The Mirror of the Messiah

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The Mirror of the Messiah

(Part Two)

There are many names and concepts in Biblical gematria that are mathematically palindromic and thus reflective of the initial verse of the sacred work. The number 111 is palindromic and once again displays a ONENESS as well as the first of something. That is to say that ONE is the beginning of any number series, and we see that the gematria of the Bible reflects just that.

אלף = 111 = Aleph (The Hebrew Letter ‘A’)

Here the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet shows a deep integration with the meaning of numbers themselves. More startling is this correlation from the 111th Psalm, which once more shows a beginning.

ראשית חכמה = 111 = The Beginning of Wisdom

They are too many palindromic numbers that correlate well to list here, but there are some that stand out more than others. One that is of particular importance is the ‘Word of the Lord.’ This phrase is repeated again and again all through out the Old Testament, by prophet after prophet, each of which were separated by both land and people and centuries of time.

דבר יהוה = 232 = Word of the Lord

Not only is this another palindromic number, it also accords itself with the very first words of God, from Genesis 1:3.

אור יהי = 232 = ‘Let there be Light’

We see then in light another strain of palindromic numbers. How appropriate for light, since light is that which is reflected in a mirror and now is reflected as number.

האור = 212 = The Light

המאור = 252 = The Light

האורים = 262 = The Lights

עולם אור = 353 = Everlasting Light

עולם לאור = 383 = For an Everlasting Light

Ain Soph Aur אור אין סוף = 414 = The Infinite Light

The Everlasting Light comes from Isaiah 60:19 as does this prophetic light of the Gentiles which comes from the same chapter in Isaiah 60 verse 3.

לאורך גוים והלכו = 383 = And the Gentiles shall come to thy light

Similarly, as we have seen there is a correlation between the Word of the Lord (232) and the Creation of Light (232) both of which are palindromic. So too, we see that when God speaks, His words are as the Light and whose numbers are reflective.

דבר יהוה = 232 = Word of the Lord

אלהים ויאמר = 343 = And God said

יהוה ויקרא = 343 = And the Lord proclaimed

We see this expressly in Daniel 5:25, whose verse number is a palindrome and whose ordinal sum is a palindromic number. The words here coming directly from God as literally ‘The writing on the wall.’

Dan. 5:25

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

ופרסין תקל מנא מנא = 191

The single most religiously contentious name in history is that of Jesus. The great contention being who and what He is. Christians maintain He is God in the flesh, known as the Son of God. The fact that the name of Jesus in Greek comes to 888 should immediately suggest to an unbiased observer that some much larger mathematical pattern may be at work in the Holy Scriptures.

Passing off the 888 in the name of Jesus as just a coincidence, fails utterly in appreciating the spectacular coincidence it is. The greatest and arguably the most important question in the history of the world concerns itself with the bearer of that name. Here then, we find in the light of this most critical of questions, that there is a mathematical oddity that is both visually arresting and obviously unusual.

There is much to be said about the number 888, but in this instance we shall focus on the fact it too is a palindromic number. In fact, the number 888 goes one further and is also a strobogrammatic number, that is a number that no matter how you arrange or rotate it, it will always appear the same.

Most telling of all is the fact that two of the most sacred names in the Jewish religion not only add up to the name of Jesus but they are mirror reflections of each other. When we put them together we create the number that is the name of the most important person in history.

345 + 543 = 888

For the number 345 we have many powerful correlations, however one will suffice to illustrate just how perfectly coordinated the numbers of the Bible are.

השם = 345 = The Name

The name and number of 345 is, by today’s reckoning, more important, for it is the exact word with the same phonetics that the modern practicing Jew uses to refer to God (Hashem). The Old Testament also uses ‘The Name’ to refer to God (Lev. 24:11,16; Deut. 28:58). The name which God gave himself and expressly told Moses to tell the Israelites is Eheyeh-Asher-Eheyeh and means ‘I am that I am’ and it could be argued that it is of an even higher holy currency that Yahweh, as it was the name He explicitly gave to Moses in Exodus 3:14. This name is a mirror of words where the first Eheyeh mirrors the second.

אהיה אשר אהיה = 543 = I AM THAT I AM

345 + 543 = 888


The chances that all this could happen by random chance are so extremely remote that it is clearly indicative of design. There are four conditions that must be fulfilled for this simple equation to exist.

First is that the name Jesus would add up to a number that is a repeating digit. The second is that the two components of the equation must be reflective numbers. The third is theological, in that one component is literally ‘The Name’ while the second is a given name of God. The final condition is that these former conditions would add up to the name of Jesus out of all the possible words in the New Testament.

Under a thousand, there are only 9 possible numbers that are a triple repunit or triple repetition of a single digit.

(111) (222) (333) (444) (555) (666) (777) (888) (999)

9/ 1000 = 0.9%

There are only four possible reflective number combinations that could fulfill the second requirement of this equation.

(147/ 741) (246/ 642) (345/ 543) (444/ 444)

4/ 888 = 0.45%

There are only a few possible theological fits for a perfect coupling of ‘The Name’ with the actual given name of God. But as this theology is not always entirely precise we should be generous and say that there are 10 such possible names that could fulfill the theological requirement.

Strongs Concordance lists 8,674 unique words in the Old Testament.

10/ 8674 = 0.115%

Strongs Concordance lists 5,624 unique words in the New Testament. As there is only one word in the New Testament that could fulfill the final theological requirement, we have a 1 in 5624 chance of hitting the name Jesus in the standard by random chance alone.

1/ 5624 = 0.0177%

To get the final chance of this simple little equation coming together by random chance alone, we multiply all four percent chances together.

(0.9%) x (0.45%) x (0.45%) x (0.115%) x (0.0177%) = 0.000000000003%

This is to say that the chances for the equation to happen by pure random chance is 3 out of a Quadrillion. To put it another way, a quadrillion seconds of time is over 31 million years. Random chance would have to select the perfect 3 seconds out of those 31 million years. This by all common experience with chance, proves that this equation’s occurrence is one of pure design and a design that is Divine, and by a Divinity whose name is Jesus.

345 + 543 = 888

There are other nonreflective palindromic numbers which come to 888. They are notable in that they too are exceptionally difficult to produce by random chance. This then would mean that every time this happens, we would multiply once more that extremely low chance by another extremely low chance creating a further exponentially and astronomically low chance, that can hardly be imagined.

232 + 656 = 888

דבר יהוה = 232 = Word of the Lord

(Mεσσιας) = 656 = Messiah

242 + 646 = 888

(το Ευαγγελιον του Ιησου) = 242 = The Gospel of Jesus

אלהים = 646 = God (Modern Hebrew)

636 + 252 = 888

המאור = 252 = The Light

שלוש = 636 = Trinity

363 + 525 = 888

המשיח = 363 = THE MESSIAH

יהוה צבאות = 525 = The LORD of Hosts

404 + 484 = 888

קדש = 404 = Holy

(ΘΕΟΥ) = 484 = Of God

454 + 434 = 888

קדשים = 454 = Holy of Holies

אלהים מושב = 434 = The Seat of God

The last couplet is of particular note, in that ‘The Seat of God’ was on the Ark of the Covenant which was housed in the Holy of Holies, where the Presence of God was said to reside. That is, it was His earthy dwelling, just as Christ became His earthly dwelling while He was incarnated in the flesh.

There are three words, not coincidentally, that the Bible uses to refer to the Messiah. The first, of course, is the ‘Messiah’ in Hebrew.

משיח = Messiah (Me-shi-akh)

The next is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew, that is, Greek letters spelling out the Hebrew word:

MEΣΣIAΣ = Messiah (Mes-si-as)

And lastly the most famous is ‘Christ’ which is a Greek translation of the Hebrew, meaning the Anointed One:

XPIΣTOΣ = Christ (Kristos)

There are no other ways that the Bible explicitly refers to the name Messiah. Using in each case, the definitive article, distinguishing a messiah from the Messiah, we find that The Messiah in the Hebrew ordinal is 57.

המשיח = 57 = The Messiah (Ordinal)

The mirror reflection of 57 is 75, which in the Greek ordinal renders ‘The Father’ which is the source of the Messiah.

O ΠATHP = 75 = The Father

Should we wish to make a palindromic number from the Messiah and the Father we add these two numbers together.

57 + 75 = 132

Leviticus 19:3

יהוה אלהיכם = 132 = The Lord Your God

As 132 is not palindromic we add to it, its opposite, which is 231

132 + 231 = 363

Here now we have found our palindromic number but we have also found something profoundly interesting, for 363 is the standard sum of ‘The Messiah’

המשיח = 363 = The Messiah (Standard)

So we began with The Messiah at its ordinal valuation of 57 and found its palindromic climax at ‘The Messiah’ in the standard. One may wish to reflect on that, for it is a most unusual connection and seems unlikely to have occurred by chance. But one incident can always be an anomaly, so let us see if there is anything more.

If we then add to The Messiah of 363 its opposite 636 we get a triplet of nines.

363 + 636 = 999

(333 x 3 = 999)

And since 636 is the sum for the Hebrew word for Trinity, we can find a perfect grammatical match in the Trinity of the Messiah.

שלוש = 636 = Trinity

המשיח שלוש = 999 = Trinity of the Messiah

The second ‘The Messiah’ is the Greek transliteration (Messias) and what’s astounding is once again, by using this simple method for producing palindromic numbers we can transform the ordinal version of the Messiah into its standard version, and letter for letter being exactly the same.

O MEΣΣIAΣ = 96 = The Messiah (Greek Ordinal)

96 + 69 = 165

165 + 561 = 726

O MEΣΣIAΣ = 726 = The Messiah (Greek Standard)

What are the chances that both express words for ‘The Messiah’ in the Bible Meshiach and Messias would be able to produce these sort of results? Pure random chance with the numbers alone would be 1 out of 363 times 1 out of 726.

1/ 363 = 0.275%

1/ 726 = 0.137%

(0.275%) x (0.137%) = 0.00037%

That’s THREE out of a million. If we calculate the theological chances that both the Messiahs would by random chance transform the ordinal into the standard using a single method, we need only to know how many words there are in the Old and New Testament. Strong’s Concordance gives us a fair number at 8,674 for the Old and 5,624 for the New Testament.

1/ 8674 = 0.0115%

1/ 5624 = 0.0177%

(0.0115%) x (0.0177%) = 0.00000204%

We then multiply this, by the number-chance we get:

(0.00037%) x (0.00000204%) = 0.00000000000758%

That’s seven chances out of 100 Trillion. To visualize that, imagine a stack of paper thin one dollar bills. A stack of 1,000 dollar bills will be 4.3 inches in height. If we continue to stack these dollar bills until we have 100 trillion, we will have a stack that is over 6.7 million miles high, which would reach to the moon and back 14 times! The chances then for this to happen by chance would be like asking someone to blindly and correctly select seven marked bills out of this incomparably and impossibly large stack.

We have seen the Greek Messiah go from its ordinal to its standard, but we can also show that the name Jesus in Greek will do the same.

IHΣOYΣ = 87 = Jesus (Greek Ordinal)

87 + 78 = 165

165 + 561 = 726

O MEΣΣIAΣ = 726 = The Messiah (Greek Standard)

We can also do this again, with The Jesus (Hebrew) and The Jesus (Greek).

יהושע ה = 63 = The Jesus (Hebrew Ordinal)

O IHΣOYΣ = 102 = Jesus (Greek Ordinal)

63 + 102 = 165

165 + 561 = 726

O MEΣΣIAΣ = 726 = The Messiah (Greek Standard)

If we try this formula for making palindromic numbers with the name of Christ we find another strange coincidence. Christ in the ordinal Greek is 118.

XPIΣTOΣ = 118 = Christ

118 + 811 = 929

929 + 292 = 1221

This number is similar to our earlier 121 (11 x 11) but now is 11 x 111 = 1221.

Even more interesting is that the definitive version of Christ, that is ‘The Christ’ with the ‘O’ masculine article added, comes to 133 and renders the same 1221.

O XPIΣTOΣ = 133 = The Christ

133 + 331 = 464

In the number 464 we have the Hebrew for ‘The Work of the Messiah’ which was done on the Cross. The mirror opposite of 464 is 646, which in the modern Hebrew numeration is God, using the final form value for the letter ‘M’, which in modern Hebrew has a value of 600.

464 = המשיח המלאכה= The Work of the Messiah

646 = אלהים = God (Elohim)

(600 + 10 + 5 + 30 + 1 = 646)

464 + 646 = 1110

This number besides being another meditation on the number ONE is also the sum of ‘Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah.’

1110 = משיח יהושע הנוצרי = Jesus of Nazareth Messiah

Taking these ONEs and adding to it the opposite ONEs, we find our 1221 again, which is the sum of the Lord God in Greek.

1110 + 0111 = 1221

O ΔΕΣΠΟΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΣ (O Despotes Theos) = 1221 = The Lord God

We started by discovering that the word for Palindrome came from two Greek words and that, thanks to gematria, Palindrome itself is a numerical palindrome.

Παλινδρομος = 131 = Palindrome

This number 131 is not only reflective but reflective of the Trinity itself, for if you look closely you can see that this is the only three digit number that has a THREE inside a pair of ONEs which is the THREE in ONE of the Trinity. It is also the middle person of the Trinity who went by this name while He was on Earth.

יהושע הנוצרי = 131 = Jesus of Nazareth

The study of these sort of numbers and their associated correlations to the names and concepts of the Bible has only just begun. This then being only the briefest of surveys on the subject. It can be shown that these type of correlations are far beyond any possibility of random chance. The chances that all of these numerical phenomenon could happen in the same document would require a number with more zeroes in it than could fit in a phonebook.

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