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The Infinite Equation of the Lord Jesus Christ

The first verse of the Bible is the primary basis of biblical mathematics and the very reason I endeavored into this obscure discipline. It has proven itself again and again as quite simply thee most elaborate and complex mathematical puzzle ever imagined. It has produced hundreds of pages of evidence of its intricate programming and all of it hidden in plain sight, in the guise of seven simple Hebrew words.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

So it may be a surprise to even the most learned of readers in this ancient of sciences, that the first verse, can be shown to numerically represent the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Greek version of the verse from the Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament.


Those that know their numbers, might be scratching their heads right now and saying to themselves, his arithmetic is off by one. My arithmetic is not great, but the Lord’s math is always perfect and so is this sum of 3,167.

It is also a simple puzzle with a simple solution:


3,167 + 1 = 3,168

This sort of puzzle however isn’t always satisfactory to the skeptic, who sees only error. But the Lord does not error and if it ever looks like He has, then we are sure to know something else is going on.

When I first found this sum years ago, I too pondered the why of it and I suppose I even asked God why He had missed the mark by one. Clearly he hadn’t, but that’s what it looked like. It seemed obvious He was trying for 3,168 but maybe He couldn’t make the math work.

I was wrong.

He was right.

He answered my question years later, when I was ready to receive the answer. The answer itself is as fascinating as it is mind-boggling. It also gives us insight into the mind of God.

The math is perfect.

3,167 IS perfect.

And now it makes the mathematics of the first verse exponentially more complex that ever before imagined. What I mean to say is, that besides all the programming design in the Hebrew 2701 and 5476 sums of Genesis 1:1, He also doubly programmed the Greek to reflect even more perfections.

The first verse of the Septuagint (an ancient translation of the Hebrew into the Greek) can be seen as something of a puzzle. In order to solve it, you must know that the Greek language has a hidden letter called the Iota-subscript, which is in all truth a real letter that is simply subsumed into the subscripts (grammatical markings written beneath the letters) common to the Greek language. Secondly you must know that Greek Bibles number their verses with ordinal letters.

3,167 + 1 = 3,168

In another more important way, this Greek version can be said to represent the sum of the Lord Jesus Christ to an entire epoch of people. In the ancient world, when gematric sums were only off by one number, they were considered to be equal. They called this ‘Fudge Factor’ a Collel.

Greek Lord Jesus Christ = 3,168

Greek Genesis 1:1 = 3,167

3,167 + Collel = 3,168


This means that to anyone in the ancient world, who could read Greek, would have recognized that the sum of the first statement in the Bible, was code for the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s good enough for me. It would seem this code was intended for the persecuted Christians of the ancient world.

I don’t generally employ a collel except in archaeological gematria. But because of the importance of the first verse and because it may have been known to an ENTIRE WORLD of Christians, I think it is a fair connection to record.

But might this sum serve both worlds: The Ancient and the Modern?

To the modern skeptical mind, this sum looks like a near miss, or even a mistake.

But does God make mistakes?


But can He make things that appear at first glance to be a mistake?


I give you EXHIBIT A:


That may sound absurd to you. But that’s okay, because to most people the duck-billed platypus is absurd. It’s got the nose of a duck, the tail of a beaver, venomous vampire claws and breastfeeds but lays eggs! The creature seems to be a compilation of various left over parts from other odd creatures. To many, the duck-billed platypus appears to be God’s mistake.

Is there a hidden message in the oddity of the duck-billed platypus?

But God does not make mistakes. So when you see something that looks like a mistake, but that was made by an all-knowing perfect Being, then you must realize that something else is going on. God does not make mistakes, but he may make things that appear at first glance, to be mistakes.

Why does he do this? Perhaps it is to test our faith.

The great joy in biblical mathematics for me, is that on occasion it can offer an insight into the nature of the Divine Mind, like no other discipline. Recently, science has discovered that the milk of the duck-billed platypus may be the secret to creating aN antibiotic medicine capable of overcoming the super-bacteria that plagues modern hospitals.

I put it forward that when God creates something as odd as the duck-billed platypus, He is doing so to draw our attention to some secret riddle of its make up and its purpose. It is God’s way of saying: “HERE LIES A SECRET.”

The same is true with the Septuagint’s first verse.

Caravaggio’s the Sacrifice of Isaac, shows another element in the symbolism of Isaac as the son of the Father.

Isaac the Miracle Baby

If the Greek first verse, looks like a mistake, but clearly can’t be, then there should be something hidden in it worth finding. Firstly, it is the sum of this theologically important verse:

Genesis 18:12

Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

= 3,167

When we read this verse in context, we see that the Lord himself has come to visit Abraham and Sarah his wife, in their advanced age. The Lord had promised Abraham that he would bear the seed of God’s anointed, Jesus the Son of God. However, as God is want to do, He took His time about it. In fact He took so long that when Sarah first heard about it, it made her laugh.

Sarah here was in here 90’s and well past the age of childbearing. The pleasure here being, the opportunity to bear a child. To have children in the ancient world, especially in Jewish culture was considered a blessing. Those with many children were considered blessed as was the converse, being barren, was to be cursed. Children not only carried on your legacy they also did a lot of your manual labor!

This long wait for the promised seed is a typical type miracle for the Lord. That is, by waiting until Abraham and Sarah are well past the child bearing age, it shows that the birth of Isaac is miraculous. The fact that the sum of this verse comes to 3,167, the sum of the Greek first verse and equal in the ancient mind to the Lord Jesus Christ, allows us this simple equation:

Genesis 18:12 = 3,167 = The Lord Jesus Christ

Kυριος Ιησους Χριστος

That is to say, the subtle reference in number here is to the miraculous lineage of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Septuagint Fractal

A fractal is a mathematical pattern that infinitely repeats with self-similarity. Benoit Mandlebrot discovered the mathematics of fractals in the late 20th Century. His discovery was greeted by silence and even jeers. The professionals of that time considered his work to be nothing more than recreational mathematics, academic code for: ‘Rubbish’ or ‘Childs-play’.

As is so often is the case with new discoveries, it takes a decade or so for the establishment to finally accept the new truth. This is exactly the subject matter of Thomas Kuhn’s seminal book ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.’ This book is so important to the understanding of the history and development of science (as is the work of Karl Popper) that you really cannot be said to understand science unless you have been exposed to these ideas.

Is biblical mathematics a new science?

As stated above, the strange design of the duck-billed platypus and the near miss of the first verse of the Greek Bible, seem to be suggesting a hidden revelation.

What could it be?

The mathematics of fractals, though mocked at first, soon became a well accepted scientific theory. The science of fractals have become part of many different aspects of science, including meteorology and geography, to name but a few. I believe that all the THREE’s and SEVEN’s that we see in biblical mathematics to be a never before seen alphanumeric fractal.

The graphic above shows how the first verse is a type of fractal. The sum of 21,978 is made of a cube of 814’s. And 814 is the ordinal in-full sum of Genesis 1:1. Which can recycle the pattern 27 times over.

To read more go to: The Building Blocks of Genesis

Now with the latest revelations from the alphabetical expansions, we are beginning to see reproducible and demonstrate-able repeating mathematical fractals.

Ad Infinitum To Infinity

Outline for GIF animation:

Greek Genesis 1:1 = 3167

3167 + Verse 1 = 3168

3168 = The Lord Jesus Christ Kυριος Ιησους Χριστος

Genesis 1:1 = 73rd Triangle

Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 = 112th Triangle

Greek Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 spelled out = 1629 letters

Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 2701

2701 + 1072 = 3773

2701 – 1072 = 1629

1629 = 543 x 3

543 = I AM that I AM

1629 = I AM that I AM a TRINITY

Greek Genesis 1:1 = 39 letters

John 1:1 = 52 letters

39 + 52 = 91 original letters

Greek Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 = 1629 letters

(Greek Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1) – (91 original letters) = 1538 letters

1629 + 1538 = 3167

Hit the button... ad infinitum

Will we see more of these types of alphanumeric fractals? Perhaps, though they are a rare gem indeed, but at least we now know what to look for.

Does God have a sense of humor? And if He does are we looking at it?

Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email Subject Line: Updates!

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"To see a World in a grain of sand,

And Heaven in a wildflower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,

And Eternity in an hour."

— William Blake