Star Fractal

For the latest Star Fractal discovery read The Logos Series and Latin Gen. 1:1

Other Star Pages: The Greek SHEMA The GENESIS STAR 37/73 Symmetries The Star of Stars Titanic Prime


Star numbers are a primary component to the mathematics of Genesis 1:1. These numbers and their associated figurate star shapes are a modern discovery (1973), yet they hold the key to understanding the mysterious math of the Bible.

37 x 73 = Genesis 1:1

This type of figurative configuration was discovered only relatively recently, by none other than Martin Gardner, perhaps the most influential mathematician of the 20th Century.

An amazing feature of star numbers is how they divide the sum of their odd numbers from the sum of the even. All star numbers can compartmentalize their odd numbers into the centered hexagon that is the body of the star.

All star numbers do this, but star-type 73, may be the only star that can compartmentalize its odd numbers into another star number shape (37).

The best mathematical evidence for God existence and the inspiration of the Scriptures comes to us in the first verse, where with triangles and stars we see a perfect blueprint from a perfect and infinite mind.

The 1998/703 split of Genesis 1:1, where the 37th triangle fits perfectly within the 73rd triangle is perhaps the most astonishing fact of the math of the Bible.

It was thought until recently, that this fantastic feat of mathematical gymnastics occurred in only one way. The odd/even star configuration however can reproduce this feat in 100's, if not 1,000's and perhaps even 100's of thousands of ways.

To read more on this marvel read THE GENESIS STAR

Another way 703/1998 split occurs in the star of stars itself, divided 37 times.

Click to enlarge

We can also make a hybrid star of centered hexagons.

37 x 19 = 703 the 37th triangle

Centered hexagons create a wide variety of patterns that accord to the number 2701.

Read the Cube of Creation

Clearly star numbers, and star numbers 37 or 73 are an important part to the mystery of the mathematics of the Bible.

Looking then at the 37th star number, we find a similar pattern to the triangles of Genesis 1:1. All star configurations have at their heart a centered hexagon. The 37th star contains the 37th centered hexagon.

37th Star Number = 7993

37th Centered Hexagon = 3997

We see here another manifestation of the 3/7 fractal, where the hexagon of 37th star is a numerical reversal of the star number itself. AND both the 37 star and c. hexagon are a numerical container of 37 and 73.



These then are a continuation of the mathematics of the first verse and the 3/7 fractal.

99 = 73rd Composite Number

3(73rd CN)7


Other features of the 37th star have obvious connections to Genesis 1:1.

Sharing both the perimeter sum and having an assortment of 666's, a number we now know to be holy and not sinister.

The star series, like many figurate number series, has an infinite number of repeat cycles in its terminal digits. The single digit repeat cycle is telling indeed.

Star Series repeat cycle:

1 3 7 3 1

This 5 digit cycle repeats forever in the star series. It bespeaks of two things, which are related. The first is the word, Logos, which is contained within it.

Logos (Λογος) = 373

The next is palindromic (reading either forwards or backwards) 137.


The Fine-structure constant is perhaps the greatest numerical mystery to physics. It has haunted some of the greatest minds of science. The constant is a measure of the strength of electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles. The number below is a more accurate estimate of the constant.

α−1 = 137.035999139(31)

The two digit repeat cycle of the star series is composed of 25 (5^2) numbers and sums to 1125. A graphic representation of this shows an affinity for the number 37.

The star number series has a fondness for the number 5. There may be mystical reasons for this, such as 5 being the average of 3 & 7, hence a way of saying 3 & 7 in a single number. Mathematically it may do this because the series is decimal based, that is 10-based and five is half of ten.

In either event it interacts geometrically as well since 1125 is both a square of cubes and a cube of squares.

3² x 5³ = 1125

When we highlight the most important elements of the 3/7 fractal, we find an infinite code. The 3/7 fractal is composed of pure 3's and 7's, in number, numeral and prime factors. using that simple logic there are 9 numbers on table that are 'In gamut' for the fractal.




Here the 21 is included for two very good reasons: One, it is the sum of the name Eheyeh, the holy I Am and two it is 3 x 7.

373 = Logos

752 = Jesus of Nazareth

I believe what this infinite code is trying to say, is the Lord God of the Hebrews is none other than Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Divine Word of God.

When we sum these numbers down to their digital roots (standard practice in this line of work) we find an elegant code that I think refers to the Star of Bethlehem.

Digital Roots = 99

βηθλεεμ Bethlehem = 99


Star configurations play an important part in the mathematical design of scripture, beginning with the first verse of the Bible.

The fact that Genesis 1:1 is the product of two consecutive star numbers means that it is itself a star of stars.

These sort of geometric features are mathematically very, very rare. The number 2701 is first number that has this feature. The next number is three-million-one-hundred and seventy-eight thousand and nine hundred and eighty-one. That means numbers like this come around about 0.08% of the time, which is highly improbable by chance alone.

Numbers that are stars whose product is triangular:

1. 37 73 2,701

2. 1261 2521 3,178,981

3. 42,841 85,681 3,670,659,721

This star of stars patterns is reiterated throughout the first 22 verses of Genesis.

LINK Star of Stars

The primary and most salient find of Genesis 1:1 is its perfect triangularity, where the whole verse is the 73rd triangle and the last two words are the 37th triangle, a triangle that fits within the 73rd. That is fractal like behavior. But what if the 2701 was also referring to the 2701th triangle.

This triangle is very large triangle and too large to properly illustrate graphically. Trust me on that.

T-2701 = 3,649,051

The prime factors of this number are telling:

7 x 37 x 73 x 193 = 3,649,051


(Genesis 1:1) x 7 Days) x I AM the Lord your God

I AM the Lord You God = 193

אני יהוה אלהיכם

The geometry of the 2701st triangle is iterative of a fractal, this time of a cube within a cube within a cube within a cube within a cube within a cube. Or a 7 layer nesting box, like that of the Russian Matryoshka nesting dolls.

2701 x 1351 = 2701th Triangle (3,649,051)

1351 = (13³ - 11³) + 9³) - 7³) + 5³) - 3³) + 1

This is to say that every unit of this nesting box would be composed of triangles or stars of stars with the sum of Genesis 1:1. It is also suggestive that mathematics of the first verse may be infinite, as the author obviously is.

The outermost cube is 13^3, which is equal to Jesus of Nazareth (13^3)

T-2,701 = 3,649,051

3 + 649 + 051 = 703

703 = T-37

Equally astounding is the 3773th triangle which houses a multitude of geometries including a grand 37-type star. The number 3773 is not just a picture of the factors of the first verse, it is mathematically related via reverse addition.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701

Reversed = 1072

2701 + 1072 = 3773

Another way of configuring these would be to make a 37-type star out of T-33's.

Any way you configure T-3773 it displays concentrated 3/7 code. What this tells us, is the number 2701, the sum of the first verse is a number like no other. A unique mathematical key specifically chosen by an all-knowing, omniscient being.


A fractal is a mathematical pattern that repeats with self similarity. It is seen commonly in nature and is a foundational pattern to the physical structure of our universe. It's mathematics were explored by now legendary mathematicians, such as Benoit Mandlebrot, Helge von Koch and Wacław Sierpiński.

The first four iterations of the Koch snowflake

These fractals are found everywhere in biblical mathematics, in analog form. Here however we are using figurative geometry that resembles fractal geometry. The two most abundant fractals of this type are stars of stars and Sierpinski triangles.

Star fractals are based off the star number series, which is:


Such number series always begin with 1, even though 1 is not much of a formation, it's just mathematicians being formal. So the first real star number is the dreaded number 13.

● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ●

A 13-type star

The number 13 is a source of perennial superstition in Western Culture. So much so that it has its own phobia called Triskaidekaphobia. As with the number 666, biblical mathematics turns such matters on its head. Although many Westerners consider 13 unlucky, this superstition is a modern one and in no way universal.

When we look at the numbers in the Bible, we see a most definitive positive correlation with the number 13. The most holy name of God (Yahweh) is the first multiple of 13, i.e. 26 or 13 times two. If you believe in God, whose personal name is Yahweh, you cannot therefore believe it is somehow evil.

You can not.

There is one arrangement of the digits 1-13 in a star formation that produces a powerful connection with the name Yahweh.

Note: This is the only arrangement out of 6 billion possible arrangements (13! factorial) that will produce the following correlations.

The graphic below displays how not only the name of the Lord configures on this star formation 18 times, but so does the alternative name of the Lord (Adonai) as well as the 'Lord is One' the essential heart of the Shema, the holiest prayer in Judeo-Christian history.

By adding in the central red 13 the Lord becomes One.

We see this same sort of pattern in the name Jesus Christ in Greek. This is the name by which we get the name 'Jesus' in English. It has 13 letters, and as Stephen Coneglan discovered, they too are encoded in 8 marvelous ways on the star of David formation.

One theory about the superstition surrounding 13 is that it arose from Judas being the 13th member to sit down at the Last Supper. This theory as many others, are hopelessly historically short-sighted, since the superstition around the number 13 is a modern one.

However, Christ did purposely select 12 Disciples, making Himself the central thirteenth. So it would be much more appropriate to associate the number 13 with Jesus and God than with any thing supposedly unlucky.

And how can one argue that 13 is evil when they discover that the name Jesus of Nazareth is 13 cubed?

The 'Star of Bethlehem' or 'His Star' (αυτου τον αστερα) from Mat. 2:2 is 13^3 + 1 (2198) as well as being 13 + 1 letters.

One of the best star fractals intersects with the name Jesus Christ and can be found in the first verse of the Bible, by constructing the star of stars (37-73's or 73-37's) and delineating the 37's according to the name's Jesus and Christ. When we do this we find a trinitarian signature in the figurative geometry.

The triangle of 9 (3^2) central stars is indicative of the Trinity.

Another powerful example of a star fractal and the name Jesus can be seen in Isaiah 53:5. Isaiah 53 is perhaps one of the most prophetic chapters pertaining to the coming of the Son of God in all the Bible.

This image displays how the name Jesus interacts with the 3/7 fractal.

A related star-fractal can be seen literally in the word 'The Genesis.' This comes to us via the Gospel narratives, like Mat. 1:18:

" Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise...'

The Birth here can be expressed as Hey Genesis, The Genesis, which is perhaps more properly the name of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, in Greek from the Greek Septuagint, an important historical version of the Biblical text in its own right.

The Genesis = 481

This is a double star-fractal that can be thirteen 37's or thirty-seven 13's

It has been known for some time that the first verse of the Gospel of John contains a titanic code in the verses John 1:2-5, the famous prologue featuring the Word Logos.

John 1:2-5 = 23,088

This sum 23,088 is highly significant as it is the product of two most venerated and important holy names in all the Bible. None other than Yahweh and Jesus.

Yahweh = 26

Jesus = 888

26 x 888 = 23,088

That shining brilliant miracle of a fact is truly a stupendous work of biblical gematria. What hasn't been known about this number is that it too is a beautiful fractal star of stars formation, based on the name of the first book of the Bible.

This is possible because not only is the word for star in Hebrew 48, but 48 units creates the first real interlocking delineated star of Israel. Here 'delineated' meaning that the two intersecting triangles can be seen or delineated. These delineated stars are also known as the perimeter of a hexagram listed here at the OEIS (A019557).

This Hebrew word for star and its associated sum is infinitely appropriate. This is because all star numbers have an infinitely looping repeat cycle. Which in and of itself is a fractalling trinity of stars.

When we break these 11 numbers down through digital summation we find our Hebrew Star of 48.

Digital Sum of Star Repeat Cycle = 48 = Star (Hebrew)

It bares repeating: That's an infinite code....

There are many other iterations of stars and other figurative geometries connected to the first verse of the Bible. It is beginning to look like the interconnected mathematics and geometries of the first verse may also be infinite. The further look at the patterns connected to Genesis 1:1 the more we see.

Another incredible star code can be found between Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1, called the Mirror Star, because it is produced when you reverse the digits of the first verse to John 1:1.

Genesis 1:1 (ordinal) = 298

Genesis 1:1 (reversed) = 307

298 + 307 = 605 = John 1:1 (ordinal)

To read more about this incredible code read THE MIRROR STAR

If anything, the number 13 means Jesus, though it would be unlucky NOT to believe in Him.


It can be argued that the 10 Commandments has had more influence on ethics than any other writing of its kind. It is the founding document of Judeo-Christian morality and hence Western Culture. Although Jews, Catholics and Protestants do not all agree on how to number the 10 Commandments they all do agree that there are 10 of them.

The most basic mathematical operation is addition. And in addition do we find our simple yet solid connection to the 3/7 fractal.


3 + 7 = 10

The 10 Commandments is perhaps the most powerful proof of the Divine agency in the text. And it is very much related to the number 37 and the Star of David. But it is also a puzzle within a riddle. The puzzle is solved by a scribal error, without which none of it adds up.

This double mystery requires two keys. The first key is that there are two accounts of the 10 Commandments, one in Exodus and one in Deuteronomy. These must be carefully combined according to structure of the text.

The second key is that you have to include the mistake...

When the accounts are combined without either prologue, it makes a Trinity of Stars.

There is one scribal error in the Deuteronomy account, recorded by the Masorectic scribes. When the Old Testament was officially codified into the Masorectic Text (the source document for all Bibles) the scribes occasionally discovered a few 'typos' if you will. These are called Kethib/Qere annotations. Kethib means 'As written' and Qere means 'As Read.'

These later scribes felt the text was too holy to be corrected and if there was a minor error, such as spelling or grammar, that God had allowed it to happen and who were they to correct it.

And right they were...

When you include the 'mistake,' the last letter and word of Deuteronomy 5:10, which should read 'My Commandments', like the Exodus account, but actually reads 'His Commandments' you solve the puzzle of the 10 Commandments.

The offending member: מצותו

The corrected version: מצותי

As you can see the error is even visually slight.

When you include the error, which is what every Hebrew Bible does, the entire account lights up with fantastic mathematics.

Deuteronomy 5:10

And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

The corrected included version of the verse makes a star of David unlike any other.

The prime factors of 2366 are 2 x 7 x 13 x 13

Including the mistake produces a perfect puzzle of the verse. Although the term 'Star of David' is a modern one, such trifles do not matter to a God beyond time itself. The 2366 sum of Deuteronomy 5:10 creates a Star-of-David-of-Stars-of-David-made-of-the-name-David.

A Star of David of Stars of David made of the name David

When we analyze the 363 word star formation of the 10 Commandments mathematically, we find an absolutely undeniable proof of God. Here we take the three stars combined, one on top of each other.

121 + 121 + 121 = 363

These, we must recall, are mathematical composed of the number 11, the first repeat number, One-One. This in itself a very simple and elegant trinitarian riddle, see if you can guess it.


11² + 11² + 11² = The 10 Commandments



That's also key to understanding the greater riddle which, in this author's opinion, is the most fantastic proof of God that I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot....

Please note: that 2 x 10,957 are the prime factors of 21,914, a bedrock mathematical fact.

If the above fact does not amaze you, it means one of two things: ONE, you are not quite smart enough to understand it, and you should have someone who is, explain it to you


TWO, you have corrupted your intelligence to such a degree that you are completely immunized to the truth. Of the two conditions, the latter is a far greater malady.

Click here to read more on the Secret of the 10 Commandments.

Click here to read more about The Mathematics of Mistake.


The first verse of the Bible provides a prototype for the mathematical patterns that connect the rest of the Bible. A fractal is a repeating mathematical pattern that exhibits self-similarity. The 3/7 fractal does so with the alphanumerics of two of the languages of the Bible, Hebrew and Greek.

So we should expect to find some pattern in the 10 Commandments that share a similarity with Genesis 1:1.

And so we do.

The stars placement is not random, but follows the arrangement of a 73-type star.

Genesis 1:1 7 words, 28 letters

Exodus 20:1 7 words, 28 letters

As the first verse can be seen as the prologue to the entire Bible, so too can the prologue to the 10 Commandment be seen as representing the entirety of the Commandments. Were we to fill in the missing stars we would have the sum of Genesis 1:1, 2701.

In other words, the 10 Commandments, the basis of Western morality, is geometrically outlined in the very first verse of the Bible.

So here we see a perfect coordination with the prototype of Genesis 1:1, with that of the 10 Commandments which was the foundation of the Law, the essence of Judaism, marked by the symbol of Judaism.

We will see this type of purposeful marking again.

And again.

The prologue to the 10 Commandments seems at first glance to be an almost unnecessary superfluous introduction to the text--an editors footnote. After all, this division of Exodus 20:1 is only a later editorial from the modern era of the printing press.


Much of the criticism I hear, says that the versification of the Bible, the later creeds of the Nicene and Apostles Creed, are extra Biblical and therefore not technically part of the Inspired Word.

To me, this opinion is beneath contempt.

It seems that those who share such an opinion have a very low opinion of the power of God. If you truly understood the power of God, you would understand that not so much as comma or a hyphen is allowed to change without the express consent of the Most High.

We can see that exacting control of the very minutiae of the Bible in the number of this verse.

Here again we see a profound similarity with Genesis 1:1

We have a similar pattern in the 2nd Commandment. Here employing 253-type star, where 253 is the sum 1-22, the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

These 24 stars comprised of 253 units each are important in the context of the passage. The whole passage, which makes the 2nd Commandment proper, extends to three verses: Exo. 20:4-6. The sum of these verses is 12,573, which connects to our 253 via the centered hexagon which is the center of the 7th star number 253.

It is worthy of note that 127 is a Mersenne Prime, a prime with a notable heritage.

The stars found in the prologue of Exo. 20:1, can be reconfigured in a basic pattern that reveals a triune God who ever paints his designs with threes and sevens.

Looking at the 4th Commandment we see a triple reference.

The 18 letters of the verse perfectly coincide with the advance of the star number series. Looking carefully at this configuration, its center is a holy name of a holy man.

Star numbers and star configurations appear at pivotal places in the Bible, indicating the intelligent design of a deity who identifies as Judeo-Christian. The whole account of the 10 Commandments is highly concentrated with Star of David configurations, none more so than the 4th Commandment which has over 1300 such stars.

The 4th Commandment (Exo. 20:8-11) altogether is an enormous Star of David, based on the number eleven (one-one), a number here most likely meaning the monotheistic 'One' God.

It is Paul tell us of the holiness of Melchizedek, Priest of the Most High God, who blessed Abraham.

Hebrews 5:6

As he says also in another place,

Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Here the perimeter is analog to the prime factors of Genesis 1:1 (37x73)

The sum of Exodus 20:1 is also a square of stars (37 x 6^2 = 1332). Mathematical squares are simple rebus puzzles with the meaning of truth, as both words for truth in the Bible are squared numbers.

A spectacular proof of God appears in the first verse in the first grammatical break of the Bible.

[In the beginning God created the heavens] [and the earth.]

[1998] [703]

The break is demonstratively significant since 703 is the 37th triangle. But looking at 1998 we find a correlation with the law of Moses from the Apostle Paul.

The Word 'Logos' is encoded here in the central letters of the Greek phrase.

Using this same configuration, minus 6 of its stars we find the fourth verse of the Bible.

888 is of course the sum of Jesus in Greek. Whereas 1776 is the founding of America....

The negative space of the large hexagon, surrounded by the 6 satellite hexagon, if filled with stars, would have the sum of 925.

Jesus Christ = 925


Using this same pattern only now replacing the star 37-type with type-73 stars we find the famous wisdom of Solomon.

This configuration is not a standardized figurative shape and has no such listing at the OEIS, but it is regular and mathematical and by appearances may just be the most Judeo-Christian pattern possible.

Returning to the 10 Commandments we see an echo of it in the New Testament writings of Paul.

Like a Chinese Checkers board (which is neither Chinese nor Checkers)

the number letters of the verse fit perfectly in the six arms of that star.

As we saw in the number of words in the two accounts being 363 or (11 x 11) x 3, code for Three in One and the Messiah. This number, 121, holds a special place in the engineering of certain verses, as seen in Acts 11:17.

The verse number is also coded, being #27,325 or 25 x 1093-the 14th star number.

There are many references to the 10 Commandments scattered throughout the Bible. It can be referred to as the Law or Torah. In Psalm 119:163 we find a wonderful star of stars, where each star is made up of 253 units, once again which is the sum of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Σ: 1-22 = 253

The 2nd Commandment sum (Exo. 20:4-6) would fit nicely in anyone of the hexagons of 13 of the 13 stars.

This verse (Ps. 119:163) appears to be designed to have its letters wrap around the configuration of its sum (24 letters is the perimeter of a 37-type star).

The Hebrew letters perfectly surround the 3289 units of the value of the verse.


One of the eerily prescient aspects of biblical mathematics is how famous biblical places appear to coordinate with the star numbers series, a series discovered thousands of years after the events of the Bible. Chief of these is the name Israel, which is a name that God himself chose for Jacob and means 'He who wrestles with God'.

This name and number is doubly significant as 541 is the 100th prime. This simple yet salient fact should be more than enough proof of God's existence and His hand in history. By combining two already linked texts: Genesis and John, where John 1:1 forms a plinth or pyramidal pedestal for the triangle of Genesis 1:1, we find a gargantuan connection to Israel and star numbers.

The random chance for this happening is very low. On average it should take 1,000 verses before a multiple of 1,000 is seen. In Genesis it happens at the 21st verse and in John it happens at the 56th verse: 21/1000 = 2.1% and 56/1000 = 5.6%, these multiple together such that: 2.1% x 5.6% = 0.1% or approximately a chance of 1 in 1,000.

The definition of this 'Set' is the sum of the verses first divisible by 1,000. In Genesis chapter one the first divisibility by 1,000 is at 21 verses, whereas in the gospel of John it is the first 56 verses, right up to the miracle at Cana.

We can show it again now using the 3/7 fractal, the Psalms 9 & 49 (3^2 & 7^2) and the Shema, the Holiest prayer in Judaism.

This discovery delivers the fulsomeness of so much of the mathematical of the Bible. They are so often composed of 3's and 7's. They employ advanced mathematical knowledge (primes and Gaussian primes) and they are best illustrated with figurative mathematics. Finally we see the monotheistic meaning behind the star of David, the union of opposites, said no better than with the Shema, the Lord is One.

As we've seen again and again the Lord of lords, the God of gods is thoroughly thorough. This is the proof He offers to the searcher and the skeptic alike. Those who scoff, do so at their own peril. His evidence is a journey of faith. Why? For he would not deprive the searcher their reward, which is only won with faith.

He is all-seeing God and his patterns display this. He sees in all places and all mathematics and here He hides his secrets. For instance, in the biblical epithet 'The King of Israel' a name for the Lord.

The perimeter of the hexagon come to 84, the sum of I AM that I AM, ordinal.

Where Israel is a star number, the King of Israel is the centered hexagon of a star number.

The 541 Israel star connection has been known for some time. But what wasn't known was the fact that the triangular frame of the star held the secret sum of Zion, the holy mountain of Jerusalem. OEIS (A019557)

Esther is itself a star number and a name that means star.

This star has a hidden feature.

496 is a perfect number and its seems this star is something of a perfect star, that is prophetically anticipating the 'Kingdom of Judaea.' What makes this even more Jewish, is that Kingdom, 'Malkuwth' is the qabalistic name for the Earth (i.e the physical universe) the largest place-name there is.

Israel and Judaea are primary biblical place-names. The only other place-name with as much significance is Jerusalem. Here again we have the star of David coordinating with this name, in a very fine way.

The 73rd star number or 31,537, is so dense a configuration that there is practically

no visual difference between a solid or figurative illustration.

Another famous biblical place is Galilee the region from where Christ would come from.

Yet another famous biblical place is Ninevah, the place where God sent Jonah. A book and prophecy expressly referring to Christ's resurrection after three days in the tomb.

And of course, the Jordan River, is thee biblical river. It is the Jordan that the Israelites must at last cross to get into the Promised Land. And it is where John the Baptist, baptizes Christ to inaugurate the beginning of His earthly ministry.

The 23rd star number 3037.

And what could be more biblical than Mount Zion? The poetic name for Jerusalem, which sits upon Mount Zion.

By including the center dot out of this 5581 numbered configuration with the perimeter of 360 we find the sum of Mount Zion in a enormous star of David.

It appears this configuration has some sort of prophetic connection to God's covenant after the flood, since the light grey dots of the star number 5220 (5581 - 361 = 5220), is the sum of Genesis 9:16.

Genesis 9:16

And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

The words Zion and Mount Zion connect to the star series in a number of surprising ways.

So in other words, what you're looking at is the outline of the Star-of-David-David-Star whose outline is the sum of Zion.

This Zion sum reflects a star in another way, by fractalling a dozen 13-type stars, with a holy center.

The number 12 is the first delineated star

By employing modern Hebrew, using the sophit final forms, we find Mount Zion again conforms to the star fractal and the 3/7 fractal, this time employing a trinity of stars.

When we go the other way and count Zion in the ordinal, we see not a star number, but the number of the word 'Star' itself in Hebrew, whose sum is 48 and produces a star pattern.

In the ordinal numeration 'Zion' is 48

Below is a stamp called the Ephraim Moses Lillian stamp from 1901 that shows a very apropos relationship.

When we add the 'mount' to Mount Zion we see two old familiar friends.

Looking at the standard rendition we see the 3/7 fractal writ large.

Mount Zion stands like a centerpiece to the 3/7 star fractal in the way that it interacts back and forth with the numbers 19, 37 and 73.

In the ordinal rendition it comes to 73. In the standard it expands the central hexagon of a type 37 star 19 times over. And when we look at 19 squared, as a square, we see 37 highlighted in the form of the cross, the symbol of Christianity, all in a place-name.

Any cross configuration here will produce the number 37 on a square of 19 x 19,

the number of the Nazarite, (361) who is Christ Jesus the Lord.

Not only will any crossing of lines create the number 37, so too will any two adjoining sides produce 37. This design feature I believe is to highlight the interior quarters of such a configuration, which reveals Zion now in the Greek ordinal in each compartment.

Sion (Zion) is 64 or 8^2 in Greek ordinal

In the New Testament and in Greek the name Zion would become Sion (not to be confused with the Old Testament Sion which was Mt. Hermon to the north). This Sion appears integrated in the graphic above, with Hebrew Mount Zion-361. But the Greek for Mount Zion Oros Sion registers at a nice tidy 1500. While Sion alone renders to 1060.

In another way this sum produces a geometry that reflects the star formation with cubes, since 5^3 (5 x 5 x 5) 125 x 12 = 1500.

What can we make of 'Mount Zion' hitting the number of 'Light' in Greek?

Star = Light

Zion, more than any other single name or epithet found in the Bible, integrates in more ways with the star number series than anything I have ever seen. The probability of this happening by chance is quite remote. Just look at two of the examples below.

To the modern mind conditioned to associate a hexagram with the Star of David, these graphics shout prophetic and supernatural agency in the language and words of biblical Hebrew.

The name Zion, is a poetical name but an important one, in both Judaism and Christianity. It is a name of reverence and of veneration. It refers to the physical and spiritual heart of the Judeo-Christian religious cultural tradition, and it is brilliantly shining with mathematically metaphorical light. The symbol of light should be illuminating to us....

It is brilliantly shining with mathematically metaphorical light.

It is thus saying, that Mount Zion and all it religious associations, in that of Jerusalem, the Temple and city of Christ's crucifixion, is the source of human spiritual illumination. For what is a star, if not a brilliant source of light?


In researching this topic I did not know what sort of evidence I would come across. At this point in my life I have studied biblical mathematics in the original texts for over 10 years and have developed a good intuition for the subject. But I was surprised in the following findings: For it appeared that star numbers were marking verses based solely on the verse's Jewishness.

The following example is prima-facie evidence.

What is truly terrific about this verse and its number is what happens when we look at the prime factors of 7141. Prime factors are of course the basis of number theory and foundational to mathematics.

Yes that is yet another reference to 37 but it is also screaming in Hebrew that Jesus is the Lord God of Jewish people, then, now and forever.

In two ways.

193 reversed 391

391 = Jesus

As I said, when looking into these mathematical configurations, I was surprised to see how the numbers appeared to be highlighting Jewishness in a prophetic way. In Mark's account of this scene we see something similar, a variation on John's account.

The six triangles of 1128 form the rays of the 48th star number (13,537)

This configuration, though a subset of the star number series, is related to the name the 'Lord Jesus Christ' in Greek, which is the same sort of configuration.

This name and number, 3168, is a primary number to biblical mathematics, so it is important to note that it connects to hexagrams and star series in another sublime way.

The 33rd centered hexagonal number minus its center is 3168.

If this is a rebus puzzle, the likely answer is holy, for the English word holy, came from the veneration of objects (stones mostly) that had holes in them.

Is it possible that the mysterious hexagon

on the planet Saturn is a reference to 3168?

The Greek word for 'Key' is used several times in the New Testament to refer to the Key of David, or that which unlocks a perennial mystery. We can apply that Key under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. The graphic below demonstrates that God, in the person of Jesus Christ, is the 'Key' (κλεις) = 265, to unlocking the secrets of the primes.

OEIS# AO38812

This most holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ-3168, has been, up till now, very resilient to geometry. I have come to find that this usually means that the geometry is a lot more complex than would be expected. The mathematics of the Bible can be seen as a large and expansive fruit tree that offers up many delicious delights on low hanging branches. But to get beyond the low hanging fruit one must attempt to ascend the tree into greater and greater hidden complexities. Here we find that 3168 makes an exquisite star of stars outlined by the perimeter of the 73rd star.

The 75th star perimeter also shows similar significance (75 = The Spirit of God Hebrew ordinal).

A similar equation can be seen in the perimeter of the 373rd star number: 4464 or 144 x 31 (Lord Jesus Christ x God).

The number 144 being the perimeter of the 13th star number (937) the first star number whose index is a star number.

Another name that configures to the six rays of the hexagram is that of Solomon, David's son. Though of less importance, it is all too appropriate as the hexagram, long before it was known as the star of David, was called the star of Solomon or Solomon's Seal, a most Jewish symbol indeed.

The star number that would complete this configuration is the 21st star (3 x 7) 2521.

One of the most perfect and plainly obvious proofs of mathematical design in the Bible is from Revelation 2:28.

Click to enlarge

Rev 2:28 And I will give him the morning star

καὶ δώσω αὐτῷ τὸν ἀστέρα τὸν πρωϊνόν

Star of the morning

ἀστέρα τὸν πρωϊνόν" = 2187 = 3*3*3*3*3*3*3 = 3^7


The last passage of chapter 38 of the book of Genesis is a curious read at first glance. It records a strange occurrence of a woman giving birth to twins. When one twin happens to reach out an arm from the womb, the midwife ties a scarlet thread around it to mark it. But the child who is born first is the other, his brother.

Why did this passage make it into the Bible?

And why is it marked with marvelous mathematics?

In Genesis 38:27 we have the mentioning of the twins and have a twin phenomenon in the geometry of its gematria.

Genesis 38:27 = 1573

13-type star of 121's


121-type star of 13's

In other words: Twins.

These star configurations can be seen as mathematical twins.

The number of letters in this verse is 26 (2 x 13) which makes the average of each letter 60.5. (1573/26 = 60.5) What's intriguing about that, is that, it is the average of the two primary components of a 121-type star. The rays of the star number 60 while the interior hexagon numbers 61.

The interior can be seen as a metaphorical womb. For the word used here (beten) Hebrew for womb numbers 61.

What makes this passage exceedingly compelling is that the very next verse shows a very similar pattern.

Each of the 13 stars number 337. This number 4381 is also the 13th Stella Octangula, an 8-pointed 3-D star..

So here again, in the very next verse we have twin stars of stars.

The fact that these two very similar configurations should follow one right after another seems to be indicating that there is something very special about this moment. The answer is found both by the math and the historical context.

The child in question would be in the lineage of Christ. Which is why the passage is included and why it is highlighted with extraordinary geometry. As we saw before, the interior hexagon metaphorically represented the womb. We see this again, but in a much larger way.

These two subsequent configurations were highly engineered.

The sum of this verse is embedded with stars and the number 13. Besides being twin stars of stars it is also the sum of the first 13 star numbers.

1+13+37+73+121+181+253+337+433+541+661+793+937 = 4381

I've seen only one other verse that shares this type of double star configuration and it too is a record of genealogy, this the in sons of Noah.

If you read this verse in its proper context, it is the summation of the entire chapter, Genesis chapter 10. Hence this verse and its star pattern is referring to the entirety of the chapter.

We learn in the following verse, that when the brother emerges first, he is named Pharez, meaning 'Breach'. He was destined to be part of the royal line of Christ. And his name and number lends itself to 37.

Pharez = 370


Genesis 38:29

And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold,

his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth?

this breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez.


37 37

37 37 37

37 37 37 37


This verse too, adds emphasis to the former two. Its sum is 3610. That's Christ x 10. Where 361 = Hanotzri The Nazarite or Christ.

361 = 19 x 19

The sum of all the odd numbers up to 37 add up to the name of Christ.

Here we see again, a mathematical emphasis on the interior hexagon of a star configuration, this one in particular being the 37-type. So in three subsequent verses we have three different but similar references to star numbers, numbers that wouldn't be discovered for thousands of years to come.

Genesis 38:29 = 3610


ו נ

י ר צ

ה ה

ו נ ו נ

י ר צ י ר צ

ה ה ה

ו נ ו נ ו נ

י ר צ י ר צ י ר צ

ה ה ה ה

ו נ ו נ ו נ ו נ

י ר צ י ר צ י ר צ י ר צ














Long before the star of David became the de facto symbol of the Jewish people, the Menorah was. If there was any symbol that was more Jewish than a star of David, then it would have to be the Menorah.

The Menorah is also strongly indicative of the 3/7 fractal. The construction of the Menorah is laboriously detailed in the Torah, the first few books of the Bible. Meticulous care was taken in its description and its construction.

Besides being the de facto symbol of Judaism, it is designed around the numbers 3 and 7, the holiest numbers of Christianity. Look at the image above. It is a faithful rendition of the basic outline of the original Menorah that was used in the Temple.

3 central candles

3 candles to the right-3 candles to the left

3 united arms

3 things producing 7 candles

3. 7.

The Shroud of Turin displays a miraculous 3 & 7 in blood in its photographic negativity.

The Menorah is one of most well known objects from the Bible. It was an important part of Jewish history and the religious function in the Temple, that sacred precinct of the ancient Jewish religion.

The mathematical codes of the Bible tend to throw a spotlight on the important aspects of scripture, such as the first verse of a chapter, a book, a testament or the Bible. Since we are looking for evidence of intelligent design in the math of the Bible, it would make sense that a intelligent designer, the likes of God, would want to highlight what He would know was an important feature like the Menorah.

And so He does.

Like the Exo.20:1 verse, we see again perfect alignment in the versification of the Bible.

Another example of this comes from Numbers 8:4 which in context is a celebration of the Menorah upon its lighting by Aaron, the brother of Moses.

This star's perimeter with the center dot comes to 349 the sum of the Greek word for Israel.

The Menorah has many spectacular maths connected to it. To read more on this all too Jewish symbol:

Click Here


The name Esther from the book of Esther is a marvelous sign and wonder of God in its own right. The name Esther means 'Star.' The modern English word for 'Star' is likely a direct descendent of this ancient name. The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots lists Esther as the oldest known reference to the word Star.

Old English: Steorra (Star)

Latin: Stella (Star)

Greek: Aster (Star)

Persian: Esther (Star)

This is significant because the name and number of Esther is itself a Star Number. This type of figurative configuration was discovered only relatively recently, by none other than Martin Gardner, perhaps the most influential mathematician of the 20th Century.

Esther's Jewish (הדסה) name is the sum of 2 star numbers (37 + 37)

Star numbers were officially discovered in 1973. This is intriguing as this date (1973) is a number intimately related to the mathematics of the first verse, which is encoded with stars numbers.

1973 is the 298th Prime

Genesis 1:1 Ordinal = 298

The book of Esther as a scroll in Hebrew

All star configurations are composed of two overlapping triangular numbers. In this instance 661, is composed of a pair of the 31st triangles or 496. The number 31 is the sum of the common name of God 'El' (אל).

The perimeter of this triangle is 90 or King in Hebrew the root word of Kingdom/Malkuwth

What's significant about 496 is that it is a perfect number. Indeed it is the 3rd perfect number. Perfect numbers become rarer the higher you go. The first few are 6, 28, 496 and 8128. That makes this star particularly 'Perfect.' But it is also a perfect match for the story, as the word Kingdom in Hebrew is 496 and features prominently in the book of Esther.

Kingdom (מלכות) Malkuwth = 496

This word appears in 21 verses throughout the book of Esther. Which is of course 3/7 code as 21 = 3 x 7. However, there are five repetitions of Malkuwth in the verses Esther 1:19, 2:16, 5:1 and 6:8, producing a total of 26 references to the word. The number 26 being the sum of the name of the Lord, known commonly as Yahweh.

▲ = 496

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

▲ ▲ ▲

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

▲ ▲ ▲

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

The 26 Kingdoms of Esther makes two Stars of David (13's)

Edwin Longs depiction of Esther (1878)


The story of Esther takes place during the captivity of the Jews. The story is classic in its structure and has been forever immortalized with the holiday of Purim, a holiday celebrated to this day.

Esther 9:26 records this very fact, which is itself another mathematical star.

David wrote more Psalms than any other psalmist, this was his signature.

The 9th Psalm has been called a 'Praise for the Justice of God.'

Having exactly 661 letters, makes it a perfect match with the name Esther and the book of Esther,

which is the penultimate story of God's justice.

The sum of this Psalm in modern Hebrew with final forms is 65,067. The prime factors of this number display a strong trinitarian signature: 65,067 = 3 x 41 x 23^2. The number 41 being the ordinal for God (Elohim) while 3 is the Trinity, and 23 squared, is the square of all human truth.

Ad addendum

1Samuel 16:7 = 4213

But the LORD said unto Samuel,

Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature;

because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth;

for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

This verse is of course describing the test and attributes for the future king of Israel, King David, so it is all to appropriate that its sum is the 27th star number:

4213 = Star #27

John 20:25 = 26,677

The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them,

Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails,

and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

Read Julie Hogan's page 'The Nails in His Hands' for more on this verse.

The 3rd stella-octangula (51) displays a very 'Starry' connection to both star numbers and their 3D counterparts stella-octangula's.

The number of letters in this verse (111) can be displayed as three star-37's, a possible reference to the idea that there were three wise-men. When we do so we discover a star of stars in the third dimension.

Click to enlarge

Centered hexagonal numbers produce an infinite 100 digit repeat cycle whose sum is 4800.

To read more on Infinite Proof Click here

S# = Star Number

Σ S# 1-37 = 101,269 = 7 x 73 x (Jesus-391)

Σ S# 1-73 = 777,961 = (John 14:3) x 73

Σ S# 37-73 = 684,685

684 + 685 = 37^2

The word Israel appears in 789 verses the number of digits in the 3773rd Fibonacci number

Heirarchy of All Composite Numbers Based on Thirty-Seven

37th prime = 157

37th semiprime = 115

37th triprime = 164

37th tetraprime = 294

37th pentaprime = 520

37th hexaprime = 1000

37th heptaprime = 2000

37th octaprime = 4000

37th nonaprime = 8000

37th decaprime = 16,000

37th hendecaprime = 32,000

37th dodecaprime = 64,000

37th tridecaprime = 128,000

The first mention of Zion in the Bible comes in 2 Samuel 5:7.

2Sa. 5:7

Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.

= 1485

This is triangular number, being the 54th triangle, that however cannot be a Star of David, only every other triangle is in the star formation.

1485 = 54th Triangle

54 = 37th Composite Number

This is the same way in which Bethlehem is related to stars and the 3/7 fractal.

Behtlehem = 99


99 = 73rd Composite Number

In the next verse we see a prime code that interacts through the order of all primes.

1Ki 8:1 = 7907

Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion.

7907 = 999th prime number

3³ x 37 = 999

As this has exactly 27 words, meaning that there is a 37-type for every word via the order of all primes.


We know that if we add words ( IAM ) in English Hebrew and Greek we get

I Am + Ahih + Ego Eimi = 9 + 1 + 13 + 1 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 24 + 5 + 9 + 12 + 9 = 111

111 = 37 * 3

ἐγὼ εἰμί. 5,3,24,5,9,12,9

Reduced =9+1+4+1+5+1+5+5+3+6+5+9+3+9 = 66

66 books of bible. ( 66 is 11th triangle)

If we add reduced value of letters of each language we get

Hebrew 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1+2+3+4 = 100

Greek = 100 + 5 + 6 = 111 ( 37 * 3)

English = 111 + 7 + 8 = 126

Together 3 languages = 100 + 111 + 126 = 337

337 is 8th star number .

The Star Number Series 1-73

Column I: Star Numbers

Column II: Star Number Perimeters

Column III: Perimeter and Center

Column IV: Delineated Stars (Opposing Interlocking Triangular Perimeters)

1 1 1

2 13 12 13 12

3 37 24 25 30

4 73 36 37 48

5 121 48 49 66

6 181 60 61 84

7 253 72 73 102

8 337 84 85 120

9 433 96 97 138

10 541 108 109 156

11 661 120 121 174

12 793 132 133 192

13 937 144 145 210

14 1093 156 157 228

15 1261 168 169 246

16 1441 180 181 264

17 1633 192 193 282

18 1837 204 205 300

19 2053 216 217 318

20 2281 228 229 336

21 2521 240 241 354

22 2773 252 253 372

23 3037 264 265 390

24 3313 276 277 408

25 3601 288 289 426

26 3901 300 301 444

27 4213 312 313 462

28 4537 324 325 480

29 4873 336 337 498

30 5221 348 349 516

31 5581 360 361 534

32 5953 372 373 552

33 6337 384 385 570

34 6733 396 397 588

35 7141 408 409 606

36 7561 420 421 624

37 7993 432 433 642

38 8437 444 445 660

39 8893 456 457 678

40 9361 468 469 696

41 9841 480 481 714

42 10333 492 493 732

43 10837 504 505 750

44 11353 516 517 768

45 11881 528 529 786

46 12421 540 541 804

47 12973 552 553 822

48 13537 564 565 840

49 14113 576 577 858

50 14701 588 589 876

51 15301 600 601 894

52 15913 612 613 912

53 16537 624 623 930

54 17173 636 637 948

55 17821 648 649 966

56 18481 660 661 984

57 19153 672 673 1002

58 19837 684 685 1020

59 20533 696 697 1038

60 21241 708 709 1056

61 21961 720 721 1074

62 22693 732 733 1092

63 23437 744 745 1110

64 24193 756 757 1128

65 24961 768 769 1146

66 25741 780 781 1164

67 26533 792 793 1182

68 27337 804 805 1200

69 28153 816 807 1218

70 28981 828 829 1236

71 29821 840 841 1254

72 30673 852 852 1272

73 31537 864 865 1290

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"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."

— Psalm 147:4