name and number of [IAMthatIAM543] standard has a well established reputation, it ordinal representation is perhaps the more important. The Eheyeh (I AM) component is pure Three/Seven (3 x 7 = 21). But in the ordinal we see that the 3 x 7 structure is reiterated as in emphasis, for the ordinal arithmetic is based on the number 21, all of which are multiples of 3’s and 7’s.

The square may yet prove to produce many more correlations, as squares have a natural preponderance of geometries.

The most holy name in Greek for the Savior (The Lord Jesus Christ) is meticulously included in this formation, encoded ordinally with the six active days of creation. This name and number has produced many powerful proofs, too numerous to record here.

Returning to the triangle we can produce more relevant geometries.

1081 is an important number to Jewish mysticism as it represents the central sephiroth Tiphereth

Another configuration, an unusual one, based upon a single letter produces multiple patterns. By including the ‘Iota’ the letter I, we find a triangle that is representative of the Hebrew name for Jesus, in the ordinal.

This Greek letter was highlighted by Jesus Himself. The Iota in modern parlance, has come to mean the smallest possible detail. Here we are seeing that the smallest possible detail (LITERALLY the IOTA) is producing significant geometry. If you recall, the grammatical matrix that contains this Greek translation is a matrix of 11 x 11.

121 cells or 11 x 11

This parsing can produce multiple geometries itself.

The 11th triangle (T11) is relevant in a number of ways. T11 (66) is the number of books in the Protestant Bible. In that sense this configuration produces a fractal of the entire Bible. Each red triangle above is composed of 66 units the number of the books therein.

The number 11 here is being strongly highlighted. The emphasis, however, is more than mathematical. It is also graphical. The basic vertical stroke of the Hindu-Arabic number 1 seems to be the locus of intention. The Greek Iota’s 1111 being a primary example.

It seems that in anticipation of skepticism, the Programmer, doubles down on patterns that might appear to the skeptic as haphazard; for when we reverse it the same pattern appears.

Of final note: Twice now in the short history of modern biblical mathematics has the entire structure of the discipline been altered by a single letter, the letter I. First by the inclusion of the iota-subscript in the Greek, and now with the exclusion of the Yod from the Hebrew.

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is the greatest benefit which the human race has ever experienced.

Every attempt to belittle it is a crime against humanity"

— Immanuel Kant