PAIN or OTHER Factors Causing Dog To Scratch, Lick, or Chew

PAIN or OTHER factors – When trying to determine why your dog is licking, chewing or scratching excessively, be sure to consider the possibility that something is making him physically uncomfortable. For instance, if you notice your dog biting his paw repeatedly, he could have a thorn or sharp stone stuck in his foot pad. Compulsive chewing or licking can also be a response to orthopedic problems, including arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Read my pages For more information on solving dog itching problems, read the following pages:

Dog Itching - Pruritus in Dogs – Causes And Treatments

Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

This article (c) Copyright 2017 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle