Kennel Cough Home Remedies

Kennel cough home remedy - kennel cough home remedies

Raw honey is an effective home remedy for kennel cough. Raw honey will ease the discomfort of coughing and is high in antioxidants.

I have used honey, fresh air and rest to help cure my dog of kennel cough.

While not technically a home remedy, over the counter kennel cough medication can be effective - here is a page with over the counter kennel cough medication

More information about kennel cough symptoms, treatment, and prevention is located at this link

Other Home Remedies for Kennel Cough:

Here is a list of additional home remedies for kennel cough which includes herbal remedies to cure kennel cough - I haven't tried most of these myself. I always suggest you try the simple / not harsh items first.

-- Raw Honey and Lemon

Lemon contains Vitamin C, which helps to improve the immune system of dogs. Mix two tablespoons of honey, one teaspoon of lemon juice, and half (1/2) cup of water. Give this mixture twice a day to your dog. Alternatively, you can just give your dog a teaspoon or two of honey each day.

-- Steam or Hot Water Bath (warm water vapor)

Warm water vapor is a powerful kennel cough home remedy. Warm water vapor opens up the bronchial tubes of the dog and assists them with clearing extra phlegm from their throat. Simply turn on a hot shower in the bathroom and allow the room to fill with warm water vapor / steam. Then let your dog inhale the warm water vapor for about 15 to 25 minutes. It will help ease breathing.

-- Steam Vaporizer / humidifier

Use a warm steam vaporizer that is available at most pharmacies. Make sure to position the vaporizer to ensure the safety of your dog so they don't get burned.

-- Keep the Air Moist

To ease your dog's breathing, keep the air moist when your dog is suffering from kennel cough. A vaporizer or humidifier can keep your dog’s throat from turning too dry. You may put it near to the pet’s bed or where it sleeps.

-- Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is good for dogs when they have a cold. Chicken soup soothes the throat and helps to boost the immune system of the dog.

-- Vitamins

Vitamins speed up the process of recovery in your dog. Vitamin C is considered useful not only for humans, but it can also be a beneficial remedy for dogs, to treat virus and bacteria related infections. The dosage level depends on the pet’s weight. Generally a 500 mg tablet is given two times a day for a large dog.

-- Garlic Pills or raw garlic added to food - (Caution, large quantities of garlic can be toxic to dogs)

-- Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has antiviral properties which can help combat kennel cough. Give 2 teaspoons of coconut oil to your dog each day until the cough is cured. You may the coconut oil to your dog's food or feed it directly to the dog.

-- Cinnamon

Sprinkle about a teaspoon of cinnamon over your pet’s food. This may provide it relief from the kennel cough or canine common cold.

-- Over-the-Counter Cough Syrup and Kennel Cough medications

Here are some Over-the-Counter Cough Syrup and Kennel Cough medications

-- Anise Hyssop

-- Drosera

-- Dulcamara

-- Plantago Lanceolata

-- Echinacea

-- Licorice Root Tea

-- Essential Oils

-- Astragalus

This is a Chinese herb that helps the immune system. It may stimulate the regeneration of bronchial cells and supports lung function.

--Slippery Elm

-- Additional Herbs

For kennel cough, you may try other herbs like wild cherry bark, black seed, mustard seed, rosehips, coltsfoot, elecampane, marshmallow root, kelp (seaweed), yarrow, mullein.

Other kennel cough home remedies - Raw garlic and olive leaf. licorice root and marshmallow. Essential oils.

Avoid smoking in the house when a dog has kennel cough.

Avoid using toxic cleaners when a dog has kennel cough.

(c) Copyright 2017 by Mister Dave and the Fastest Poodle