HOME REMEDIES For DOGS With WORMS post-6 - questions, answers, and comments

Here are questions, answers, and comments related to my article HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH WORMS

If you haven't already, please be sure to read the article HOME REMEDIES FOR DOGS WITH WORMS

QUESTION March 23, 2016 at 4:52 PM

Hi my dog is 8 months old and shes been eating alot of grass lately well now when she poops theres like string vcoming out and i have to help her because its hanging out her bottom. Please help. Sincerely


        • The Fastest PoodleMarch 25, 2016 at 5:24 PM
        • What you are seeing isn't uncommon for dogs. From time to time I have had the same thing happen with my dogs when they eat grass. It is just the grass passing through your dog's system.
        • If the poop is hanging off your dog's bottom just pull with a poop bag.
        • It is generally healthy for dogs to eat grass. They will especially eat grass if their stomach is a little upset or they have been eating too much fat. Some dog's will eat grass and then vomit. Sometimes it will just pass through their system as with your dog.
        • You could try feeding your dog some vegatables. My dog really enjoys raw carrots. If your dog likes raw carrots, you can feed this to them and then they might not eat so much grass. Also you can feed you dog cook vegetables when you eat them at a meal. If your dog won't eat vegetables, you can mix a little bit of meat juice with the vegetables.
        • If your dog is eating canned food, you might try dried food. Canned food tends to be very high in fat.
        • Here is some information about dog diet:
        • Information about dog diet
        • Hope this has helped you and your dog!
        • The Fastest PoodleMarch 25, 2016 at 5:37 PM
        • To feed your dog raw carrots, cut the carrots up in small pieces (about the size of dried dog food)
        • UnknownApril 25, 2016 at 7:16 PM
        • Does anyone know how to make a simple worm medicine
        • The Fastest PoodleApril 26, 2016 at 10:01 AM
        • Simple Dog Worm Home Remedies
        • 1) Pumpkin with the pumpkin seeds - Take the pumpkin and the pumkin seeds and chop them up together - most dogs will eat this - my dog loves pumpkin - some dogs may need some meat juice or cooked egg mixed in to eat. Pumpkin seeds contain a chemical that helps get rid of worms.
        • 2) Raw carrots - feed your dog carrots cut to about the size of dried dog food. Raw carrots will often get rid of worms in dogs.
        • See more DOG WORM HOME REMEDIES
        • More information about DOG WORMS
        • Information about DOG WORMS
        • Information about DOG WORM MEDICINES - dewormers for dogs
        • Hope this helps you.