Fortunately, worms seldom cause much inconvenience or serious problem for adult dogs (according to the ASPCS Complete Dog Care Manual - also according to the Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook - also according to my Vet). However, many of the worms that can be hosted by dogs can be a potential health hazard for people. Worms can be more serious in puppies and unhealthy or stressed dogs. Most dogs carry round worms as encrusted larva. Conventional medications will only cure worms when they are in the intestinal phase and will not get rid of encrusted larva. Because you can’t kill the encrusted larva, you can’t ever be sure that a dog won’t develop worms. Because of the encrusted larva, regular deworming with conventional medication is a questionable practice.

Dogs are scavengers and often eat junk from the ground including animal feces (poop). They can get several different types of worms from doing this (commonly roundworm, tapeworm, whipworm, hookworm). They can also get tapeworm from eating a flea that contains a tapeworm egg. Dogs can also get worms from eating raw meat and fish. Worms can be passed on from mother to puppies. Deworming the mother with conventional medicine will NOT protect the puppies from all worm infections.


OVER THE COUNTER DOG WORM MEDICINE - dewormer for dogs - Many of these are effective when used properly.

HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH WORMS - Some of these are simple foods like carrots and pumpkin seeds which don't have any side effects and can be incorporated in your dog's regular diet.

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