--DON’T BATHE WITH TOO MUCH SOAP OR SHAMPOO – Using harsh shampoo or too much shampoo dries the skin and can cause irritation.

A drop of cooking oil mixed with just a few drops of inexpensive dog shampoo and about 5 cups water will kill the fleas and mites (5 cups water for small dog -- increase the amount for bigger dog). Mix the oil, shampoo and water in a container. You can test to see if the mixture will kill bugs by pouring a little over a few ants. IMPORTANT -- Only use a small amount of shampoo so the dogs skin doesn't loose it's natural oils and dry out. The only reason to use the shampoo and oil is to kill the fleas and mites, otherwise you could bathe the dog with only water. You don't need to have lots of suds. Lots of suds means you are using too much shampoo -- Most people use way to much shampoo!

The cooking oil with shampoo combination will also kill mites - microscopic creatures that irritate dogs skin. The cooking oil and shampoo works better then just shampoo because you can use less shampoo and keep from drying out the dog's skin. The cooking oil also helps replenish oil in the dog's skin. If you put too much cooking oil in the mixture, it wont hurt the dog. However if you use too much cooking oil the dog will get dirty faster because dirt will stick to the residual oil.

Pour the mixture over the dog starting with the neck and working down to the tail. You start at the neck so the fleas don't all move up to the dogs head while you are washing. Make sure you slick the dog down and get the mixture in all the dogs cracks and crevices. The cracks and crevices is where the fleas like to hide. Have the dog stand with the mixture on them for a few minutes and continue to slick down the mixture and scrub the dog. It is important to leave the mixture on the dog because it takes a little time for it to kill the fleas.

Rinse off the dog – IMPORTANT – don’t let the dog roll in the dirt or grass after they take a bath and especially while they are still wet. This is because there are often fleas and flea eggs in the grass and fleas love a wet dog. It is OK and even beneficial for them to roll in dirt BEFORE they take a bath.

I prefer to give my dog a bath outside because it makes less mess. I give her a bath about once every week with my cooking oil/dog shampoo mixture -- this kills the fleas and can often

eliminate the need for a commercial flea product. Make the bath process quick and simple for you and the dog - see more tips further down the page.

Another option for bathing your dog is to give them a salt water bath with no shampoo. A salt water bath can soothe a dog's itchy skin and may help get rid of fleas- The salt bath dehydrates the fleas and may kill the fleas ( please note: I have not personally verified that a salt bath kills fleas, but have read this from some other sources. I have personally verified that a salt bath can help relieve dog itching.) More information and discussion about a salt bath, Epsom salt bath and ocean water bath is on the following page: Salt Water Bath For Dogs

After the bath, I encourage my dog to shake and then take her for a run so she doesn’t get cold:

She is amazing and beautiful to see run.

SEE HOW SHE DRYS OFF HERE: Watch this amazing new video of the fastest poodle with original music:.

Is this a dog trick or a people trick ? -- I'm not quite sure who taught who!

Click here to watch:

A Few More Dog Bath Tips: Make the bath process quick and simple for you and the dog - Frequent baths/showers with little or no dog shampoo or my cooking dog shampoo mixture are much better than ultra time consuming dog baths. If the dog goes for a swim in a lake or at the ocean, turn that into a shampoo free bath -- before the dog comes out of the water, scrub their fur with your hands and rub loose fleas and mites. Instead of using towels and a blow dryer on your dog, have the dog shake and take them for a walk or run - or skate with them!

For more information about dog skin care, please see the following article: Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)

Faster than biker men in Lycra - The Fastest Poodle -- Urban Mushing, Passing Bikes, Breaking The Speed Limit

Some comedy here -- watch The Fastest Poodle fully embarrass some biker men as we fly by:

Watch our rescue dog commercial:

The site for the Wolf Rock Band is here:

The site for the Fastest Poodle is here:

The site for Mister Dave is here:





**PLEASE NOTE -- This is part of a larger article I have created that gives more information. Please read the entire article here Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS!

(c) Copyright Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle 2012 -- all rights reserved

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This article (c) Copyright 2012 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle