All Questions and Answers from The Fastest Poodle's Dog Care Website and Blog

I have listed here all the questions and answers from comments to my dog care websites and blogs. Sometimes things are a bit jumbled. The questions and answers were copied here because in some situations people were unable to read the comments in blogger.

If you haven't already done so, read the web page articles from which these questions and answers were taken.

Here are the web pages to read first:

Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)





How To Give a Poodle a Haircut – Do It Yourself Poodle Haircut Guide -- Poodle Grooming

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Thanks for your support - keep reading - The Questions and Answers follow:

HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH ITCHY SKIN Post 2 Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From Website And Blog

        • So you don't rinse off the ebsom salts?
        • Replies
                  • The Fastest PoodleJanuary 29, 2014 at 9:51 AM
                  • In response to your question - So you don't rinse off the ebsom salts?
                  • I prefer to just leave the Epsom Salt solution on the dog. One thing to note is that Epsom Salts is a laxative so if the dog licks this a lot it could potentially cause a problem. However, It has never caused any problem for my dogs (the amount of residual Epsom Salts left on the dog is probably very small). If you prefer, you can rinse off the Epsom Salts. It seems like it works better if you can just leave it on. Please remember, that dry skin is a big contributor to dog itch so don’t over-clean your dog Additionally, one could use plain table salt instead of Epsom Salt.
                  • This reply is in response to question about dog itch from my articles with more information:
                  • Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!
                  • Hope this helps with your dog!

HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH FLEAS Post 3 Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From Website And Blog

Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From the following blog post HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH FLEAS

Be sure to also read the article Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

Original blog post link where these dog care questions and answers appeared


I've read that combing your dog will remove the fleas. Is it true?


Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! Post-5 Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers

              • Here are questions, answers, and comments related to my article Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)
              • If you haven't already, please be sure to read the article Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)
              • Original blog post link where these dog care questions and answers appeared
                • QUESTION: Can I mix oatmeal shampoo with cooking oil for a bath
                  • Replies
                          • The Fastest PoodleFebruary 19, 2014 at 1:23 PM
                          • In response to your question
                          • Can I mix oatmeal shampoo with cooking oil for a bath?
                          • I think that would be fine. I have never done this with oatmeal shampoo, but I think that a little cooking oil in the mixture could help kill fleas and replenish oils in the dogs skin. Oatmeal shampoo tends not to dry and irritate animal skin as much as traditional shampoo. Even with oatmeal shampoo, remember, that dry skin is a big contributor to dog itch so don’t over-clean your dog with too much of it. Bathing your dog can help reduce itch by washing off and/or killing fleas, mites and other things on the dogs skin. However, you want to be sure you don’t irritate your dog’s skin. Leave the shampoo on the dog a while before rinsing it off to help kill fleas and mites.
                          • This reply is in response to question about dog itch from my articles with more information:
                          • Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!
                          • Hope this helps with your dog!
                          • Cynthia SalazarSeptember 24, 2015 at 7:18 PM
                          • Try SKIN-EZE, it gave my itchy, crying dog relief. The 1st time you'll see results. It's natural. You'll be happy.
                          • The Fastest PoodleSeptember 28, 2015 at 6:49 AM
                          • Thanks for the comment Cynthia.
                          • I searched for SKIN-EZE on amazon - here is the list of products I found.
                          • Which product did you find helpful?
                  • Anthony`s Photo`sAugust 12, 2014 at 7:59 AM
                  • really pleased with results - knocks fleas dead
                  • danielle williamsonJuly 14, 2015 at 12:15 PM
                  • Iv tried so many remedies but I cant stop my dog from biting and ripping into her lower back and front paws I cant even take off her cone for 2seconds without her attacking herself what would be worth trying
                          • The Fastest PoodleJuly 15, 2015 at 8:53 PM
                          • Biting the lower back is quite common. Biting at the paws is less common - is there some chemical, cleaner , or other substance used in the house that is irritating the dog? Something the dog is stepping on? That is one possible problem. An Epsom salt or saltwater bath can be helpful in general for itchy skin.
                          • Be sure to read all the articles about dog itching at my web site. There usually are a number of things that interact with each other to cause dog itch. Getting dog itch under control can take some time and involves many factors.
                          • My article "Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!" has lots of information about dog itch. Here is the link:
                          • Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!
                          • UnknownSeptember 24, 2015 at 7:15 PM
                          • I found the best product for itchy dog, its SKIN-EZE. I've tried everything, with no relief till today. Vet bills, oatmeal baths, antibiotics, benadryl, etc. SKIN-EZE works great first time. Drops in her ears and between toes, shampoo is AWSOME.
                  • Melissa BranumJuly 19, 2015 at 8:15 PM
                  • My puppy has a open flea bite and I can't get it to heal! Can u please help me?
                  • Replies
                  • Tamica JohnsonJuly 22, 2015 at 3:19 PM
                  • Hello Plz help my dog hag develop a rash from having worms which is very itchy is it a remedy at home I can use to sooth her itch /Rash
                  • Replies
                  • Cathy RussellAugust 30, 2015 at 9:47 AM
                  • I have a 8 yr old toy poodle who gets "advantex" monthly for bugs and is washed weekly with oatmeal shampoo, brushed and I have tried the Epsom salt but he licks it and gets a poopy problem. I found that Earl Grey tea works wonders! Steep as usual place in a quart spray bottle and spray daily. It takes a few days but does work well. The vet said he can also get Benadryl to help and it works well also.
                  • Replies
                          • The Fastest PoodleSeptember 1, 2015 at 7:45 AM
                          • Hi Cathy - Thanks for sharing this information.
                          • Glad the tea helps sooth your dog's itch! Do be careful that your dog doesn't ingest too much of the tea because tea can be toxic to dogs. I believe the caffeine is poisonous for dogs.
                          • I haven't had any problems with epsom salts giving my poodle diarrhea. However epsom salts is a laxitive so if a dog ingested too much I think it could cause this problem. Instead of epsom salts, one could use plain table salt or sea salt for a dog bath. An ocean water bath works even better:
                          • The following web page talks about ocean water baths and other dog itch related items:
                          • Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!
                          • Thanks again for your comment.
                          • Cathy RussellSeptember 1, 2015 at 7:56 AM
                          • I took my lil poodle to the vets for treatment. She said it was allergies and common problem for our fur babies at this time of the year. So she gave him a prescription, and although we like natural remedies better, this medication works the best! Instant relief and no side effects!
                  • UnknownSeptember 28, 2015 at 1:45 AM
                  • Help Please My Dog Is Miserable
                  • My dog Caedo itches constantly went to the vet was prescribed a medicine it didn't work. He is 4 now and the itch began when he was 2. Obviously like everyone else I have spent countless money and time trying to help him and will keep doing it until I figure this out for him. Anyway he has very thick hair and an undercoat that just irritates him. But his big problem is a spot by his tail on his lower back. I'm trying the salt water remedy I used sea salt 6 to 1. So far he is fine he has stopped for a little bit. I just want to make sure I did it right I gave him a bath today and it worsened so I thought mabey soap was still on him and rinsed him again with warm water, nothing. So I went online found this website and chose it because of home remedies they don't have terrible side effects. So the sea salt and warm water I mixed it and poured it on and around the effected area as I'm typing this he started to itch a little I just don't know if I should give him a full bath of it or not or if I even did it right do I need more or what I only used the 6cups please please help my baby
                  • The Fastest PoodleSeptember 28, 2015 at 7:15 AM
                  • I hope you have had some success with your dog's itch.
                  • If you are using regular soap and not dog shampoo to give your dog a bath that could be contributing to his problem. Dog's skin is much more sensitive than people skin so soap can dry out the skin and contribute to dog itching.
                  • Be sure to read my article "Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!" - This has lots of information about dog itch. Here is the link:
                  • Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!
                  • You might also want to temporarlily put an E-COLLAR
                  • on your dog till you solve his/her itch problem.
                  • The exact amount of epsom salt, sea salt, table salt that you mix with bath water isn't that important. A few drops of cooking oil in the bath can also help relieve the skin and help prevent the skin from drying out.
                  • Granny BethOctober 18, 2015 at 4:12 AM
                  • Thanks for your information. I have a sweet rescue, a cocker mix. At first I thought she had flees. But my hours at work changed and so did our routine. I discovered she has anxiety separation issues. So she is getting an Epsom salt bath and we are going to the beach., and hopefully she accepts are new routine. Hugs
                  • UnknownOctober 26, 2015 at 6:00 PM
                  • how often should you wash ur fur baby in the salt water if it is itchy?
                  • Replies
                  • Zadie HarrellOctober 29, 2015 at 5:49 PM
                  • If I use table salt how often do I wash them in it for the itching
                  • Replies
                  • S. BilliMay 4, 2016 at 6:07 PM
                  • I have a 1.5 year old pit bull . He always scratching and biting on his legs and back. I've taken him to the 1 vet they gave him meds that didn't stop him from itching and also gave me shampoo to continually wash him with. I then took him to a 2nd vet to get another opinion and they gave him a shot that calmed the scratching for about a week and more meds that didn't really work .... I'm really worried about him can you please help me out with this problem..... I've seen your post about cooking oil and shampoo mix but I only have olive oil will that work ?
                  • Replies
                          • The Fastest PoodleMay 6, 2016 at 7:06 AM
                          • I would suggest you help relieve your dog’s itching by washing the affected with Epsom salts.
                          • If you live near the ocean, an ocean water swim / bath works even better for relieving dog itching.
                          • You will also want to make sure that fleas and / or allergens aren’t the problem.
                          • If your dog still continues scratching and biting, you might want to put an ecollar on the dog until you get things under control.
                          • More information about e-collars:
                          • Ecollar E-Collar Information
                          • Be sure to read all the articles about dog itching at my web site. There usually are a number of things that interact with each other to cause dog itch. Getting dog itch under control can take some time and involves many factors.
                          • My article "Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!" has lots of information about dog itch. Here is the link:
                          • Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!
                          • You can use olive oil rubbed on dry / itchy areas of the skin. If bathing, you can use a few drops of olive or other cooking oil added to the shampoo. Be sure you DON'T USE TOO MUCH SHAMPOO - Using harsh shampoo or too much shampoo dries the skin and can cause irritation.
                  • UnknownMay 20, 2016 at 4:50 AM
                  • How much Epsom salt do u put in the bath water. And how long do u let ur dog soak in it. And do u have to rinse it off??
                  • Replies
                  • Pebbles0107June 3, 2016 at 10:14 PM
                  • Hello, I have a 3 1/2 year old Yorkie. She is constantly itching and biting especially her paws. She also has a sore on her backside next to her tail which oozes blood. I am not sure if she is biting or this sore just appeared but it has like three little sores, hard to describe. What worries me most is her constant itching. She is miserable and often whimpers. I inspected her skin and she does not seem to have fleas but her skin is very dry. She also developed some weird blood like flakes on her head. They seem to be stuck to her skin but when removed there are no sores or rashes. She is now resorting to scratching herself on furniture. I have started to feed her a raw dog food sold in Albertson's (sorry can't remember name and threw away wrapper since I freeze it)which is made up of raw ground chicken and vegetables. Used to feed her Chicken Soup for the Dog's Soul" dry dog food but switched because read that raw food was better. On May 14th I started giving her Dinovite and a capsule of Flax seed mixed in her food. Have not seen any improvement yet but product says it takes 90 days. Please help she is miserable and so am I.
                  • Replies
                  • Kwame AdjareJuly 2, 2016 at 3:49 PM
                  • If my dog is itching all over, can I just bath her with the Epsom salt solution?
                  • Replies
                  • Bonnie ThrasherAugust 20, 2016 at 7:47 AM
                  • I really appreciate your advice. Although I swore my inside Corgi did not have fleas because there was absolutely no flea dirt, he received monthly preventative, we have never had fleas in over twenty years with inside dogs, and his skin was perfect. Yet on one of the multiple times daily that I inspected him because of constant scratching, lo and behold... a tiny flea! I got it and have seen none since. However the scratching has now led to spots and sores all over. I shaved the affected areas and am going to do the Epsom Salt bath right now. Benadryl, by the way, is not helping the itch one bit. Your advice is so appreciated. Thank you.
                  • arley1208September 16, 2016 at 9:45 PM
                  • My 5 yr old shih tzu has the itchy spot where his tail meets his back. Also locks his paws like crazy. Tried the Epsom salt bath today, he hates bathes but did good, and so far tonight he has been itchy very little. I also have had him on different mess with no real relief. I'm terrified that the meds will cause side effects. I'm so happy to have found this blog. My baby is definitely happier tonight then he has been in a while.
                  • Ps by process of elimination, we found he is allergic to chicken, turkey and duck. Also to grains.
                  • Thanks
                  • Replies
                  • ConcernedNovember 10, 2016 at 9:06 PM
                  • Tea tree oil is extremely toxic for dogs. Don't trust this article!
                  • Replies
                          • The Fastest PoodleNovember 12, 2016 at 5:35 PM
                          • Thanks for your concern - tea tree oil is not one of the recommended treatments on our website, it is just mentioned for completeness. We don't personally use tea tree oil on our own dog. I do have a friend who does use tea tree oil. IMPORTANT NOTE: We have not verified the toxicity of tea tree oil - when we have time we will research this.
                          • I would suggest you read the entire article and use treatments that we actually use on our own dog.
                  • chelle_is_swellNovember 17, 2016 at 5:59 PM
                  • Hello there! Is it possible to use too much epsom salt in the dog's bath? I was pouring from the bag & accidentally poured more than I meant. My dog isn't itching anymore, but she's really lethargic & limps a little before she gets going. Usually she's the most hyper chihuahua, running, jumping, barking. I gave her the first bath today about 5 hours ago. I'm hoping she's just REALLY relaxed. If she's not better by the morning, we're making a visit to the vet!
                  • Replies
                          • The Fastest PoodleNovember 18, 2016 at 8:47 PM
                          • The only side effect that I know of from an epsom salt bath is if the dog ingests too much water with epsom salt. Epsom salt is a laxative so if the dog ingests too much it could potentially cause a problem. I have never had a problem with my own dogs.
                          • More information about an epsom salt bath for dog itch is at the following link:
                          • Epsom Salt Bath For Dog Itching

HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMS post-6 - questions, answers, and comments

Here are questions, answers, and comments related to my article HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH WORMS

If you haven't already, please be sure to read the article HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH WORMS

QUESTION March 23, 2016 at 4:52 PM

Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help. Sincerely


        • The Fastest PoodleMarch 25, 2016 at 5:24 PM
        • What you are seeing isn't uncommon for dogs. From time to time I have had the same thing happen with my dogs when they eat grass. It is just the grass passing through your dog's system.
        • If the poop is hanging off your dog's bottom just pull with a poop bag.
        • It is generally healthy for dogs to eat grass. They will especially eat grass if their stomach is a little upset or they have been eating too much fat. Some dog's will eat grass and then vomit. Sometimes it will just pass through their system as with your dog.
        • You could try feeding your dog some vegatables. My dog really enjoys raw carrots. If your dog likes raw carrots, you can feed this to them and then they might not eat so much grass. Also you can feed you dog cook vegetables when you eat them at a meal. If your dog won't eat vegetables, you can mix a little bit of meat juice with the vegetables.
        • If your dog is eating canned food, you might try dried food. Canned food tends to be very high in fat.
        • Here is some information about dog diet:
        • Information about dog diet
        • Hope this has helped you and your dog!
        • The Fastest PoodleMarch 25, 2016 at 5:37 PM
        • To feed your dog raw carrots, cut the carrots up in small pieces (about the size of dried dog food)
        • UnknownApril 25, 2016 at 7:16 PM
        • Does anyone know how to make a simple worm medicine
        • The Fastest PoodleApril 26, 2016 at 10:01 AM
        • Simple Dog Worm Home Remedies
        • 1) Pumpkin with the pumpkin seeds - Take the pumpkin and the pumkin seeds and chop them up together - most dogs will eat this - my dog loves pumpkin - some dogs may need some meat juice or cooked egg mixed in to eat. Pumpkin seeds contain a chemical that helps get rid of worms.
        • 2) Raw carrots - feed your dog carrots cut to about the size of dried dog food. Raw carrots will often get rid of worms in dogs.
        • See more DOG WORM HOME REMEDIES
        • More information about DOG WORMS
        • Information about DOG WORMS
        • Information about DOG WORM MEDICINES - dewormers for dogs
        • Hope this helps you.

HOW TO GIVE a POODLE a HAIRCUT - Post 7 Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From Website And Blog

Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From the following blog post HOW TO GIVE a POODLE a HAIRCUT

Be sure to also read the article How To Give a Poodle a Haircut – Do It Yourself Poodle Haircut Guide -- Poodle Grooming


Groomers have all the gizmos to keep dog still while they trim , but at home how do I keep him from wriggling??



          • The Fastest PoodleJanuary 9, 2015 at 9:49 PM
          • Hi Trish - Depending on the dog and person's personality, keeping the dog still can sometimes be a challenge.
          • Professional groomers often have a leash attachment on their grooming table. You can sometimes improvise something with an ordinary leash. I'll often put a leash on my dog for part of the trimming (especially when I'm trimming her outside so she won't slink away) Some options - put the leash on the dog and 1) sit on leash 2) stand on leash 3) attach leash to something.
          • -- GET THE DOG USED TO YOUR TOUCH – This is easy, because you like to pet your dog. While you are petting them, get them used to your touch on parts of their body where they might not normally like to be touched. - their snout, face, feet, tail, ears, and personal parts. Get the dog so they don’t mind if you hold their snout closed and steady.
          • If you can get your dog used to having you hold their snout closed with your hand this allows you to keep the dog still. It can take a while to get the dog used to having you hold their snout. You can practice holding their snout when the poodle and you are just relaxing and you are petting them. Doing this will get them used to having you hold their snout in your hand.
          • It can sometimes take a while for the dog to get used to being trimmed. YOU DON’T HAVE TO TRIM THE ENTIRE DOG AT ONE TIME -- You can trim part of the dog one day and trim another part another day or another week. I often trim the face, legs, and head one week and the body, tail, and bottom another.
          • Also I prefer to trim my poodle with scissors and seldom use clippers because the clippers tend to be more annoying to dogs. Also scissors work much better for me for anything but a shave down.
          • Hope this helps you! It can take a while to get used to trimming your own poodle. However, in the long run I think it's easier, better, and costs less then always taking them to the groomer. Good Luck!
          • Sincerely, Dave and Tofu -

BATHING YOUR DOG FOR HEALTHY SKIN Post 1 Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From Website And Blog


and Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

Dog Care Comments, Questions, and Answers From the following blog post BATHING YOUR DOG FOR HEALTHY SKIN


Please I would like to know exactly how much cooking oil to use per how much shampoo. I do use Oatmeal shampoo because my dog has dry sensitive skin resulting in dandruff, could not rinsing enough and leaving shampoo cause the dog to itch and bite himself. Could I make a spray of epsom salts say 1/2 tblsp to 3 cups of water and ? oil and spray on my dog to alleviate his itching. I need to know exact amounts to use. My dog is 40 lb short hair border collie ? mix maybe whippet not sure. He is brushed regularly and hates to be dirty he loves a bath and the shower massager for a rinse.


Additional Dog Care Questions post-1-1

UnknownOctober 26, 2016 at 6:21 AM

Please I would like to know exactly how much cooking oil to use per how much shampoo. I do use Oatmeal shampoo because my dog has dry sensitive skin resulting in dandruff, could not rinsing enough and leaving shampoo cause the dog to itch and bite himself. Could I make a spray of epsom salts say 1/2 tblsp to 3 cups of water and ? oil and spray on my dog to alleviate his itching. I need to know exact amounts to use. My dog is 40 lb short hair border collie ? mix maybe whippet not sure. He is brushed regularly and hates to be dirty he loves a bath and the shower massager for a rinse.



QUESTION: Hello there! Is it possible to use too much epsom salt in the dog's bath? I was pouring from the bag & accidentally poured more than I meant. My dog isn't itching anymore, but she's really lethargic & limps a little before she gets going. Usually she's the most hyper chihuahua, running, jumping, barking. I gave her the first bath today about 5 hours ago. I'm hoping she's just REALLY relaxed. If she's not better by the morning, we're making a visit to the vet! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 11/17/16

ANSWER: The only side effect that I know of from an epsom salt bath is if the dog ingests too much water with epsom salt. Epsom salt is a laxative so if the dog ingests too much it could potentially cause a problem. I have never had a problem with my own dogs. More information about an epsom salt bath for dog itch is at the following link: Epsom Salt Bath For Dog Itching on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 11/18/16

QUESTION: Please I would like to know exactly how much cooking oil to use per how much shampoo. I do use Oatmeal shampoo because my dog has dry sensitive skin resulting in dandruff, could not rinsing enough and leaving shampoo cause the dog to itch and bite himself. Could I make a spray of epsom salts say 1/2 tblsp to 3 cups of water and ? oil and spray on my dog to alleviate his itching. I need to know exact amounts to use. My dog is 40 lb short hair border collie ? mix maybe whippet not sure. He is brushed regularly and hates to be dirty he loves a bath and the shower massager for a rinse.

on 10/26/16

ANSWER: Only add a few drops of cooking oil and don't use too much shampoo because it can dry out the skin. I think you could use a spray bottle for epsom salt and water solution. However, you want to make sure you get the itchy spot on the dog very wet. More information is at the following pages: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! How Much Epsom Salt To Use For Epsom Salt Dog Bath and other items about dog itching Dog itching products information on

in response to Please I would like to know exactly how much cooking oil to use per how much shampoo. I do use Oatmeal shampoo because my dog has dry sensitive skin resulting in dandruff, could not rinsing enough and leaving shampoo cause the dog to itch and bite himself. Could I make a spray of epsom salts say 1/2 tblsp to 3 cups of water and ? oil and spray on my dog to alleviate his itching. I need to know exact amounts to use. My dog is 40 lb short hair border collie ? mix maybe whippet not sure. He is brushed regularly and hates to be dirty he loves a bath and the shower massager for a rinse., by Unknown.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 10/26/16

QUESTION: My 5 yr old shih tzu has the itchy spot where his tail meets his back. Also locks his paws like crazy. Tried the Epsom salt bath today, he hates bathes but did good, and so far tonight he has been itchy very little. I also have had him on different mess with no real relief. I'm terrified that the meds will cause side effects. I'm so happy to have found this blog. My baby is definitely happier tonight then he has been in a while. Ps by process of elimination, we found he is allergic to chicken, turkey and duck. Also to grains. Thanks on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 9/16/16

ANSWER: I'm glad to here that the Epsom salt bath is helping your dog - thanks for the comment! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 9/17/16

QUESTION: I really appreciate your advice. Although I swore my inside Corgi did not have fleas because there was absolutely no flea dirt, he received monthly preventative, we have never had fleas in over twenty years with inside dogs, and his skin was perfect. Yet on one of the multiple times daily that I inspected him because of constant scratching, lo and behold... a tiny flea! I got it and have seen none since. However the scratching has now led to spots and sores all over. I shaved the affected areas and am going to do the Epsom Salt bath right now. Benadryl, by the way, is not helping the itch one bit. Your advice is so appreciated. Thank you. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 8/20/16

Dog itching web page - our most popular web page on the subject is at the following link: DOG ITCHING – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to If my dog is itching all over, can I just bath her with the Epsom salt solution?,

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 7/2/16

QUESTION: If my dog is itching all over, can I just bath her with the Epsom salt solution? on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 7/2/16

ANSWER: Yes. For dogs with itchy skin, washing the affected area with Epsom salts mixed in warm water can often relieve itching. You will also want to determine if fleas are contributing to the dog's itching. Are you currently using a commercial flea medication? How you bathe your dog depends partially on what is causing the dog itching: Dog Bath for dog itching - More information about types of baths is here More information about dog itching: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to If my dog is itching all over, can I just bath her with the Epsom salt solution?

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 7/2/16

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 3 1/2 year old Yorkie. She is constantly itching and biting especially her paws. She also has a sore on her backside next to her tail which oozes blood. I am not sure if she is biting or this sore just appeared but it has like three little sores, hard to describe. What worries me most is her constant itching. She is miserable and often whimpers. I inspected her skin and she does not seem to have fleas but her skin is very dry. She also developed some weird blood like flakes on her head. They seem to be stuck to her skin but when removed there are no sores or rashes. She is now resorting to scratching herself on furniture. I have started to feed her a raw dog food sold in Albertson's (sorry can't remember name and threw away wrapper since I freeze it)which is made up of raw ground chicken and vegetables. Used to feed her Chicken Soup for the Dog's Soul" dry dog food but switched because read that raw food was better. On May 14th I started giving her Dinovite and a on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 6/3/16

ANSWER: I hope this helps your dog! The blood like flakes you are seeing on your dog is most likely FLEA DIRT - flea dirt is basically little bets of dog blood that the flea excretes on your dog. DOG FLEAS It is most likely that your dog is scrating and itching because he has FLEAS. You probably should get some type of COMMERCIAL FLEA product to get rid of the fleas. You could instead use some of the HOME REMEDIES FOR DOG FLEAS I mention. However it sounds like your dog has a pretty serious problem so I would probably recommend a COMMERCIAL FLEA product. More information about dog fleas is at the following link: DOG FLEAS More information about flea dirt is at the following link: FLEA DIRT More information about dog itching is at the following link: Dog Itching – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! Purchase a commercial flea product at the following link and help support our website: FLEA products - thanks for your support! I hope we have helped you and your dog - please help support on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Hello, I have a 3 1/2 year old Yorkie. She is constantly itching and biting especially her paws. She also has a sore on her backside next to her tail which oozes blood. I am not sure if she is biting or this sore just appeared but it has like three little sores, hard to describe. What worries me most is her constant itching. She is miserable and often whimpers. I inspected her skin and she does not seem to have fleas but her skin is very dry. She also developed some weird blood like flakes on her head. They seem to be stuck to her skin but when removed there are no sores or rashes. She is now resorting to scratching herself on furniture. I have started to feed her a raw dog food sold in Albertson's (sorry can't remember name and threw away wrapper since I freeze it)which is made up of raw ground chicken and vegetables. Used to feed her Chicken Soup for the Dog's Soul" dry dog food but switched because read that raw food was better. On May 14th I started giving her Dinovite

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 6/4/16

QUESTION: How much Epsom salt do u put in the bath water. And how long do u let ur dog soak in it. And do u have to rinse it off?? on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!


on 5/20/16

ANSWER: How much Epsom salt you use is a very common question - so I just made a page that answers it. How Much Epsom Salt To Use For Epsom Salt Dog Bath and other items about dog itching I also answer - how long do u let ur dog soak in it. And do u have to rinse it off?? Here is the page link: How Much Epsom Salt To Use For Epsom Salt Dog Bath and other items about dog itching onHome Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to How much Epsom salt do u put in the bath water. And how long do u let ur dog soak in it. And do u have to rinse it off??, by Unknown.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 5/20/16

QUESTION: I have a 1.5 year old pit bull . He always scratching and biting on his legs and back. I've taken him to the 1 vet they gave him meds that didn't stop him from itching and also gave me shampoo to continually wash him with. I then took him to a 2nd vet to get another opinion and they gave him a shot that calmed the scratching for about a week and more meds that didn't really work .... I'm really worried about him can you please help me out with this problem..... I've seen your post about cooking oil and shampoo mix but I only have olive oil will that work ? on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 5/4/16

ANSWER: I would suggest you help relieve your dog’s itching by washing the affected with Epsom salts. If you live near the ocean, an ocean water swim / bath works even better for relieving dog itching. You will also want to make sure that fleas and / or allergens aren’t the problem. If your dog still continues scratching and biting, you might want to put an ecollar on the dog until you get things under control. More information about e-collars: Ecollar E-Collar Information Be sure to read all the articles about dog itching at my web site. There usually are a number of things that interact with each other to cause dog itch. Getting dog itch under control can take some time and involves many factors. My article "Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!" has lots of information about dog itch. Here is the link: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! You can use olive oil rubbed on dry / itchy areas of the skin. If bathing, you can use a on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to I have a 1.5 year old pit bull . He always scratching and biting on his legs and back. I've taken him to the 1 vet they gave him meds that didn't stop him from itching and also gave me shampoo to continually wash him with. I then took him to a 2nd vet to get another opinion and they gave him a shot that calmed the scratching for about a week and more meds that didn't really work .... I'm really worried about him can you please help me out with this problem..... I've seen your post about cooking oil and shampoo mix but I only have olive oil will that work ?

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 5/6/16

QUESTION: Does anyone know how to make a simple worm medicine on HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMS

in response to Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help. Sincerely , by Unknown.


on 4/25/16

ANSWER: Simple Dog Worm Home Remedies 1) Pumpkin with the pumpkin seeds - Take the pumpkin and the pumkin seeds and chop them up together - most dogs will eat this - my dog loves pumpkin - some dogs may need some meat juice or cooked egg mixed in to eat. Pumpkin seeds contain a chemical that helps get rid of worms. 2) Raw carrots - feed your dog carrots cut to about the size of dried dog food. Raw carrots will often get rid of worms in dogs. See more DOG WORM HOME REMEDIES More information about DOG WORMS Information about DOG WORMS Information about DOG WORM MEDICINES - dewormers for dogs Hope this helps you. on HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMS

in response to Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help. Sincerely , by Unknown.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 4/26/16

To feed your dog raw carrots, cut the carrots up in small pieces (about the size of dried dog food) on HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMS

in response to Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 3/25/16

QUESTION: Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help. Sincerely on HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMSsafe: "4 replies."


on 3/23/16

ANSWER: What you are seeing isn't uncommon for dogs. From time to time I have had the same thing happen with my dogs when they eat grass. It is just the grass passing through your dog's system. If the poop is hanging off your dog's bottom just pull with a poop bag. It is generally healthy for dogs to eat grass. They will especially eat grass if their stomach is a little upset or they have been eating too much fat. Some dog's will eat grass and then vomit. Sometimes it will just pass through their system as with your dog. You could try feeding your dog some vegatables. My dog really enjoys raw carrots. If your dog likes raw carrots, you can feed this to them and then they might not eat so much grass. Also you can feed you dog cook vegetables when you eat them at a meal. If your dog won't eat vegetables, you can mix a little bit of meat juice with the vegetables. If your dog is eating canned food, you might try dried food. Canned food tends to be very high in fat. Here on HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMS

in response to Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 3/25/16

QUESTION: If I use table salt how often do I wash them in it for the itching on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 10/29/15

ANSWER: About once per week for a salt water bath. If the itching completely goes away, you can wait longer between baths. For more information about dog itching see: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to If I use table salt how often do I wash them in it for the itching

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 10/30/15

QUESTION: how often should you wash ur fur baby in the salt water if it is itchy? on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 10/26/15

ANSWER: About once per week for a salt water bath. If the itching completely goes away, you can wait longer between baths. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to how often should you wash ur fur baby in the salt water if it is itchy?

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 10/27/15

Thanks for your information. I have a sweet rescue, a cocker mix. At first I thought she had flees. But my hours at work changed and so did our routine. I discovered she has anxiety separation issues. So she is getting an Epsom salt bath and we are going to the beach., and hopefully she accepts are new routine. Hugs on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 10/18/15

I hope you have had some success with your dog's itch. If you are using regular soap and not dog shampoo to give your dog a bath that could be contributing to his problem. Dog's skin is much more sensitive than people skin so soap can dry out the skin and contribute to dog itching. Be sure to read my article "Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!" - This has lots of information about dog itch. Here is the link: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! You might also want to temporarlily put an E-COLLAR on your dog till you solve his/her itch problem. The exact amount of epsom salt, sea salt, table salt that you mix with bath water isn't that important. A few drops of cooking oil in the bath can also help relieve the skin and help prevent the skin from drying out. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 9/28/15

Thanks for the comment Cynthia. I searched for SKIN-EZE on amazon - here is the list of products I found. Which product did you find helpful? on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Can I mix oatmeal shampoo with cooking oil for a bath, by Courtney Serian.

The Fastest Poodle

on 9/28/15

Help Please My Dog Is Miserable My dog Caedo itches constantly went to the vet was prescribed a medicine it didn't work. He is 4 now and the itch began when he was 2. Obviously like everyone else I have spent countless money and time trying to help him and will keep doing it until I figure this out for him. Anyway he has very thick hair and an undercoat that just irritates him. But his big problem is a spot by his tail on his lower back. I'm trying the salt water remedy I used sea salt 6 to 1. So far he is fine he has stopped for a little bit. I just want to make sure I did it right I gave him a bath today and it worsened so I thought mabey soap was still on him and rinsed him again with warm water, nothing. So I went online found this website and chose it because of home remedies they don't have terrible side effects. So the sea salt and warm water I mixed it and poured it on and around the effected area as I'm typing this he started to itch a little I just don't know if I should on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!


on 9/28/15

Try SKIN-EZE, it gave my itchy, crying dog relief. The 1st time you'll see results. It's natural. You'll be happy. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Can I mix oatmeal shampoo with cooking oil for a bath,

on 9/24/15

I found the best product for itchy dog, its SKIN-EZE. I've tried everything, with no relief till today. Vet bills, oatmeal baths, antibiotics, benadryl, etc. SKIN-EZE works great first time. Drops in her ears and between toes, shampoo is AWSOME. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Iv tried so many remedies but I cant stop my dog from biting and ripping into her lower back and front paws I cant even take off her cone for 2seconds without her attacking herself what would be worth trying , by

on 9/24/15

QUESTION: I took my lil poodle to the vets for treatment. She said it was allergies and common problem for our fur babies at this time of the year. So she gave him a prescription, and although we like natural remedies better, this medication works the best! Instant relief and no side effects! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to I have a 8 yr old toy poodle who gets "advantex" monthly for bugs and is washed weekly with oatmeal shampoo, brushed and I have tried the Epsom salt but he licks it and gets a poopy problem. I found that Earl Grey tea works wonders! Steep as usual place in a quart spray bottle and spray daily. It takes a few days but does work well. The vet said he can also get Benadryl to help and it works well also.,


on 9/1/15

ANSWER: Hi Cathy - Thanks for sharing this information. Glad the tea helps sooth your dog's itch! Do be careful that your dog doesn't ingest too much of the tea because tea can be toxic to dogs. I believe the caffeine is poisonous for dogs. I haven't had any problems with epsom salts giving my poodle diarrhea. However epsom salts is a laxitive so if a dog ingested too much I think it could cause this problem. Instead of epsom salts, one could use plain table salt or sea salt for a dog bath. An ocean water bath works even better: The following web page talks about ocean water baths and other dog itch related items: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! Thanks again for your comment. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to I have a 8 yr old toy poodle who gets "advantex" monthly for bugs and is washed weekly with oatmeal shampoo, brushed and I have tried the Epsom salt but he licks it and gets a poopy problem. I found that Earl Grey tea works wonders! Steep as usual place in a quart spray bottle and spray daily. It takes a few days but does work well. The vet said he can also get Benadryl to help and it works well also.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 9/1/15

I have a 8 yr old toy poodle who gets "advantex" monthly for bugs and is washed weekly with oatmeal shampoo, brushed and I have tried the Epsom salt but he licks it and gets a poopy problem. I found that Earl Grey tea works wonders! Steep as usual place in a quart spray bottle and spray daily. It takes a few days but does work well. The vet said he can also get Benadryl to help and it works well also. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!safe: "2 replies."

Cathy Russell

on 8/30/15

For dogs with irritated skin, washing the affected area with Epsom salts mixed in warm water can often relieve itching. More information about dog itching: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! If the irritation is from worms, you want to be sure you have gotten rid of the worms. More information about dog worms: Dog worm information If you feel the problem is serious, you can consult with your veterinarian. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Hello Plz help my dog hag develop a rash from having worms which is very itchy is it a remedy at home I can use to sooth her itch /Rash,.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 7/25/15

For flea bites, washing the affected area with epsom salts mixed in warm water can sometimes help the flea bite heal. Washing the affected area with some vinegar mixed in warm water can also sometimes help a flea bite heal. Web pages related to flea bites: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH FLEAS If the dog or puppy is scratching at the flea bite, using an e-collar can help prevent scratching and help the flea bite heal. More information about e-collars: Ecollar E-Collar Information If you feel the problem is serious, you can ask your veterinarian. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to My puppy has a open flea bite and I can't get it to heal! Can u please help me?, by Melissa

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 7/25/15

Tea tree oil is extremely toxic for dogs. Don't trust this article! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!


on 11/10/16

Thanks for your concern - tea tree oil is not one of the recommended treatments on our website, it is just mentioned for completeness. We don't personally use tea tree oil on our own dog. I do have a friend who does use tea tree oil. IMPORTANT NOTE: We have not verified the toxicity of tea tree oil - when we have time we will research this. I would suggest you read the entire article and use treatments that we actually use on our own dog. on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Tea tree oil is extremely toxic for dogs. Don't trust this article!, by Concerned.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 11/12/16

Hello Plz help my dog hag develop a rash from having worms which is very itchy is it a remedy at home I can use to sooth her itch /Rash on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!safe:

on 7/22/15

My puppy has a open flea bite and I can't get it to heal! Can u please help me? on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

on 7/19/15

I've read that combing your dog will remove the fleas. Is it true?

on 7/10/15

Combing a dog with a flea comb will remove the fleas and flea eggs. however, the fleas can hide in cracks and crevices that are hard to get to with a flea comb. Read more about dog fleas at the following link: Home Remedies For Dog Fleas on HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH FLEAS

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 7/15/15

Read more about flea combs at the following page: Flea Combs and How to use a flea comb on HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH FLEAS

in response to I've read that combing your dog will remove the fleas. Is it true?

on 7/16/15

Biting the lower back is quite common. Biting at the paws is less common - is there some chemical, cleaner , or other substance used in the house that is irritating the dog? Something the dog is stepping on? That is one possible problem. An Epsom salt or saltwater bath can be helpful in general for itchy skin. Be sure to read all the articles about dog itching at my web site. There usually are a number of things that interact with each other to cause dog itch. Getting dog itch under control can take some time and involves many factors. My article "Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!" has lots of information about dog itch. Here is the link: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

in response to Iv tried so many remedies but I cant stop my dog from biting and ripping into her lower back and front paws I cant even take off her cone for 2seconds without her attacking herself what would be worth trying , by danielle williamson.

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 7/15/15

Iv tried so many remedies but I cant stop my dog from biting and ripping into her lower back and front paws I cant even take off her cone for 2seconds without her attacking herself what would be worth trying on Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!safe:

on 7/14/15

Not sure the other comment showed up - I'll put it here again: Hi Trish - Depending on the dog and person's personality, keeping the dog still can sometimes be a challenge. Professional groomers often have a leash attachment on their grooming table. You can sometimes improvise something with an ordinary leash. I'll often put a leash on my dog for part of the trimming (especially when I'm trimming her outside so she won't slink away) Some options - put the leash on the dog and 1) sit on leash 2) stand on leash 3) attach leash to something. -- GET THE DOG USED TO YOUR TOUCH – This is easy, because you like to pet your dog. While you are petting them, get them used to your touch on parts of their body where they might not normally like to be touched. - their snout, face, feet, tail, ears, and personal parts. Get the dog so they don’t mind if you hold their snout closed and steady. If you can get your dog used to having you hold their snout closed with your hand this on HOW TO GIVE a POODLE a HAIRCUT

in response to Groomers have all the gizmos to keep dog still while they trim , but at home how do I keep him from wriggling?? Trish, by geekygirl.

The Fastest Poodle

on 1/9/15

QUESTION: Groomers have all the gizmos to keep dog still while they trim , but at home how do I keep him from wriggling?? Trish on HOW TO GIVE a POODLE a HAIRCUT

ANSWER: Hi Trish - Depending on the dog and person's personality, keeping the dog still can sometimes be a challenge. Professional groomers often have a leash attachment on their grooming table. You can sometimes improvise something with an ordinary leash. I'll often put a leash on my dog for part of the trimming (especially when I'm trimming her outside so she won't slink away) Some options - put the leash on the dog and 1) sit on leash 2) stand on leash 3) attach leash to something. -- GET THE DOG USED TO YOUR TOUCH – This is easy, because you like to pet your dog. While you are petting them, get them used to your touch on parts of their body where they might not normally like to be touched. - their snout, face, feet, tail, ears, and personal parts. Get the dog so they don’t mind if you hold their snout closed and steady. If you can get your dog used to having you hold their snout closed with your hand this allows you to keep the dog still. It can take a while to get the on HOW TO GIVE a POODLE a HAIRCUT

Sincerely, Dave and The Fastest Poodle

on 1/9/15

For more information about dog itching remedies see the following page:

Jingle Bells Dog TV Christmas Special