Ocean Water Bath For Dogs

Stand Up Paddle Boarding Dog - Newport Beach California - Newport Harbor Lido Isle

An Ocean Water Bath can help relieve itching for dogs. If you don't live near the ocean, Epsom Salt, Sea Salt, or Table Salt can be added to the bath instead.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Epsom salts is a laxitive so you might want to use Sea Salt or Table Salt. I haven't had any problems with epsom salts giving my dog diarrhea. However, epsom salts is a laxitive so if a dog ingested too much I think it could cause a problem. Instead of an epsom salt bath, one could use plain table salt or sea salt for a dog bath. However, an ocean water bath works better. (1 visitor reported a problem using epsom salt with their dog)

Why does an ocean water bath work better than an epsom salt or sea salt bath? For dog itching, some people recommend a cold bath - the cold water can reduce swelling and irritation. The ocean water where we live tends to be cold, so this could be part of the reason. Also, ocean water doesn't have chlorine like normal tap water - chlorine tends to dry out skin and irritate skin. I have taken an itchy dog for a swim in a cold mountain lake and it seamed to relieve the itching somewhat, but it didn't work as well as the ocean water bath.

If you don't live near the ocean, you could simulate an ocean water bath by combining sea salt with cold water. Or instead of giving an entire bath with cold salt water, one could mix sea salt with water and pour it over the problem area.

A salt water bath or ocean water bath can even kill fleas and be used as a home remedy for dog fleas. The salt bath dehydrates the fleas and may kill the fleas ( please note: I have not personally verified that a salt bath kills fleas, but have read this from some other sources. I have personally verified that a salt water bath can help relieve dog itching.) More information and discussion about a salt water bath is on the following page: Salt Water Bath For Dogs. There is also more discussion and answers to questions further down this page.

If you haven't yet read my guide to itchy dogs, please read it first - Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

This page answers some additional questions from people who are using the ocean water or epsom salt bath for their dog:

Fastest Poodle

10:00 AM Jan 29, 2014

QUESTION: How much Epsom Salts to how much water please? Thank You

ANSWER: To relieve dog itch add about 1 Table Spoon of Epsom Salts to 6 cups of water. I never measured exactly but that is approximately the amount I have used. Apply over the affected area.

NEW Web Page: How Much Epsom Salt To Use For Epsom Salt Dog Bath

From my dog care website: http://fpdogcare.blogspot.com

Fastest Poodle

9:57 AM Jan 29, 2014

QUESTION: Do you rinse off the Epsom Salts?

ANSWER: I prefer to just leave the Epsom Salt solution on the dog. One thing to note is that Epsom Salts is a laxative so if the dog licks this a lot it could potentially cause a problem. However, It has never caused any problem for my dogs (the amount of residual Epsom Salts left on the dog is probably very small). If you prefer, you can rinse off the Epsom Salts. It seems like it works better if you can just leave it on. Please remember, that dry skin is a big contributor to dog itch so don’t over-clean your dog Additionally, one could use plain table salt or sea salt instead of Epsom Salt.

NEW INFORMATION: This summer our dog did lots of swimming with us in the ocean. If a shower was available, I would rinse her under it when we came out of the water. This was to avoid salty build up. If an animal or person swims in the ocean and doesn't rinse, salty build up can occur, especially if you repeatedly go in and out of the water.

MORE NEW INFORMATION: When discussing this subject with our veterinarian, they thought it was better to rinse the dog off with fresh water.

SOME NEWER INFORMATION: I have compared the ocean water bath with a tap water rinse to an ocean water bath with no rinse. The ocean water bath with no tap water rinse seems to work better.

EVEN NEWER INFORMATION: A salt water bath or ocean water bath can kill fleas and be used as a home remedy for dog fleas. The salt dehydrates the fleas and may kill the fleas ( please note: I have not personally verified that a salt bath kills fleas, but have read this from some other sources. I have personally verified that a salt water bath can help relieve dog itching.) Not rinsing the dog with fresh water may give the dog some protection from future flea infestations because some salt may remain on the dog and continue to kill fleas.

From my dog care website: http://fpdogcare.blogspot.com

QUESTION: Can I mix oatmeal shampoo with cooking oil for a bath?

ANSWER: I think that would be fine. I have never done this with oatmeal shampoo, but I think that a little cooking oil in the mixture could help kill fleas and replenish oils in the dogs skin. Oatmeal shampoo tends not to dry and irritate animal skin as much as traditional shampoo. Even with oatmeal shampoo, remember, that dry skin is a big contributor to dog itch so don’t over-clean your dog with too much of it. Bathing your dog can help reduce itch by washing off and/or killing fleas, mites and other things on the dogs skin. However, you want to be sure you don’t irritate your dog’s skin. Leave the shampoo on the dog a while before rinsing it off to help kill fleas and mites.

From my dog care website: http://fpdogcare.blogspot.com

Fastest Poodle

QUESTION: Where can I get ocean water for my dog to wash him for dog itch?

ANSWER: From the ocean - If you don't live near the ocean, you could simulate an ocean water bath by combining sea salt with water. Or instead of giving an entire bath with salt water, one could mix sea salt with water and pour it over the problem area. Table Salt or Epsom Salt could be used instead of Sea Salt.

Fastest Poodle

10:50 AM Jan 23, 2014

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This article (c) Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle

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Stand Up Paddle Boarding Dog - Newport Beach California - Newport Harbor Lido Isle