~Psalm 110


The 110th Psalm is related to the Three Seven Fractal in two separate ways. The first is that 110 is the sum of the prime factors of the first verse.

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 x 73

37 + 73 = 110

The 110th Psalm stands out theologically as well, as it is the most quoted passage of the Old Testament. Psalm 110:1 is quoted 18 times in the New Testament (Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists)

Psalm 110:1

The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The psalm is composed of 63 words, a number repeatedly employed in the Three Seven Fractal, as its prime factors are the same as the Logos of John and the proto-pattern itself and the sum of the Hebrew word for ‘Prophet’.

3 x 7 x 3 = 63

Logos = 373

The Three Seven Fractal is all about the repetition and variation of the numbers Three and Seven. The number 21 is the most basic product of these two numbers (3 x 7 = 21) and is the sum of one of the most important names of God.

21 = Eheyeh = I AM

Since 73 is the 21st Prime and 21 makes a perfect triangle we have every right to configure the 110 psalm into a series of three triangles or a trinity of triangles.

The Trinity of Triangles of Psalm 110


לאדני יהוה

עד לימיני שב

לרגליך הדם איביך אשית

מציון יהוה ישלח עזך מטה

ביום נדבת עמך איביך בקרב רדה

בהדרי חילך

לך משחר מרחם קדש

ינחם ולא יהוה נשבע ילדתיך טל

אדני צדק מלכי דברתי על לעולם כהן אתה

גויות מלא בגוים דין מלכים אפו ביום מחץ ימינך על

ראש ירים כן על ישתה בדרך מנחל רבה ארץ על ראש מחץ

The second Three Seven Fractal feature of the 110th Psalm is its number of letters. The letters of the psalm proper (without title) come to 232. This in and of itself is extremely pertinent as this is one of the most well known numbers in Biblical gematria.

The 232 has many correspondences that agree upon its meaning, primarily in that of the Word of the Lord.

דבר יהוה = The Word of the Lord = 232

η γραμματεια του Κυριου = The Gematria of the Lord = 232

Let there be Light יהי אור God’s 1st Words = 232

Revelation 3:7

‘He that hath the Key of David’

Ο εχων την κλειδα του Δαβιδ = 232

The ‘Key of David’ seen here and in many other ways, is a reference to Christ who holds that key and to the numbering system of Biblical gematria. This is that key deciphered. The key to this Psalm’s decipherment is found both in the name of Jesus which is itself fundamental to the Three Seven Fractal.

יהושע = Jesus = 58 (Ordinal)

3² + 7² = 58

Since 58 x 4 is equal to 232 we can make a cube or box of alternating 3 x 3 and 7 x 7 squares.

Psalm 110 as a Cube of Alternating Squares

נ א ם

י ה ו

ה ל א

ד נ י ש ב ל י

מ י נ י ע ד א

ש י ת א י ב י

ך ה ד ם ל ר ג

ל י ך מ ט ה ע

ז ך י ש ל י י

ה ו ה מ צ י ו

ן ר ד

ה ב ק

ר ב א

י ב י ך ע מ ך

נ ד ב ת ב י ו

ם ח י ל ך ב ה

ד ר י ק ד ש מ

ר ח ם מ ש ח ר

ל ך ט ל י ל ד

ת י ך נ ש ב ע

י ה ו

ה ו ל

א י נ

ח ם א ת ה כ ה

ן ל ע ו ל ם ע

ל ד ב ר ת י מ

ל כ י צ ד ק א

ד נ י ע ל י מ

י נ ך מ ח ץ ב

י ו ם א פ ו מ

ל כ י

ם י ד

י ן ב

ג ו י ם מ ל א

ג ו י ו ת מ ח

ץ ר א ש ע ל א

ר ץ ר ב ה מ נ

ח ל ב ד ר ך י

ש ת ה ע ל כ ן

י ר י ם ר א ש

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