Flea Dirt

Flea Dirt - What Is Flea Dirt? What Does Flea Dirt Look Like?

Flea dirt is flea excrement. Flea dirt is mostly dried blood.

Flea dirt is a sign that fleas are on your pet or around their living areas. Oftentimes it is hard to see the fleas, but you can see the residual flea dirt the fleas leave behind. Here is an example of fleas detected from the flea dirt: fleas unseen but detected from flea dirt.

Flea dirt is flea poop. It is basically dried blood that the flea has digested and excreted. Flea dirt looks like tiny dark flakes. Flea dirt also looks like tiny specs of dried blood - usually dark red, brown, or black in color

Fleas need to be dealt with to prevent health risks and dog itching.

Fleas can be difficult to deal with, especially during the warmer months when they are the most active. However, there are a few signs of fleas that you can keep an eye out for if you want to stop a potential flea problem dead in its tracks.

One of the biggest give away that your poor pet has a bad case of fleas is the flea dirt that can be found on your dog or cats hair.

I hope this article helps you identify the flea dirt and deal with your pet's flea problem.

Flea Dirt Identification – What Is It?

Flea dirt is old blood and feces that is left behind when fleas feed on your pet. Flea dirt is usually about half a millimeter in length.

Flea dirt is often described as looking like the following:

Tiny Black Dots

Black pepper

Dried blood specs

Blood like flakes

Black Specks

Dog or cat “dandruff” that is dark in appearance

Small tar colored “flakes”

Spotting the culprits:

Little dark specks on your dog or in your dog's bed may be "flea dirt" - the fecal matter from adult fleas. There are two easy ways to check for black specks:

Run a flea comb over your dog. Make sure the comb reaches the skin through the coat. If black specks are on the flea comb when you pull it off, they might be flea dirt. If fleas are on the comb, drown them in a bowl of soapy water before they can get away or jump back on your dog.

You can purchase a flea comb here.

Another way to detect flea dirt is to place a white paper towel beneath your pet and rub your hands across its fur. If black specks appear on the towel, it may be flea dirt.

Although fleas can be a problem for your pets all year, flea populations increase dramatically after the weather starts to warm up.

So pay special attention to flea prevention in the spring and early summer months.

Please read my article HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH FLEAS and Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide) and / or get a COMMERCIAL FLEA PRODUCT to help eliminate fleas.

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