Flea Comb - Information About Flea Combs And How To Use A Flea Comb

A flea comb is a very fine toothed comb that can be used to remove fleas and flea eggs from dogs, cats, and other animals.

A flea comb can also be used to remove tear stains and the gunk that accumulates on the hair / fur under the dog's eyes.

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How To Use A Flea Comb:

Before you begin to comb your dog for fleas with the flea comb, you should fill a glass or bowl full of soupy water. This will be used to kill the fleas you find on your pet. Make sure that the glass or bowl is deep enough to dip the entire blade of the flea comb. Adding a drop of cooking oil to the soup water makes it kill fleas even better.

I recommend that you comb your pet for fleas outside to make sure any fleas or flea eggs you knock loose do not end up inside your house.

Now you can begin to comb areas where you suspect that fleas are present. After each comb stroke, dip the flea comb in the glass of soup water to kill any fleas of flea eggs on the comb.

You can comb your entire pet with the comb, however, since the flea comb teeth are very close together, this often tends to pull the animals hair / fur. Also, it is hard to get the flea comb into some areas of the animal. I have some additional tips that I recommend be used along with the flea comb to help get rid of dog fleas and dog itch. I suggest you read the following articles I have created for additional help:


Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

More Information About Dog Itching - Pruritus

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