Itch Relief for Dogs

Relief for dog itching is discussed on this page.

A salt batch, epsom salt bath, or ocean water bath are my recommendations for the best way to relieve dog itching. I recommend the salt bath soaks as the first thing you should try to relieve a dogs itching problem. The salt bath soak can help soothe your dogs itching and can even kill fleas (salt dehydrates the fleas).

More information about salt bath soaks are on the following web pages:

Salt Bath For Dogs

Epsom Salt Bath For Dogs

Ocean Water Bath For Dogs

There are also many dog itching products that can be used to help relieve your dog's itching. The following web page has many over the counter products to help relieve dog itching:

Dog Itch Ointment - Over The Counter Dog Itch Ointments, Creams, Sprays, And Rinses

PLEASE NOTE: Relieving dog itch involves many factors. Dog itching can have many different causes and/or multiple causes. Different types of treatment can be more effective for certain cases and not all treatments will work for all cases. However, from my experience, salt bath soaks work the best for most cases of dog itch.

For more information, discussion and remedies for dog itching please read the following article: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

This article (c) Copyright 2018 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle